Annoyed by holiday-help at MAC counter

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Well-known member
Originally Posted by CrystallineDoll
. She told me to stick to my local drugstore and buy Maybelline because its easier for the "inexperienced"

A MAC artist told you buy Maybelline?
Rather suspect imo..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
BTW, what do you describe as "old women"? What age would that be?

They seemed to me in their late 60s. *shrugs*


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CrystallineDoll
They seemed to me in their late 60s. *shrugs*

So like 68 or so? Interesting observation.

Their age really has nothing to do with it. I am curious why you pointed out that they were "old"?


Well-known member
I'm sorry you had such a lousy experience. I agree, a letter to corporate as well as a phone call or letter to the local store/counter manager is in order. Even holiday help (maybe especially holiday help) should be courteous and pleasant, it will insure customers keep coming back other times of the year. I would have been more than annoyed, I would have been infuriated!

Good luck.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
So like 68 or so? Interesting observation.

Their age really has nothing to do with it. I am curious why you pointed out that they were "old"?



Active member
WOW! That is inexcusable behavior esp from someone who is suppose to be selling stuff. Like everyone said contact the store manager and MAC- they need to know how this person treats their customers. Honestly who cares what the heck you buy as long as you are buying something ( or even nothing. ) I can't believe she gave you such attitude.

You really should have just turned around a went somewhere else to buy your stuff or get another person to help you out. I would not tolerate that type of behavior from anyone!


Well-known member
get her name and call the manager!!! that is complete bs!
I've worked in retail and it's hell around christmastime but it's no reason to lose your common decency!

I'm sorry that happened to you, but it's good you showed restraint cause I would've wanted to tell her about herself! hahah.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
So like 68 or so? Interesting observation.

Their age really has nothing to do with it. I am curious why you pointed out that they were "old"?

This is going to be off topic, but from my observations, I noticed that people in that age range can be quite rude sometimes, simply because they don't care. A man I work with is about that age too, and he yells at customers all the time(and then we see them practically running out of the store) and a couple of days ago he made a little kid cry.

So maybe the lady's age did have something to do with it. The OP is young and she felt that she had a right to talk to her this way because she is older and more "experienced". I'm not implying that everyone who is older is a stuck up asshole, but a few people are.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CrystallineDoll
"You can't only buy e/s. Besides, half these shades don't even match."

I dont understand why someone at a make up counter would say you cannot only buy eye shadows? you can buy just a lipstick, just a blusher etc, i just dont understand that, anything you buy is good business ?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SingFrAbsoltion
This is going to be off topic, but from my observations, I noticed that people in that age range can be quite rude sometimes, simply because they don't care. A man I work with is about that age too, and he yells at customers all the time(and then we see them practically running out of the store) and a couple of days ago he made a little kid cry.

So maybe the lady's age did have something to do with it. The OP is young and she felt that she had a right to talk to her this way because she is older and more "experienced". I'm not implying that everyone who is older is a stuck up asshole, but a few people are.

For the sake of discussion, not to argue....If someone is an a-hole, they are an a-hole. Their age is not an indicator. Just as you say some older folks are stuck-up assholes, so are some younger people. Some older people are just as immature and idiotic as some younger folks. It isn't age that determines someone's actions, it is how they choose to act.

In regards to the OPs experience, I am just having a hard time following why the interaction went on as long as it did. You make a choice to stay in a frustrating situation or you make a choice to leave it and find another solution. Not saying that it wasn't unpleasant. I'm sure it was.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
For the sake of discussion, not to argue....If someone is an a-hole, they are an a-hole. Their age is not an indicator. Just as you say some older folks are stuck-up assholes, so are some younger people. Some older people are just as immature and idiotic as some younger folks. It isn't age that determines someone's actions, it is how they choose to act.

That's also true. I don't understand how this woman got the job


Well-known member
you'd think most MAC artist could appreciate that you expirimenting with colors! she's not cool. Last time I went to MAC my dad was like " why do they have an old woman selling MAC?" so IU wonder if the older ladies are like the "brothel mothers" except for MAC. :\


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
So like 68 or so? Interesting observation.

Their age really has nothing to do with it. I am curious why you pointed out that they were "old"?

There really was no reason I pointed it out, just describing my situation. If they had been men, I would have said a bunch of guys. It was just description *shrugs*


Active member
Originally Posted by Hilly
what a crotch!

haha wow i need to start calling people crothes.....thanks for that.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
you'd think most MAC artist could appreciate that you expirimenting with colors! she's not cool. Last time I went to MAC my dad was like " why do they have an old woman selling MAC?" so IU wonder if the older ladies are like the "brothel mothers" except for MAC. :\

I'm not sure what you meant by "Brothel mothers" but I imagine MAC sells a lot of less bright colors; a lot of people discuss how they like Woodwinked and Vanilla pigment, which are by far and large pretty tame colors.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
you'd think most MAC artist could appreciate that you expirimenting with colors! she's not cool. Last time I went to MAC my dad was like " why do they have an old woman selling MAC?" so IU wonder if the older ladies are like the "brothel mothers" except for MAC. :\

I guess other old women like to buy makeup from her.


Well-known member
Her behavior you decscribed is one of the worse I ever heard here. I wonder why you didn't contact a manager right away. Sounds like she was very bold and if the counter was realy busy, I just find it amazing she acted this way with so many people around and I am sure other M.A.s too. So no one else heard or noticed how she was treating you?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
you'd think most MAC artist could appreciate that you expirimenting with colors! she's not cool. Last time I went to MAC my dad was like " why do they have an old woman selling MAC?" so IU wonder if the older ladies are like the "brothel mothers" except for MAC. :\



Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
you'd think most MAC artist could appreciate that you expirimenting with colors! she's not cool. Last time I went to MAC my dad was like " why do they have an old woman selling MAC?" so IU wonder if the older ladies are like the "brothel mothers" except for MAC. :\

I'm completely lost.
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