i dont feel there is anything cliquey here. There are other forums i visit that make no effort to hide the "cool girls club". They can bash you, be rude to you, just try and fling shit and if you so dare at to defend yourself, you get called out and they all jump on you.
Since discovering the wonderufness that is specktra, i've pretty much stopped visiting the other sites. Specktra is heaps friendlier and has way more information.
But i must kind of agree with the poster that said that there doesnt seem to be any CC just "great fotd" comments. I was looking at a post where, well, let's just say it was a bit of a hot mess. Normally i would have spoken up (in the most polite way possible!!) but i'm a noob, and everyone was just ignoring what needed (and i mean needed) to be fixed and said "good blending". I didn't want to be the only one to speak up and risk being called a bitch, or being seen negatively, ya know? i agree that it might create a bit of a hierarchy, but it'll help people out in the long run. "The greater good!!"