Originally Posted by Sound Of Vision
You posted here because you saw those negative comments on LJ right? And if I got it right, you posted this thread so people could tell you what appears to be wrong, right?
So I posted a comment saying what I think might be wrong. If I hated this place I wouldn't even bother commenting or I'd post something rude (actually, I doubt that, I'm not that type, but let's say). And then people jumped at me. I have different opinion than most of the people who commented here, and I'm being attacked because of it. So people are not allowed to say anything negative i.e. have different opinion. If I was SO wrong, why would those people at LJ say that? I'm not the only one it seems.
Can I ask something?
What's the inherent difference between you stating your opinion and me stating mine?
What gives you the, for lack of a better phrase, right to state your opinion but removes my right to state mine?
Why am I (and I say my/I/me here because I'm only speaking for myself) restricted from responding to your position in the discussion?
Why should your (I say your because I'm addressing you, but anyone else's 'your' would be applicable here) opinion be the end of the discussion?
Isn't the whole point of stating an opinion to open the door to a discussion amongst the membership?
It just seems like the statement of opinion was expected to be met with either dead silence, supporting posts, or quiet acceptance, instead of discussed and hammered out.