Anybody out there have PCOS?


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I was originally told i had it when I was around 14, had the best doctor and seemed to have it under control until after my doctor moved away around 16. After that I started the pill for the first time i lost about 15kg really quickly but i was still getting my periods every two-three weeks. And I have been on so many different pills its not funny.
I just had a growth removed this year as well and just got my tests back that it hasn't come back which is good.
My weight still goes up and down like crazy, its definately what you eat. I had success on the CSIRO2 diet but i failed at following it over a long time.
Besides the pain and bleeding, I am so tired all the time, I can't even desribe it to my friends in a way that they would understand. The doctor just prescribed me ponstan tablets to start taking before I i start to bleed, but its so hard to tell when i am going to get them. Other anti-imflamatory tablets havent worked before but i'll see how it goes. And being on anti-depressants for the past year, i know does hinder my weightloss but i am so overly emotional without them i really don't care lol!

Goat Goat Etc.

Well-known member
Maybe I have period last 3-5 days is kinda heavy and painful at the start and on occasion I'm plucking a medium-thin black hair off my neck and chest.

I just came to this forum to see if there was anything remote to what has been happening to me in the last years--I just pulled the sucker out!


Well-known member
I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 17. I was tested for it by my ob/gyn when I discovered I was starting to grow facial hair and my periods started to get less frequent and then tying in the fact that I started to gain quite a bit of weight when I hit puberty. I used to take glucophage for it, but it gave me the worst side effects. I've been not really taking care of myself for the last few years because I don't know what I can do for my PCOS without health insurance. This thread has given me some options to try and see if it will help with my pcos. I hope some of these methods will help with getting my cycle going again because I couldn't tell you the last time I had a period and it's starting to worry me. ;( My PCOS is also causing my hair to start thinning out quite a bit..has anyone noticed a change in their hair with any of these "treatments"? I would love to have thicker bangs again. lol.

It's good to know I'm not the only one out there who has it.


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Originally Posted by Goat Goat Etc.
Maybe I have period last 3-5 days is kinda heavy and painful at the start and on occasion I'm plucking a medium-thin black hair off my neck and chest.

I just came to this forum to see if there was anything remote to what has been happening to me in the last years--I just pulled the sucker out!

I always thought that a few of those dark black hairs were normal. TMI ALERT: I get them all the time on my areolas (several at a time, actually fairly thick). I simply pluck them out! Is this not normal?

I've been kind of suspecting that something is not right with me hormonally, but do not want to worry to much because I went off the pill 8 months ago and figure my body could still be regulating. I had adverse reactions to nearly every pill I tried, so I got a copper IUD instead. I have very oily skin and acne, and pretty much always have. I am very sensitive to carbs and am considering having a doctor look into it (an ice cream can ruin my whole day, is that normal?). I am not overweight, but I do have to be much more careful with my carbs than most people (to control cravings, mood swings, energy levels). My cycles are usually 35 days or so, but I think that's in the normal range, right? I do think I had a cyst burst once when I went off the pill for a year a few years ago. Should I be concerned?

I am not sure if I ovulate. My cycles lately have been pretty wacky but it could just be from going off the pill. This last one was a real whopper. I felt sick over half of the time, my sense of smell was absurdly high, and was suddenly put off some of my favourite foods. Sometimes my sex drive was negative (made me sick to think about), sometimes it was all consuming and insatiable, which actually got really annoying. Sometimes I would barely be able to do anything all day due to extreme fatigue, other times I would be overflowing with energy and barely need to sleep. One night I was feeling euphoric, the next day I hated everyone and everything. It's been pretty scary. I also started having panic attacks again, and I'd been relatively free of them for months now. I feel like something is seriously wrong with me.

I really want to see a doctor but I am afraid they are going to say I am being a hypochondriac. Is this normal for going off the pill? It's really affecting my life negatively.

Good luck with this ladies, this sounds tough and hormones can be a real pain!


Well-known member
I have PCOS. Just got diagnoses about a year ago.

For my whole life I have had a normal weight. Untill I started on a certain antidepressant which caused my appetite to increase and my weight to get out of control. My gaining weight triggered my PCOS and before I knew it my weight was 125 kilos after having been normal weight my whole life.

