AU Colour Story Release Dates


Well-known member
They are probably relying on those who are not so internet savvy? I do feel for those people too, but I also wish MAC to make lots of profit. I would hate to see them close one of the stores or sack my favorite MUA. It does sound drastic, but I went to the city today and saw so many stores closed


Well-known member
Anyone know what the "Boudoir Hues" Quad is on the Mac page under "eyeshadows"..... it has the explanation for the Tone Grey Quad, but a different picture???


Well-known member
I just got an email today from MAC about Style Black, WTF?? That was released last week, most of it is sold out at my counter and Young Punk is sold out already on the website. Get it together AUS MAC!


Well-known member
^^ It is not just MAC AUS though. I get the new collection email from MAC US a few days later than the release date. And often they release goodies a few days earlier.


Well-known member
That's really slack, wouldn't it be better to send out the e-mail a day or 2 before the release.

I'm so glad the AUD is around 90 US cents... yay now i just need money lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by toxaemia
Hey guys, can anyone tell me when the new cremesheen dazzle glasses will launch?

This coming Monday the 19th.


Well-known member
hi all anyone know what pigment sets are usually worth? and or the prices of the xmas sets? (face eye and lash?)


Originally Posted by tana2210
hi all anyone know what pigment sets are usually worth? and or the prices of the xmas sets? (face eye and lash?)

Pigment sets I think will be around $65 (they come out Nov 16th). My hocus focus face kit was $85 and the lip palette was $55. The eye palettes are $85 and the lip bags were around $70 hth


Well-known member
^^ I just spoke with one of the MA's at the Parramatta store in Sydney and she gave me the following dates:

Warm & Cozy - Mon 11th Jan
Lovelace – Mon 11th Jan
Studiofix lash – Mon 11th Jan
MAC in Lillyland – She didn’t have a date and thought it might be internet only
All Ages, All Races, All Sexes – Mon 8th Feb

I swear all us Specktrettes should be employed by MAC in their customer service department! We know more about their products than their MA's! Before I called the Parramatta store, I called two other stores (I wont say which ones) and they didnt even know what I was talking about when I said "MAC in Lillyland" or "All Ages, All Races, All Sexes"! I thought I wouldnt push my luck and ask for the Spring Colour Collection, because that might send them into a meltdown! :p


Well-known member
I want to CP Suave Intentions and Love Lace e/s but I don't know if I can wait that long for them. I might go have to check out my counter on Monday

Can't wait for the Spring collection, pity we get it in out Autum


Well-known member
^^ Aww that's no good hun. Hope things get better for you soon!

Umm I live two suburbs away from Castle Hill! How long are you staying for? We should meet up for a coffee and maybe an expedition to the pro store :p

And also if you are in Castle Hill then you can go to MAC at Castle Towers on Monday
It will be closer for you


Well-known member
Thanks hun! Your kind thoughts are VERY appreciated.

THERES MAC AT CASTLE TOWERS?! I didn't know. How exciting. I'm a 10 minute walk from there YIPPEE! Except I have no money :p

I'm staying til the end of Jan tho, so we should definitely catch up!!
If I knew you were so close I would've got my butt into gear and asked for a CP lol!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by simplyenchantin
Yah! Have been since Dec 21. Kind of running away from family problems
I'm staying in Castle Hill!

^I'm sending positive vibes your way. They should arrive any second now so be ready!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by simplyenchantin
Thanks hun! Your kind thoughts are VERY appreciated.

THERES MAC AT CASTLE TOWERS?! I didn't know. How exciting. I'm a 10 minute walk from there YIPPEE! Except I have no money :p

I'm staying til the end of Jan tho, so we should definitely catch up!!
If I knew you were so close I would've got my butt into gear and asked for a CP lol!

Awww I could have dropped it off to you!
oh well next time I go back I'll make sure i let you know and u can put in a big order

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