Are we getting Heatherette in the UK?


Active member
Originally Posted by glitternmyveins
I'm pretty sure that it's only going to be exclusive to Harrods in the UK

no, it's only going to be available in selfridges


Active member
Originally Posted by glam8babe
do you know if it will be available online? or if selfridges will mail order


i'm not sure if it will be available online. it's going to be a BIG collection so i'd imagine it'd be available online

novel twist was exclusive to selfridges too in the summer, i cant remember if that was available online.

i think it should be online, simply because stylistics and alexander mcqueen were (both were exclusive to harrods)


Well-known member
Re: Heatherette

When mac put the collection online, I nearly died.
IDK what I would do without Richie Rich... <3 so amazing


Active member
No, its selfridges only.

We ARE getting it online

Its out in April although they couldnt confirm an exact date for when it will be out in April i should imagine it will be the first Thursday as usual along with the rest of Europe.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cuteymcpretty

i'm not sure if it will be available online. it's going to be a BIG collection so i'd imagine it'd be available online

novel twist was exclusive to selfridges too in the summer, i cant remember if that was available online.

i think it should be online, simply because stylistics and alexander mcqueen were (both were exclusive to harrods)

novel twist wasnt available online which is why theres been alot of confusion if its gonna be online or not... im soo happy it is


Well-known member
I cant wait!!

Im tempted to make a thread titled 'Heatherette wishlists' lol, can you tell Im overly excited about this collection already? :p

Niquas Brain

Active member
I just wondered if it's better to start the MAC website, and the forums here, to check when Heatherette is out. Or wait for the email about a new collection from MAC? Are the emails quite quick in getting out?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Niquas Brain
I just wondered if it's better to start the MAC website, and the forums here, to check when Heatherette is out. Or wait for the email about a new collection from MAC? Are the emails quite quick in getting out?

Nooo, they're so slow! Usually at least a week after it's on the website... at least that's been my experience.

Just noticed you live near me, I'm about 20mins from you!

Niquas Brain

Active member
Originally Posted by browneyedbaby
Nooo, they're so slow! Usually at least a week after it's on the website... at least that's been my experience.

Just noticed you live near me, I'm about 20mins from you!

oo hello! I wish we had a MAC counter here for those after work need a pick me up purchases.

I went to Guildford MAC counter a few weeks ago, havn't been there for years... ohhh Guildford how I love thee so many beauty places!


Well-known member
Just got this email from MAC

Thank you for taking the time to contact us and for your interest in M.A.C.

I am please to have the opportunity to advise that Heatherette is an
exclusive to Selfridges
and online only.

Please be advised that the store on counter date is 10th April and the
online date is 15th

Once again, thank you for contacting us and for the opportunity to address
your concern.


Victoria Bamber
Consumer Communications


Well-known member
Noooo, that's too far away... anyone know where the UK MAC HQ is, I think we should form an angry (well, impatient) mob


Well-known member
The 15th
I wanted it to be next week
hopefully it will still come out the first thursday of the month. (fingers crossed)


Well-known member
typical! we always get our collections when us/canadian and australian members have done raving on them and moved to the next collection


Well-known member
:-( its not fair, i honestly dont understand why it takes so long to release the collections over here. im getting a bit fed up with it


Well-known member
It is still said that we should get Heatherette in Germany on April 5th. I will call the counter next week again and ask for confirmation.

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