Apartment living

Stephie Baby

Well-known member
Originally Posted by carrieann07
My fiance and I moved into an off campus apt. advertied as newly "renovated" We should have known it was too good to be true. The place was gorgeous. The only issue we had was that it seemed like the walls were paper thin, it turns out that was quite literal. Our neighbors bedroom wall shared our bedroom wall. They were extremely "noisy". Well we moved our bed to the opposite wall just so we wouldn't feel the wall shake when we were trying to sleep or w/e. One night when we were in the living room watching tv we heard a huge cracking and crashing sound. We ran into the bedroom to find out neighbors laying on our bedroom floor covered in drywall dust. Apparently she liked it against the wall(lets just say it was very obvious they were in the middle of the "deed"). Whoever "renovated" the place had no idea what they were doing. Needless to say we don't live in that complex anymore. But it still makes us laugh to think about it.



Well-known member
Oh snap...you guys are too funny.

When I lived in an apartment me and my mom would constantly hear the people below us arguing and screaming, and the lady was always screaming how "she couldn't live like this anmore, she's had it" then the guy is yelling back "i've had it too, you think I wanna live like this..."

Interesting stuff when you're bored on a saturday morning at 8am. But its not a funny story...sad actually. I hope they worked things out...

I am not looking forward to living in an apartment. I don't want to awaken the neighbors or end up in their apartment lmao. Geez


Well-known member
This is an awesome thread!!

When I lived in an apartment I was on the top floor. (I think I was the noisy upstairs neighbor that everyone hates

My best friend's first night in her old complex there was a shooting. The guy missed and shot his G/F in the hand, but still I would have moved out the next day. Bad way to start out in your first apartment.


Well-known member
I had a bad roomate in an aprt dorm once. We had a 2 room apt...it was a huge living room and a hug bed room where the three of us slept. Well, her hick ass bopyfriend would be there 24-7. They didnt drink or anything and would go to sleep at like 10 pm on Fri and Sat nights. I would stumble in crunk all the time, couldn't turn on the light becauser they were shackin in the living room, and basically almost break my ass from wearing tall shoes, being drunk, and in the dark. Anywho, my other roomie would watch tv late and apparently this would bug the other roomie too. Well we went ot confront the other roomie about her bf being there too much and she said it would stop (he was there weds-sun!) and it didn't stop. So we had to confront her again with the RA. Well she told us God told her to move out. Fortunately, jokes on her because sinceit was a dorm apt, she was all paid up for the year and we didnt have to get another roomie. It was awesome.


Well-known member
Uh in my dorm my roommate who thought i was sleeping started having sex 4 feet away from me, and man does she queef a lot!! ughh...


Well-known member
This thread is hilarious...

I only lived in a dorm for a few months, but while I was there I had one roommate who tried to kill herself and one who stole. (which is why I moved out. I didn't trust her around my mac.)

I also used to live with a friend, he started dating one of my friends, which was totally weird for me. I didn't like hearing them have sex one room over. eww.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hilly
When I was in college (Boiler Up!), on the first day of school, there were human poops in front of the elevator. I spose someone was sooo excited about the first day of class, they just shit themselves!

Seriously...you kill me with every post! You are just too funny with so many funny experiences!!!!!


Well-known member
One of my ex's lived in a third floor apartment and had a great breeze, so we usually didn't bother with air conditioning and left the bedroom and balcony windows open at night. So we're laying in bed, almost asleep when I hear "who! who! who!" Apparently, some girl who lived below him also had her windows open and made this noise during sex. Seriously sounded like a demented owl. Who! Who! Whooooooo! I had the giggles so bad, it's amazing I ever fell asleep that night.

Whenever I saw a woman entering or leaving the building I wondered, "Is that the owl lady?"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xxManBeaterxx
Uh in my dorm my roommate who thought i was sleeping started having sex 4 feet away from me, and man does she queef a lot!! ughh...



