Annoyed by holiday-help at MAC counter

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Well-known member
There were just so many things wrong with that woman's behaviour I don't even know where to begin! I'd write an angry letter too.


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Originally Posted by smith130
that mua was a real b!tch. i see u live in jersey where did this happen?

I went to the Macy's in Monmouth Mall in Eatontown.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Holiday help or not, that was above and beyond rude. Call the manager and MAC; besides being unpleasant customer service, it's really bad business for MAC MAs to tell someone to shop at the drug stores.


Well-known member
Yes I agree she was a witch you need to report her! She needs to be fired! I am so glad that the MAs at Lynnhaven in Va Beach are the best! They all know me and are always so awesome! I love them!


Well-known member
I would have found the manage right there ..and if the mac counter manager was not there I would find the dept store manager somehow tell them exactly what she told you in front of her lol ...awh I wish i was there with you ..there are many many ways to say F U stank stuck up Biatch and really really nice patrionizing ways lol ...grrr stuff like this really irks me sadklgha;lskdgha;slk ahh sorry u had to deal with such a horrible MA>


Well-known member
unfortunately those type of ppl exist. Hope that won't happen again. I love MAC but i do have to say some of the ladies are so snotty esp if you are not super dressed. Hello, i wear suits and business clothe all week, the weekends when i relax, i'd like to be in jeans and all but thay doesnt mean i'm not going to buy my MAC, if i like it, even if it's Chanel makeup, which is more expensive than MAC, i'd buy it. All in all, hope that it was a one time thing, but i'm not surprised, it's retail and you always get those types, prob cause they are commision based and all they care about it the money


Well-known member
Wow that was so out of line and unnecessary. She disrespected you in a lot of different ways there. I would've have told that lady where she can go...old people are usually rude and miserable anyways.

I would write a letter. Not so you can get a free lipgloss or something...but the way she treated you is seriously messed up. If I were you I'd have told her I didn't need her help and then asked someone else to help me. I can't imagine ever being talked to like that.

I'm glad this wasn't at a MAC near me.


Well-known member
That is a horrible experience! I hope you do write a strongly worded letter to them!





Well-known member
All I have to say is WOW!! You are a very patient person for putting up with her. I agree, contact MAC HQ and make sure you give a specific description of that lady to them...better yet, try and get her name from the MUA that you usually go to, that way there will be no mistaking who gets her a** chewed.


Well-known member
You should most DEFINATELY report her. Even if she is only holiday help, sometimes they keep them on longer, and you don't want to see her again! Right before Thanksgiving I went to a different mall and MAC counter than normal and was met with the worlds RUDEST employee. (Though yours did give it a run for its money lol). Anyway, I wrote a letter to MAC.... it went completely unanswered. After a week I got annoyed and called and they were really apologetic, even thought its not their fault that this employee was a turd. They sent me a free gift
I'll still never go back to that counter. I didn't buy a thing off of him because I didn't want him to get a sale off of me. I bought stuff from Sephora that day instead and a coach purse lol Then I went to my regular counter later that week and gave them the business. I'm mad all over again about that jerk. If that woman didn't want to help you with what you actually wanted she should have just stayed away from you. UGH! /rant
wow what a horrible miserable person she was. you sure do have a lot more patience than most, i would have flipped on her. she had no right to give you such an additude. definitely complain about her, no one deserves to be treated like that, regardless of whether or not they're experienced with makeup. they're there to be helpful, not rude and snobby. ughhh. report her!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CrystallineDoll
I emailed MAC and explained the situation so we shall see what happens. Should be interesting...

Please don't forget to contact the store manager. He/She needs to be aware of this situation as well. Macy's doesn't want their customer treated this way either.


Well-known member
LMAO what a bitch. A couple days ago I asked if I could sample a pigment and the woman was like "we don't give out samples". And I'm like yeah you do. I've got like 3 at home.


Active member
Originally Posted by noahlowryfan
i would have grab back the list and walk way. i wouldn't want someone like that to have the sale.

I 2nd that!!


Well-known member
That really bites! Sometimes I wonder how people like that get hired in the first place when a job entails customer service. As most others have said, contact the manager and MAC directly. I can't believe she told you to go to the drugstore! Unacceptable.


Well-known member
I would have ended the conversation with her and found somebody else. In my experience, it's best to realize that some people are assholes and you should just go elsewhere. Don't let them treat you like that. People will only treat you as bad as you let them.

Yes, they shouldn't treat you like that, but sometimes in life that happens. It just comes down to how you deal with them.

BTW, what do you describe as "old women"? What age would that be?

Originally Posted by CrystallineDoll
.....I was disappointed that my favorite MUA wasn't there, instead were a bunch of old women I have never seen before. I wasn't really surprised, a lot of places pick up extra help during the holidays. ....
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