At the same time I got increasingly tired. I mean VERY tired. Could barely function at work less alone my sparetime. I tried to become pregnant after I got married but nothing happened. Except that when I stopped taking borth control pills, I could see that my period was way off. I tried to my doctor, but he kept saying nothing was wrong with me. At the same time I was on and off dieting using a traditional low-fat diet and I just got bigger and bigger.

Amazingly enough I did get pregnant, and after my son as born I accidently read about PCOS somewhere. I went to my doctor again, and said I suspected it, and he took some blood tests and yes, I had PCOS.

I am now seeing the best PCOS specialist in Scandinavia, and boy have my life changed! I have stopped the antidepressants that made me gain weight and I am taking metformin. I am also on a low GI diet.

And I feel amazing! I have lost 31 kg and I am still losing weight, I never feel hungry and never get the low blood sugar cravings I used to have, my cycle i completely normal on 28 days, and I will probably get pregnant much easier the next time and most important of all, I have sooooo much energy you wouldn't believe it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Funtabulous
I always thought that a few of those dark black hairs were normal. TMI ALERT: I get them all the time on my areolas (several at a time, actually fairly thick). I simply pluck them out! Is this not normal?

I've been kind of suspecting that something is not right with me hormonally, but do not want to worry to much because I went off the pill 8 months ago and figure my body could still be regulating. I had adverse reactions to nearly every pill I tried, so I got a copper IUD instead. I have very oily skin and acne, and pretty much always have. I am very sensitive to carbs and am considering having a doctor look into it (an ice cream can ruin my whole day, is that normal?). I am not overweight, but I do have to be much more careful with my carbs than most people (to control cravings, mood swings, energy levels). My cycles are usually 35 days or so, but I think that's in the normal range, right? I do think I had a cyst burst once when I went off the pill for a year a few years ago. Should I be concerned?

I am not sure if I ovulate. My cycles lately have been pretty wacky but it could just be from going off the pill. This last one was a real whopper. I felt sick over half of the time, my sense of smell was absurdly high, and was suddenly put off some of my favourite foods. Sometimes my sex drive was negative (made me sick to think about), sometimes it was all consuming and insatiable, which actually got really annoying. Sometimes I would barely be able to do anything all day due to extreme fatigue, other times I would be overflowing with energy and barely need to sleep. One night I was feeling euphoric, the next day I hated everyone and everything. It's been pretty scary. I also started having panic attacks again, and I'd been relatively free of them for months now. I feel like something is seriously wrong with me.

I really want to see a doctor but I am afraid they are going to say I am being a hypochondriac. Is this normal for going off the pill? It's really affecting my life negatively.

Good luck with this ladies, this sounds tough and hormones can be a real pain!

You need to see a doctor! You sound exactly like me, when I was diagnosed with PCOS. The pills should be out of your system after a few months. After 8 months you definitely need a check up.

About 20 percent of women with PCOS are normal weight btw.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HeatherNicole
Anybody out there on Metformin, and experienced sleeplessness?

I am on metformin, and no I haven't seen it affect my sleep. But then again I have always have trouble sleeping also before I got on Metformin, so I really don't know for sure.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BeautyPsycho
I have it as well.
I was diagnosed with ovarian cysts 4 years ago, I had pain and very heavy periods, but no other symptoms. Then, about 2 years ago I started gaining weight for no reason, breakouts all over, hair growth all over... a real nightmare. I went to my Dr and asked for the pill. She put me on it and it was great for about 7 months. My periods were less heavy, my face cleared up. However, 7 months after my period stopped.. I didn't have it for 6 months or even more, I don't really remember now but it was a long time. So my Dr started testing my hormones, testosterone was high, she sent me to the endocrinologist. She diagnosed me with PCOS, and in addition to the pill she gave me metformin. It gave me really bad stomachaches and nausea but I discovered it's better when I take it with dinner. Almost a year later, I lost about 15 lbs or so (I wasnt overweight, I was about 130-135lbs and now I'm 118 which I was before this all started). She also started me on spironolactone few months ago to help with hirsutism. I have check-ups every 3 months, they do a blood test (to make sure potassium levels are regular, because of metformin and spiro). Everything was great, my period returned etc. but when I went to my last visit, my endocrinologist was on a maternity leave so someone else saw me and she said since I lost so much (um, ok, it's not that much) weight, my PCOS is probably gone and I don't need to take metformin anymore. This really sounds dumb to me, because weight doesn't cause PCOS, it's the other way around. Or at least that's how it was in my case. So I stopped, and I'll see if I stop having my periods or start gaining weight I'll ask to go back on it.

