Apartment living


Well-known member
years ago we lived in an apartment complex, one floor down from the top. our upstairs neighbours had a dog, but were too lazy to walk it. so they let it out onto the balcony to pee.

the balconies were slightly slanted so that water would run off of them. so dog pee would splash all the way down 12 floors and over 12 other balconies.

and the worst part was that we had the sun shining on our side of the building all evening. in the summer the stench was sickening.

we all tried so hard to get them to stop. started nicely, then things got nastier and finally people were writing up reports on them for the landlords to get them evicted. but it was subsidized housing and there were so many loopholes they got through to stay.

we didn't, however. LOL.


Active member
Just a few weeks ago I was brushing my teeth and I heard the guy next door grunting and moaning very loudly. He must have been taking a pretty big poop cause a few minutes later I heard some toilet water splash and sighs of relief

During college I lived with my best friend (a boy) in two different apartments. In our first apartment my best friend could hear our neighbor having really loud, wild sex at all hours of the day since his bedroom wall was shared with her bedroom. He would run into his bathroom (that also shared the same wall) when he would hear her going at it and start groaning and repeatedly flushing the toilet and sometimes even yelling at me that "I had to come see the toilet monster" he had just created


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ZoeKat
Ugh the peeing experience has happened to me on a daily basis for years. When I lived in an apartment, I was on the top floor but could hear the guy downstairs peeing. Now I'm in a condo on the second floor, a really nice building, and I still hear peeing - this time the guy upstairs. He also slams his door and stomps around so loudly that it rattles the dishes and pots in my cabinets. And he starts his laundry at 11pm and goes all night. He seriously does this every night (no clue what he's washing for so long every night) because I can hear him dump things down on the floor in front of the washer and I hear the water. That's as bad as it gets here in the condo, though. Haven't had any gross things happen since college and I think I might have blocked them all out. I can't wait to sell this condo and buy a house!

Your man upstairs sounds just like my man upstairs! He doesn't get home until late, is constantly stomping and doing his dishes and laundry wee into the morning hours.
Plus, I heard him taking a piss again this morning. I yelled "HEY!", but I don't th ink he heard me.


New member
I currently live in an apartment, middle floor. I hear every time the people upstairs go to the toilet, run their pipes, decide to hammer things at 8am on a Sunday morning (my only sleep in day) etc etc. Having moved to the city from a country house is a HUGE adjustment. I'm looking to buy an apartment but am looking at "TOP FLOOR ONLY" as I tell the real estates each time I call one. Hopefully I can't hear the people below me / on either side of me though!!


Well-known member
OK I was one of those annoying freshman college girls that would fight with my boyfriend on the phone in the hallway...in the middle of the night because my roommate was sleeping. I would constantly have to say his name to get a word in edgewise during our spats, so needless to say at least three rooms of girls knew his name. D'oh!
If that weren't enough, my roomie and I didn't care for the girls below us because on any given night some guy would be outside screaming for them to let him in until they woke up and did so - which never happened. We started throwing trash at him after the first few times AND we poured soup, soda, you name out our window onto theirs (our windows open out).


Well-known member
You guys should read the Neighbors from Hell stories on AOL.com.

Makes me glad that the only problem I have at my house is the neighbors cat eating my dogs food! Some of those stories...I don't know what I would do.


Well-known member
You guys have me cracking up!

In college we had the communal bathroom and the shower stalls had little undressing areas connected to it that was behind a curtain. Well someone left a dirty pad in the dressing area. And it did not get cleaned up for days! It wasn't even wrapped in toilet paper or anything!

And also in college my roommate had sex with some guy while I was in the room, they thought I was sleeping. They even had the some of the lights on, it scarred me for life!

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
My husband and I used to live in a two story apartment building and we were on the top floor. We HATED our downstairs neighbors. They were ugly, fat, rude college girls. We got into it with them several times and it even came to calling the cops and contacting the front office. It was just me, my husband, and our newborn daughter; and my husband was always working!

Anyways, the apartments were very cheaply made and the toilet clogged, flooded our whole bathroom twice...ugh...but the good thing is that it leaked into their apartment

Also, when I was going up the stairs once I noticed a paper on the ground. I thought that maybe it could have fallen from our door [they put the apartment newsletters and stuff on your door] so I picked it up and read it just in case. Well it turns out that it was actually THEIRS...and it was an eviction warning for not paying rent. BAAAAAAAAAHAHAHA. Losers. I thought about throwing it away, so they wouldn't know about it and would get evicted, but I thought that was taking it too far. I may not have liked them but I don't wish bad on people. I just threw it in their yard.


Well-known member
Well, this is not a funny story.
We notice white worms on my apartment floor,eww it was gross, as the days passed there were more and more worms, so one day, when i got home from school i saw a couple of policemen on my floor , (each floor had 2 apartments) things is...My neighboor was found dead ! .The door was open and he was laying (sp?) on the floor, , but IT IS VERY SHOCKING to see a dead body, not just that, he was 7 days dead already, that´s WHY there worms everywhere.


