Apparently I look like a clown FOTD


Well-known member
that was her way of saying "i WISH i could do my makeup like hers"
you look gorgeous! & you remained polite to her. good for you girl!


Well-known member
Girl, you are so beautiful, and I feel that as a makeup artist you should be able to show your customers the range of colours available to them in all variations. I think you have done this handsomely with this look.


Well-known member
You know...I really don't understand people sometimes. What was the point of saying that? If she thinks you and the other MAs wear too much makeup, then why shop there?

You're makeup looks really good and I enjoy your FOTDs.


Well-known member
What a stank bitch!! I think you should have called her out, you had witnesses!! I would love for some one to do that to me so I can give them the worst cuss out of the century.

Some people need to stop sipping on that haterade, for real.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by prettysecrets
it seems to me that ppl who dont actually wear makeup or know much about it say $h!t like that...

Sounds like the b!tch was jealous!!!

Ditto Ditto Ditto!! When I wore a blue look for my birthday (kinda like Eve's C-Shock look..remember? memories...LOL) My best friend showed my birthday pictures to her friend, and of comes the comments. She doesn't wear much makeup, so ANYTHING outside of neutral sends her into a spazz attack.

Anyhoo, I didn't mean to digress from your post. Your looks are always flawless. I'm sure you aren't too worried about WHAT she said (cause we all know it was farrr from accurate) but you're probably diggin' her nerves for even forming her mouth to say those words. But hey, you did the right let her be stupid by herself. People are so hilarious.

Keep up the GORGEOUS looks. I always get excited when I see a post from you!


Well-known member
Just curious... What exactly did this woman look like??? And how was her makeup applied? I'm just curious.. That is so RUDE and disrespectful. You did a gorgeous job on your makeup.

I have gotten comments, dirty looks and overrall bad vibes from people in the past about my makeup and the time and energy I put into my looks. I've noticed that the individuals who choose to single us "MAC girls" out are usually the ones who clearly have far more important things to do than take 10 minutes a day on basic skincare, much less a glance in the mirror to see that they could have put an effort into grooming their hair. Women like this resent other women that spend time on their looks and have pride and confidence in their image. It really doesn't make sense. You get out of it what you put in. Don't hate!! When I walk in a MAC I appreciate that the girls and guys take time in the morning to look fabulous and represent the brand!! I compliment looks I admire and I would have told you you look fab, because you do!!

I am so sorry to have totally gotten off the topic of your hot FOTD!!


Well-known member
Well, if having flawless amazing makeup makes you a clown...then you are the most beautiful clown I have ever seen.


Well-known member
You look high glamor. I wonder if she looks at fashion magazine spreads and thinks they all look like clowns. You are illustrating the possibilities of high glamor that is a big part of what attracts customers to MAC, in my opinion. Sheesh, pointing and calling you clown, that woman was totally out of order. There is not enough makeup manufactured to make her beautiful.


Well-known member
What an idiot. I hate closed minded people.

You look beautiful
and your makeup skills are much better then a clowns, I promise dear.


Well-known member
you're the only "clown" I can safely say I like. (I am afraid of real clowns.)

I hate to get all soulja boy, but I would have superman'd that ho. lol!
(or at least asked if she needed some ice for her haterade.


Well-known member
That woman is just beyond rude. The nerve to actually say something like that out loud- she must have been jealous.

Your blending and brows are perfection.

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