It really sucks, there's nothing we can do about it to get rid of it once and for all. I'm also scared I won't be able to get pregnant once I come to that point in my life.

I have PCOS and I have a son who is 2 years old. I got him when my PCOS was at it's worst and still not treated. Now that I have lost weight and my cycle is regular on Metformin, I think I will pregnant easily the next time.

And yes the new doctor sounds crazy. PCOS is cronic disease, there's no way it will suddently dissapear. I would definitely get a second opinion on loosing the Metformin. I am never ever coming off it again, it helps me enourmously!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HeatherNicole
You know, I have no idea on the whole diet thing, I just checked out a bunch of books from the library on insulin resistance, they didn't have anything specifically on pcos.
Any dietary tips? Basic info? I feel lost in those books.

Think almost no carbs at all. You need to get about 1/3 of your kalories from slow carbs, 1/3 from fat and 1/3 from protein. And absolutely no wheat, rice, potatoes, no vegetables that grow under ground (except carrots which you can eat if they're raw), no sweet fruits, just the acid ones, and absolutely no sugar in any form.

What you can eat is lot's of meat, dairy products (withot sugar), cheese, nuts, all other vegetables, acid fruits, whole weat pasta, rye bread and barley bread, dark chocolate, nuts and all things that doesn't affect your blood sugar.

Try to find books and websites about Low GI dieting. The GI is a meassurement for foods effect on the blood sugar, and you should eat Low GI. There are loads of low GI books etc. out there. I only know the danish ones, and that wont help you.


Well-known member
And to all of you with PCOS who haven't tried metformin yet. It's the best! I has helped me loose weight, get a normal period and ovulation and given me my energy back.
Everyone with PCOS should at least try it. It's also a relatively cheep drug, because it's so old.


Well-known member
Thanks so much, Katjamo! I really appreciate your reply.

I tried calling my doctor today, but of course the office isn't open on the weekends, so I'll call again on Monday. I am very interested in following a Low GI diet, it can just be very hard sometimes because my family and friends do not eat anything even remotely resembling that kind of diet. I also get a lot of flack for not wanting to drink, even though it screws me up tremendously for about a week after (insatiable hunger, fatigue, black moods, teary...).

I'm actually amazed that I am a normal weight, because I deal with food cravings frequently. Low GI diet helps with this, but again if I go off track for even a day I am screwed up again for a week. I have been wanting to loose 5 lbs of fat all localized within the stomach region, but it's proven to be very difficult. I've never had fat in that region before. All my measurements are the same as they always were, but I have a lot more fat in that one specific area. Please tell me a Low GI diet would help reduce this.

Thank you again, your replies have been very helpful to me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Katjamo
Think almost no carbs at all. You need to get about 1/3 of your kalories from slow carbs, 1/3 from fat and 1/3 from protein. And absolutely no wheat, rice, potatoes, no vegetables that grow under ground (except carrots which you can eat if they're raw), no sweet fruits, just the acid ones, and absolutely no sugar in any form.

What you can eat is lot's of meat, dairy products (withot sugar), cheese, nuts, all other vegetables, acid fruits, whole weat pasta, rye bread and barley bread, dark chocolate, nuts and all things that doesn't affect your blood sugar.

Try to find books and websites about Low GI dieting. The GI is a meassurement for foods effect on the blood sugar, and you should eat Low GI. There are loads of low GI books etc. out there. I only know the danish ones, and that wont help you.

How is pumpernickel bread? I find that makes me feel a lot better than Whole Wheat (or 12 Grain, I could eat so much of that it triggers cravings like no other). Are apples ok? They're my favourite. Thanks!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Funtabulous
Thanks so much, Katjamo! I really appreciate your reply.

