Apartment living


Well-known member
Ahhh the joys of living in a bottom apartment. I heard the man above me taking a pee earlier, WOOOT WOOOOOOOOT!

Anyone else have any fun apartment tales?
(Can you tell I'm bored?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by janelovesyou
Ugh, it seems like every Saturday morning the people above me like to "jump on their bed"

I know how you feel!


Well-known member
When I was in college (Boiler Up!), on the first day of school, there were human poops in front of the elevator. I spose someone was sooo excited about the first day of class, they just shit themselves!

Stephie Baby

Well-known member
Thank god I'm on the top floor!! The only bad thing is Friday, my building management decided to turn off ALL power to the building. When I say all, I mean all. No elevators or anything. So I had to walk down flights of stairs from the 12th floor. GRRRR!!

Oh and my neighbor hates my dog, but oh well. Lol.


Well-known member
Also, in my all girl dorm when I was a freshman, my floor got fined for poops being smeared on the bathroom wall. We all got fined $2.50 a person LOL. I stole the sign with the write up. And yes...I scrap booked it.

Stephie Baby

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hilly
When I was in college (Boiler Up!), on the first day of school, there were human poops in front of the elevator. I spose someone was sooo excited about the first day of class, they just shit themselves!

HAHAHA!!!! EWWWWWWWWWWW!! Idk what I would do if that happened to me. I've heard stories about homeless people pooping in the subway, but in an actual building... OMG! YUCK!


Well-known member
LOL this thread is cracking me up.
I should mention that I live in a community with very few people my age, mostly people in their late 20s and up to the elderly stages. It's a really quiet community, so people frown apon me when I go for my "3am drunk walks" through the complex with my crunk cup. There's a few cops over here, so I'm surprised I haven't been arrested for drunk in public yet.

There's a large pond and fountain out front that houses quite a few ducks. Every other day it seems, we are chasing the male ducks who seriously always gang-bang the female duck.


Well-known member
My fiance's friend plugged up a toilet when they were in college because they put a GIANT pickle in the toilet. Mature maybe not so, but funny as hell. I feel so bad for the maintenance workers on college campuses.


Well-known member
I lived downstairs in my old apartment. There was a guy that lived above and behind me & fell on his toilet (I have no idea!?!), needless to say water came down into my closet & when I came home from San Jose mold started to grow
. Thank god I just moved in and my clothes weren't hung yet.

So, that's my bad apartment story.


Well-known member
this thread is hilarious!!

My experience..hmm..you can hear the neughbours boom booming..

Not a nice thing to hear every morning and every night...


Well-known member
A friend of mine told me an...'interesting' story that he had about apartment living. One time, early in the morning (like 4-5am) he hears a woman screaming. He looks outside and doesn't see anything in front of his building. So he goes downstairs to the 'lobby' (small area the size of a closet where the buzzers are for the apartments) and there's a woman screaming at the top of her lungs. Not only is she completely NAKED she is covered in (supposedly her own) POOP! My friend slams the door and goes to call the police. When the officers arrives, my friends goes downstairs to see what's going on. The police open the door the same time my friend does and say to my friend "well aren't you going to clean this up?" He said Nope! And shut the door! For the next few years while he lived there, there were brown stains on the walls of that room and no one but him knew why haha.


Well-known member
My fiance and I moved into an off campus apt. advertised as newly "renovated" We should have known it was too good to be true. The place was gorgeous. The only issue we had was that it seemed like the walls were paper thin, it turns out that was quite literal. Our neighbors bedroom wall shared our bedroom wall. They were extremely "noisy". Well we moved our bed to the opposite wall just so we wouldn't feel the wall shake when we were trying to sleep or w/e. One night when we were in the living room watching tv we heard a huge cracking and crashing sound. We ran into the bedroom to find out neighbors laying on our bedroom floor covered in drywall dust. Apparently she liked it against the wall(lets just say it was very obvious they were in the middle of the "deed"). Whoever "renovated" the place had no idea what they were doing. Needless to say we don't live in that complex anymore. But it still makes us laugh to think about it.


Well-known member
My freshman year somebody threw up fruitpunch or something right in front of my dorm room door so you had about 2 inch's of clean to stand in to unlcok the door , if you went farther than my room you had to jump over it to get passed... This happend early on a friday night and didn't get cleaned up until midmorning monday ...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by carrieann07
One night when we were in the living room watching tv we heard a huge cracking and crashing sound. We ran into the bedroom to find out neighbors laying on our bedroom floor covered in drywall dust. Apparently she liked it against the wall(lets just say it was very obvious they were in the middle of the "deed"). Whoever "renovated" the place had no idea what they were doing. Needless to say we don't live in that complex anymore. But it still makes us laugh to think about it.

POST OVER - YOU WIN!!! lol that is unreal


Well-known member
And I thought the guy with the loud tv next door to me was bad this thread has made me change my mind! LOL!


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My dorm room was brand new and the fire alarms were supper sensitive. I was taking a show at 2 in the morning, and i love supper hot water... well in the middle of my shower the fire alarm went of i had soap in my hair and had to run out of the building in my towel .... then when everyone was out ( and supper pissed) there was no fire.... they let us go back in the building , and my room was crowded with firemen. So all these girls were giving me the evil eye. here i am standing in my towel looking at these firemen ... they told me the steam from my shower set off the alarm. They sent out an e-mail and turned the water heat down ... So after that all the showers were cold