Well-known member
These stories crack me up! I love it! When I was a freshman in college I decided to let the school pick my roomie, the only thing I asked was that she was clean. Not only was my roomie not clean, she was a pig, and I'm nearly OCD, not a good combo. She didn't change her sheets for like 6 months. She left spoiled food in her fridge! Her boyfriend would always always be in the room when I came back from showering after track practice, and I had to ask the idiot to leave every time so I could get dressed. Oh, and she would scratch her head and eat the dandruff from under her fingernails...no lie! That year was torture, and I couldn't ever have anybody in my room cuz she was sooooo gross!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by KAIA
Well, this is not a funny story.
We notice white worms on my apartment floor,eww it was gross, as the days passed there were more and more worms, so one day, when i got home from school i saw a couple of policemen on my floor , (each floor had 2 apartments) things is...My neighboor was found dead ! .The door was open and he was laying (sp?) on the floor, , but IT IS VERY SHOCKING to see a dead body, not just that, he was 7 days dead already, that´s WHY there worms everywhere.

We were so afraid that the lady next door had died. We never heard anything out of her appartment, and she had left her porch light on until in burned out. And her car was in the same spot for 3 weeks. Finally people came and started moving stuff out. We found out she was having trouble living by herself and was moved to a nursing home....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Alibi
My neighbours love fixing something about the house/drilling at 10-11 pm ot abou 8 am in the morning.. Thats ok.. But also, for some wierd reasons there are lots of dogs in my block.. I would say 1/3 has a dog there.. And i dont wanna offend anyone and i do love animals, but some of that dogs.. damn. Lets say there is this one which looks more like a cross between a horse and an alligator rather than a dog..
Plus, its horse-size.. Ok, pony-size, and not friendly at all. I live on the 2nd floor so i dont use the elevator, but everytime i walk downstairs and hear an elvator arriving i hold my breath and stand until that ppl pass by cause sometimes it turns to be that dog...

Once the elevator door opened and there was she! So ok i stand on the stairs waiting for them to pass by.. But that lady which was holding the dog noticed me and offered to pass first.. I didnt wanna pass in front of that elevator (the woman is too thin and tiny, the dog is too big and not friendly plus barking etc).. So i tell her "no thanks, you go first".. She offers me to pass again. The dog keeps barking. Ok, they were in an elevator all that time so finally the elevator doors started to close.. And uhh as the dog was rushing to go, her head got stuck between the doors...
I mean, her neck, so her head stayed outside... barking. The friendly doggy wasnt hurted but started to bark even more.. So i took the advantage of time and hushed to the exit of the block.. That ldy wasnt mad cause it was an accident but damn that creature scares me

I feel guilty but the visual is hysterical
poor dog/horse/crocodile/pony.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by KAIA
Well, this is not a funny story.
We notice white worms on my apartment floor,eww it was gross, as the days passed there were more and more worms, so one day, when i got home from school i saw a couple of policemen on my floor , (each floor had 2 apartments) things is...My neighboor was found dead ! .The door was open and he was laying (sp?) on the floor, , but IT IS VERY SHOCKING to see a dead body, not just that, he was 7 days dead already, that´s WHY there worms everywhere.

wow..i think i just barfed on myself


Well-known member
Ok seriously, just had to post this, this freaking man above me will not STFU, he has really been chapping my ass up there for last hour, he is stomping around loudly and slamming doors, I'm about to start blaring my music and TV loudly, maybe that will quiet him down.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NicksWifey
Ok seriously, just had to post this, this freaking man above me will not STFU, he has really been chapping my ass up there for last hour, he is stomping around loudly and slamming doors, I'm about to start blaring my music and TV loudly, maybe that will quiet him down.

I can relate! The neighbors that used to live upstairs from us would have loud uncontrollable sex nearly every night. It would wake up my little kids and they would ask what the noise was. At the time i was pregnant, uncomfortable and feeling fat and unnatractive, it drove me nuts. Especially because the girl was a really bitchy little snob with a perfect body. They even would watch porn with their patio door open so anyone that walked by could here, it was gross! My husband complained multiple times, to no avail. finally he bought a stereo system with huge subwoofers. We would point them at the ceiling and either play country music or heavy metal. They did shut up after that.


Well-known member
Ugh, I live on the 2nd floor, so I get to hear the obnixiously loud music from below, and the constant running above. And my neighbors think it's cool to hangout on the stairs right outside my door ALL THE DAMN TIME. And they call the police on eachother for fun.

In the summer, the fire alarms go off at least once every week at 3 am because some asshole thinks it's funny.
Funny story though, I was walking to my floor at about midnight, and while on the stairs this guy comes out of his apartment below me, half naked and stoned/drunk off his butt. He looks at me and says "Well... ain't that a spiritual awakening?" I was like, "um... yeah."