Well-known member
Ugh the peeing experience has happened to me on a daily basis for years. When I lived in an apartment, I was on the top floor but could hear the guy downstairs peeing. Now I'm in a condo on the second floor, a really nice building, and I still hear peeing - this time the guy upstairs. He also slams his door and stomps around so loudly that it rattles the dishes and pots in my cabinets. And he starts his laundry at 11pm and goes all night. He seriously does this every night (no clue what he's washing for so long every night) because I can hear him dump things down on the floor in front of the washer and I hear the water. That's as bad as it gets here in the condo, though. Haven't had any gross things happen since college and I think I might have blocked them all out. I can't wait to sell this condo and buy a house!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NicksWifey
Ahhh the joys of living in a bottom apartment. I heard the man above me taking a pee earlier, WOOOT WOOOOOOOOT!




Well-known member
Originally Posted by NicksWifey
Ahhh the joys of living in a bottom apartment. I heard the man above me taking a pee earlier, WOOOT WOOOOOOOOT!

Anyone else have any fun apartment tales?
(Can you tell I'm bored?

I do! I do! I have the Mad-Sprayer above me!

This guy is a 60 year old man, who lives alone.. Anytime we cook something thats he can smell, whether its onions or corned beef, we hear him STOMP! STOMP! STOMP across the floor towards his door, then the spraying of disgustingly sweet air freshener into the hallway! Like thats gonna help! He sprays for a good 30 seconds, then goes back into his apartment, slamming the door. Its annoying.

One day, he sprayed so much, we couldn't breathe.Literally in the hallway every 5 to 10 minutes.. My hubby had to go up and talk to him, the stairs were slippery and sticky with remnants of the overspray.. The guy claimed that the "onions" were "burning his eyes and he couldn't see to play his ONLINE POKER!"..

OMG.. we weren't even cooking when this incident happened !!

The neighbor says that he had his windows open, so whomever was cooking, it must have wafted into his apartment, i'm not sure what spraying the hallway will do..

Then we have the selfish parkers- Everyone pretty much parks in the same space, these people bought a new car, so now they have two. Instead of parking closer to their own door, they park in our spots. even though, closer spots are available! I don't get that!


Well-known member
My next door neighbor smokes (LIKE a fucking TRAIN) . And the scent makes me feel ill! It doesn't smell like regular cigarette smoke and its definitely not cigar smoke. it smells very old and stale and disgusting. YUCK.

we have a H.O.A .. that I pay up the ass for monthly and they don't do SHIT! The pool is ALWAYS dirty and once there was a dead Rat in it!! GROSS!

There is always little kids running around or skateboarding throwing juice or something everywhere..

When we my b.f and I lived in Washington, Every morning at 6 AM The upstairs neighbors kids , I swore ran a mile upstairs or something because it was a constant STOMP STOMP STOMP For about an hour and a half.

It was a Converted Basement apartment that was HUGE, but there was a door leading to the upstairs house, which we never opened, we had our own entry way.. but One day I saw on the computer and I here this "tap tap tap" I look around like wtf was that.. again "tap tap tap" then I see the door open a crack and a little eyeball looking through, and A little boy said " Can I come see your Guinea Pigs?" (we had 2 piggies) . Of course I said Yes. and his mom came storming down the stairs "GET OUT OF THERE!" and she apologized. He obviously had been down there while I was gone , to know that I had guinea Pigs. lol


Well-known member
LOL, what a great thread! I have some great stories from life in the dorms, but reading this thread I thought of the apartment in Pomona my boyfriend had for a year. It was a little bitty efficiency about 2 miles away from my school where he lived when I was finishing up my last year of school. The people on the right were married (about 40ish) and either always yelling and arguing with each other about stupid stuff, or drunk/high and laughing outside. It was seriously hard sometimes not to march over there and go all Dr. Phil on their asses.

