Are we getting Heatherette in the UK?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Susanne
What a shock! My MA told me today that we won't get Heatherette here in Germany! Who is responsible for this?
Does MAC really think that German girls don't love hot pink? I am more than angry and disappointed. I just can't believe it. I 've been looking forward to Heatherette since weeks. The lipsticks, the Beauty Powder,...

No, I just don't believe it.

(After that shock I went to Starbucks and ate a big chocolate cookie. But it didn't help.)

Really ??

I asked the SA last week if we were getting both Fafi and Heatherette in the Netherlands, and she comfirmed we did, so I don't see why Germany shouldn't get this collection.

I would email customer service to be sure. They told me last year that we wouldn't get the McQueen collection and that wasn't true either.


Hungary isn't getting Heatheratte either
I found out today while shopping from Fafi.

I have no idea how they decide which country gets the collections and which doesn't. Probably not many people know about Heatherette here, but the colors are hot, so I'm certain they would sell well.

Does Selfridges ship international? They don't mention it on the website.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by UrbanEve
Hungary isn't getting Heatheratte either
I found out today while shopping from Fafi.

I have no idea how they decide which country gets the collections and which doesn't. Probably not many people know about Heatherette here, but the colors are hot, so I'm certain they would sell well.

Does Selfridges ship international? They don't mention it on the website.

Pretty sure they don't, sorry


Well-known member
do we know the uk release date for heatherette yet? im going on holiday 14th april so i hope its before then or 2 weeks after.


Well-known member
its most probably the 3rd april.. first thursday
but then again if its an exclusive it might come online earlier than the 3rd


Well-known member
Originally Posted by trollydolly
do we know the uk release date for heatherette yet? im going on holiday 14th april so i hope its before then or 2 weeks after.

I am not sure. The US release date is March 27th and Europe should get it April 5th.

I have found a possibility to order Heatherette! I hope that it will work


Active member
Originally Posted by hb21
On MUA some people are saying it's going to be exclusive to Selfridges. Do you think this is true? I really hope not, I want loads from heatherette!

yeah its definately exclusive to selfridges, i work for mac in selfridges and when we went on product update we were told only us lot would get it, im sooo excited!

we get to wear funky tops too yayy


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cuteymcpretty
yeah its definately exclusive to selfridges, i work for mac in selfridges and when we went on product update we were told only us lot would get it, im sooo excited!

we get to wear funky tops too yayy

do you know if it will be available online? or if selfridges will mail order


Well-known member
I'm sure it will be online just like the Alexander Mcqueen collection. It would be unfair to not have it online because some people don't live near a Selfridges store. They only have a few stores in the UK and I'll be really dissapointed if it wasn't online. I would go to the London Selfridges but the MA's can be quite rude and its always busy so I aviod going near that counter all together.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Susanne
I am not sure. The US release date is March 27th and Europe should get it April 5th.

I have found a possibility to order Heatherette! I hope that it will work

From the website? But it doesn't ship to europe ey?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by KawaiiPrincess
I'm sure it will be online just like the Alexander Mcqueen collection. It would be unfair to not have it online because some people don't live near a Selfridges store. They only have a few stores in the UK and I'll be really dissapointed if it wasn't online. I would go to the London Selfridges but the MA's can be quite rude and its always busy so I aviod going near that counter all together.

thats what i thought at first then i realised Novel Twist wasnt online and it was a harvey niks exclusive i think? well it was deffo an exclusive


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gardenteaparty
From the website? But it doesn't ship to europe ey?

No, not from the website. I called the pro store in Germany and they told me that there might be one counter which might get Heatherette. I called this counter and asked if I could order Heatherette there.


Active member
i'm not that into heatherette after looking at the swatches although the packaging is cool, i will still check it out though, as I live in London and I work in the West End too.


Well-known member
I really hope it is online as there is not one selfridges store near me. Although Iam still unsure about heatherettes packaging
not sure if I like it.


Well-known member
Luckily I've got the Selfridges in Birmingham but I'm not as excited about this collection as I was with Fafi. Having said that I actually love the tacky pink packaging and all I want at the moment is Style Minx Lipglass and maybe Sock Hop. I want to swatch Hollywood nights on the day but I don't wear bright pink lipsticks so I doubt I will buy it, but it does look really pretty! I might get Alpha Girl beauty Powder too, but it appears to be quite light and if it doesn't show up on my chinese skin then thats a no no too. Wish they had a blush with the collection! Looks like I might save myself a lot of money...but then my eyes will wander on to the permanent line no doubt and end up buying a bunch of other stuff!


Well-known member
i hope its def online. even though i have access to london selfridges i would never go there cuz they have the WORST customer service even if i DESPARATELY want this collection...

Girl about town

Well-known member

Hey guys kiss and make up blog says we are getting heatherette in april and it will be available online yayyyyayyayyaaaaaaaaaaaaay


Well-known member
Re: Heatherette

Ooooh how exciting! I LOVE the look of the lipsticks!!

Unfortunately I only have a counter here so probably wont get a chance to try the items out in person. However, im sure Ill love them anyways!

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