I tried calling my doctor today, but of course the office isn't open on the weekends, so I'll call again on Monday. I am very interested in following a Low GI diet, it can just be very hard sometimes because my family and friends do not eat anything even remotely resembling that kind of diet. I also get a lot of flack for not wanting to drink, even though it screws me up tremendously for about a week after (insatiable hunger, fatigue, black moods, teary...).

I'm actually amazed that I am a normal weight, because I deal with food cravings frequently. Low GI diet helps with this, but again if I go off track for even a day I am screwed up again for a week. I have been wanting to loose 5 lbs of fat all localized within the stomach region, but it's proven to be very difficult. I've never had fat in that region before. All my measurements are the same as they always were, but I have a lot more fat in that one specific area. Please tell me a Low GI diet would help reduce this.

Thank you again, your replies have been very helpful to me.

A low GI diet (and metformin) will help you loose fat around the stomach. That's a fact. It's something about insuline levels in the limbs and around the stomach, and I can't explain it in english, sorry.

But if you follow a Low GI diet and especially if you have PCOS it will make you loose weight around the stomach. I am shaped like an apple, and the low GI and metformin has helped with that.

Excersise is also important, it helps you regulate your insuline levels.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Funtabulous
How is pumpernickel bread? I find that makes me feel a lot better than Whole Wheat (or 12 Grain, I could eat so much of that it triggers cravings like no other). Are apples ok? They're my favourite. Thanks!

Pumpernickel is great. It's made from rye and is perfectly fine. But you need to stay away from alle other sorts of bread with wheat in it. Also whole grain bread. Apples are fine.


Well-known member
Another question, if you don't mind, Katjamo: Did you ever get anxiety and/or panic attacks, and has that gotten better since Metformin/Low GI diet? When I think about it, I usually get them after a high sugar food, like an ice cream. I hope that symptom will clear up more than any of the others; it can be debilitating.


Well-known member
Thanks everyone for your kind words, it makes me feel better knowing that some of you have the same issue and still didn't have fertility problems

As I mentioned in my earlier post- I did stop metformin 2 months ago and did get 2 periods. So I was wrong, or maybe my periods will stop again after some time, who knows. I didn't gain weight but I am feeling hungrier than before, so that kind of scares me a little bit since I love my body right now. My tummy is so flat, like never ever before in my life. Even when I was skinny before my tummy would stick out. I believe metformin helped with that, not just my exercise regimen. Oh yeah, spironolactone is also helping bc its a mild diuretic so it helps with bloating, my skin is so nice now and I am less hairy... So all in all, I'm ok right now and we'll see how it goes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by KrissyJ
I had to fight my doctor tooth and nail b/c she wanted to put me on birth control to help ease the symptoms. My husband and I have been married for 15 years (this fall) and we are desperate to have a child. I'm not going to go on birth control. Thankfully, my endocrinologist understands and understood and put me on the Met instead. As I said in my previous post, Met has been a god-send for me. I'm on 2000 mg a day. It made me really sick when I first started taking it (even though I was eased into it) but I dealt with it. I also have IBS so I'm used to dealing with tummy and intestinal issues, lol!

VAQTPIE, I also had high testosterone levels before I started getting treatment. Facial hair is a pain in the ass! I have to spend quality time every day with my tweezers and my magnifying mirror for the damn chin whiskers that pop up like mad. I also have to wax my upper lip area 2 times a month.

Glad I found this thread. I think I may have PCOS. The bold made me laugh but that's what I've been going through too! It's a pain in the ass to tweeze those stray chin hairs ha. I feel like a dude

I was recently told that I have high testosterone levels, I have the lab report and the numbers were off. I was also told that I'm prediabetic. I have not had my period in almost a year! It wants to come (I can see it starting then it stops right away). It's a tease each time. I know what is causing this though---I eat very unhealthy! WTF is wrong with me! Every time I am stressed out, I eat (but not good foods). I've noticed that when I eat healthy everything is back to normal, my period is regulated, hormonal balance is fine. So eating healthy is my first tackle, if no improvements in a month, I will see an endocrinologist about this. I need to lose a lot of weight and get back to my original size which was perfect. Anyway, thank you so much for sharing your stories ladies!! I felt so alone.

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