Any LOST fans?

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Re: Lost

Originally Posted by Shawna
Last night's episode was great. I am such a huge Desmond fan
So, who was the girl at the end? I only caught a brief glimpse and I can't remember her from the backstory?

Are you sure you want to know, it might be a spoiler for you.


Well-known member
Re: Lost

Oh yeah, I want to know
In fact, I wish you lived near me so we could discuss the show in person lol. You seem to have such a better memory for the things that have happened in the past than I do.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Re: Lost

Originally Posted by Shawna
Oh yeah, I want to know
In fact, I wish you lived near me so we could discuss the show in person lol. You seem to have such a better memory for the things that have happened in the past than I do.

Actually my memory is pretty bad; I think I remember things because I watch the episodes more than once & because this is my must not miss favorite show.

ABC said that a new character would be introduced that is not a LOSTIE or an OTHER. Some people believe that their is another group of people on the island (I think its possible, maybe they live underground?) that we have not seen (could they be the ones that whisper?); but in this case, I think its possible that the new female character was hired by Penny to find Desmond.

I am so scared for what is to come; in the previews it looks like they are about to be attacked or have baby Aaron & Sun (because she is pregnant) kidnapped.

That Juliet is a total Bitch! I can't believe she has managed to fool Jack. If Locke joins them, its over! I won't care what happens to him anymore (which is very possible, remember the young officer said to him, he is amenable for coercion?) *don't know it that is spelled correctly


Well-known member
Re: Lost

really...that episode was scary!!! haha i was kinda freaked week looks like its gonna be a good episode..but i have a feeling juliet might be pregnant too..


Well-known member
Re: Lost

Originally Posted by sabn786
really...that episode was scary!!! haha i was kinda freaked week looks like its gonna be a good episode..but i have a feeling juliet might be pregnant too..

Ohhhh, now that would make for a good story. She needs to complete the research in order to save her and her baby's life. Nice twist. What I can't believe is that there are only three episodes left before the season finale. It just doesn't seem possible. Sigh.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Re: Lost

Originally Posted by sabn786
but i have a feeling juliet might be pregnant too..

Oh, the horror!!!!!!!

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Re: Lost

Patchy is back, he startled me! How is it he's alive?!

Kate might be pregnant?!

Jin's mother is a prostitute? His dad is a good man; its too bad Jin didn't realize it.

They found flight 815 and all th passengers were dead?!


Well-known member
Re: Lost

I've said it before, but this show just keeps raising more questions than answers. What the heck was up with Patchy? How didn't he die? And where did they find flight 815? I just can't wrap my head around this show. To make matters worse, hubby fell asleep so I can't even talk to him about it yet lol.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Re: Lost

Originally Posted by Shawna
I've said it before, but this show just keeps raising more questions than answers. What the heck was up with Patchy? How didn't he die? And where did they find flight 815? I just can't wrap my head around this show. To make matters worse, hubby fell asleep so I can't even talk to him about it yet lol.

I feel for you, I used to discuss the show w/my son, but he gets in late, so I have to wait until he sees the episode (I record it for him).

I know what you mean about more questions. OK, so Patchy just admitted that the island cures/heals you, but what about him?
Did he fake his death or did the island cure him of being dead?!
If it does, does that mean that all the ones who died are coming back?
Could this be the reason that they burned Colleens corpse instead of burying her?
Imageine Ethans ugly mug walking around again. AUGHHHHHH! That would be too scary!

That comment about flight 815 didn't make sense to me, the directors/writers have stated that they are not in purgatory, so how could that be? Could Dharma have staged their deaths back in the US?

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Well-known member
Re: Lost

I was wondering about the death thing too. I had a vision of zombies everywhere....... Patchy must have only looked dead. He must have been salvageable and the island fixed him. But, wait a minute, why didn't the island fix some of the survivors that were sick but succumbed to their injuries?? Like Boone? He was injured, but not dead? My head hurts


Well-known member
Re: Lost

Ok, I just found this thread. Count me in as another Lost junkie. I haven't missed an episode. The mystery while so frustrurating at times is what keeps me hooked. I don't want this season to end becuase I know we'll have to wait a LONG time for more! Thanks for all your insight!


Well-known member
Re: Lost

I don't know what to think about the other 3 years to follow...
IMO its too long

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Re: Lost

Originally Posted by MACHOMULA
Ok, I just found this thread. Count me in as another Lost junkie. I haven't missed an episode. The mystery while so frustrurating at times is what keeps me hooked. I don't want this season to end becuase I know we'll have to wait a LONG time for more! Thanks for all your insight!

I'm glad we have another fan!

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Re: Lost

What did you think about last nights episode?

Well now we know what made Ben lose it, his father was a jerk!

The scene in Jacob's shack scared me a bit, I was expecting something really scary, but saw nothing. During this scene I was saying Ben is completely CRAZY!; he's performing some kind of parlor trick. Well I went to the episode on line and it looked like someone else was in the scene, sitting on the chair (I did not notice it while watching it on TV); I saved the screencap, someone is in the room! *see pic below What did those jars on the window contain? Who said Help Me!

Ok, what's up with Richard not ageing? He is as gorgeous now as he was over 20 years ago.

Locke better not be dead! You know if he doesn't die he is going to give Ben the ass whooping his mama never gave him.

Help me, I'm LOST.

Survival of 'Lost' Character in Doubt

Lost Season finale


Well-known member
Re: Lost

Noooooooo. I love Locke. I hope he is going to be ok. As for the mystery cabin, I swore when I was watching it for a brief moment I saw somebody in the chair. My husband laughed at me, but I knew I saw something. I don't know about the whole waiting until next year for a resolution thing. I might lose interest. I would be quite happy if they started running episodes right from the start again. There is just so much I miss only seeing an episode once or twice. I would re-watch them again and again if they played them over. Oh yeah, I don't know how Richard still looks so good after twenty years, but I'll watch him for another twenty! Lol

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Re: Lost

Originally Posted by Shawna
Oh yeah, I don't know how Richard still looks so good after twenty years, but I'll watch him for another twenty! Lol

You & me both!

You can watch the episodes on & the video set is released in maybe July-August.

I read that the DVD set will not go on sale until the end of the year.

The season finale (5/23) is two hours; I'm ordering pizza & shutting off my phone. Even a 50% off sale at MAC won't get me to miss it.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Re: Lost

Last nights episode was great! Except that I didn't like the way they wrote the meeting of Alex w/Danielle; I was hoping it would be one of those touching weepy moments.

Not being able to see what Jack tore out of the paper is driving me crazy. Who is in the casket? My guess....Ben or Locke.

It had me jumping up & down & cheering!
Go Hurley, Sayid & Juliet (who finally scored a point w/me). And how about that Jack beating Ben to a pulp?!YESSSSSSSS!

I can't beleive Bernard; could he give up the information any quicker? I think its time for Rose to get a quickie island divorce.

Locke has totally lost it! A few episodes ago he said he could not kill anyone, but look how easily he shot Naomi!

Poor Charlie

9 months w/no LOST, how will I survive?
Michael Emerson of Lost (radio interview)*Scroll down to his picture

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