The guy on the left side was a retired, honest-to-god pimp. He was about 70 and had never had never paid taxes or had a job in his entire life. He told stories to my boyfriend about being a black man pimping out white women back in the 60's and about how much more dangerous it was than pimping women of his own race. He talked about how many women he had at his peak and all of the different places they were located. He talked some on how much his cut was and how he worked his way up into more respectable pimping ventures. The whole thing was just fascinating (I enjoy studying economics and more specifically black markets) although I had to hear it all 2nd hand. The other thing I would hear 2nd hand from him was the fact he was a 70 year old man with a prostate problem and severe constipation - although that was because we shared a wall with his bathroom

Finally, there was the squirrel lady. She would walk around the complex constantly pulling on a leash in the trees. This was because she had somehow gotten a pet squirrel into a harness, and walking it was actually a series of attempts not to let it escape into the trees permanently. That was just a downright confusing sight.


Well-known member
My neighbours love fixing something about the house/drilling at 10-11 pm ot abou 8 am in the morning.. Thats ok.. But also, for some wierd reasons there are lots of dogs in my block.. I would say 1/3 has a dog there.. And i dont wanna offend anyone and i do love animals, but some of that dogs.. damn. Lets say there is this one which looks more like a cross between a horse and an alligator rather than a dog..
Plus, its horse-size.. Ok, pony-size, and not friendly at all. I live on the 2nd floor so i dont use the elevator, but everytime i walk downstairs and hear an elvator arriving i hold my breath and stand until that ppl pass by cause sometimes it turns to be that dog...

Once the elevator door opened and there was she! So ok i stand on the stairs waiting for them to pass by.. But that lady which was holding the dog noticed me and offered to pass first.. I didnt wanna pass in front of that elevator (the woman is too thin and tiny, the dog is too big and not friendly plus barking etc).. So i tell her "no thanks, you go first".. She offers me to pass again. The dog keeps barking. Ok, they were in an elevator all that time so finally the elevator doors started to close.. And uhh as the dog was rushing to go, her head got stuck between the doors...
I mean, her neck, so her head stayed outside... barking. The friendly doggy wasnt hurted but started to bark even more.. So i took the advantage of time and hushed to the exit of the block.. That ldy wasnt mad cause it was an accident but damn that creature scares me


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACForME
I do! I do! I have the Mad-Sprayer above me!

This guy is a 60 year old man, who lives alone.. Anytime we cook something thats he can smell, whether its onions or corned beef, we hear him STOMP! STOMP! STOMP across the floor towards his door, then the spraying of disgustingly sweet air freshener into the hallway! Like thats gonna help! He sprays for a good 30 seconds, then goes back into his apartment, slamming the door. Its annoying.

One day, he sprayed so much, we couldn't breathe.Literally in the hallway every 5 to 10 minutes.. My hubby had to go up and talk to him, the stairs were slippery and sticky with remnants of the overspray.. The guy claimed that the "onions" were "burning his eyes and he couldn't see to play his ONLINE POKER!"..

OMG.. we weren't even cooking when this incident happened !!

The neighbor says that he had his windows open, so whomever was cooking, it must have wafted into his apartment, i'm not sure what spraying the hallway will do..

Then we have the selfish parkers- Everyone pretty much parks in the same space, these people bought a new car, so now they have two. Instead of parking closer to their own door, they park in our spots. even though, closer spots are available! I don't get that!

The parking spot thing would make me so mad! I would call the tow company and have them towed. You can do that right? It's your spot.


Well-known member
Technically- its unassigned parking, but these people are the ONLY ones who inconvenience EVERYONE. Our Courtyard is rectangle shaped, with one way in and out.. we have spots where you pull head-in. Everyone usually parks in the very same spot. Now, here is the kicker, they are the FIRST apartment on the end of the building. Instead of taking those OPEN two side spots, they take spots that are 6 spots AWAY from their door and shove everyone either over or down from their own doors. Its like a race to get home each night. And now they have TWO cars, so they are shoving everyone down one extra. So the people at the FAR end, usually have to park closer to my end. Its maddening to be so inconsiderate..
I decided to get a little b*tchy and left them a *cough* note on their door asking them to please be a little more considerate..
it didn't work. They are on the 2nd floor, the guy downstairs from them, he at least parks closest to his own door. I don't know WHY these people like to displace everyone, but if they looked around, everyone parks in the same spaces..
they just refuse too.