It is just not the importing costs though. I do import for business and I do get 30% off from my US wholesaler, which would pay for shipping + insurance (sometimes brokerage), duty and GST. Lucky I am one-man operated business, so I do not need to pay for wages, super, holidays, workcare, etc, but I still do need to add enough margin to pay business costs such as rents, insurance, electricity, water, etc. If I hired someone, then my retail pricing would reflect that too. MAC has their own artists, so they can't just borrow girls from other Myer or DJ cosmetics counters, and I am sure they do pay more for our MAC girls here than US or Canadian artists (as higher minimum wage). I am not saying I am agreeing with their crazy pricing such as $100 for a quad, and special packaging pricing, but it is not just MAC.. You see Shu does it, Dior does it, Mecca does it. I did consider moving to Canada, but the wage over there is so low. If I earned $7-$8/hr, then I wouldn't feel $22 lipstick cheap anymore.