Originally Posted by prettysecrets
it seems to me that ppl who dont actually wear makeup or know much about it say $h!t like that...
Sounds like the b!tch was jealous!!!
Ditto Ditto Ditto!! When I wore a blue look for my birthday (kinda like Eve's C-Shock look..remember? memories...LOL) My best friend showed my birthday pictures to her friend, and of course....here comes the comments. She doesn't wear much makeup, so ANYTHING outside of neutral sends her into a spazz attack.
Anyhoo, I didn't mean to digress from your post. Your looks are always flawless. I'm sure you aren't too worried about WHAT she said (cause we all know it was farrr from accurate) but you're probably diggin' her nerves for even forming her mouth to say those words. But hey, you did the right thing...you let her be stupid by herself. People are so hilarious.
Keep up the GORGEOUS looks. I always get excited when I see a post from you!