AU Colour Story Release Dates


Well-known member
It's just an illusion Carina, I cut out my face coz I just had a shower and look feral so my lips look huge hahaha


Well-known member
Originally Posted by simplyenchantin
It's just an illusion Carina

Suuuuuuuure it is :p

Originally Posted by simplyenchantin
This is a better pic of the colour, but it's even pinker than this:


Ohhhhhh soooo pretty.....
Me thinks I have to track this l/s down...


Well-known member
Haha.. yeah, I have to admit the lippy doesn't look too bad in the pic, but trust me, I look awful. Mich, if you hate Scandal, I don't think you'd like Victorian


Well-known member
Victorian looks more "light pink" than Scandal, which seems more "deep pink/coral" to me. Wow, I suck at describing things haha. Well, I hope I like it


Well-known member
It is probably less coral than Scandal, but in overall, I look really washed out. Hope you like it though.. I can't imagine you wearing it
.. I am so used to seeing you wearing darker lipsticks.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sambibabe
It is probably less coral than Scandal, but in overall, I look really washed out. Hope you like it though.. I can't imagine you wearing it
.. I am so used to seeing you wearing darker lipsticks.

One time Sue used liperase and babysparks (i think?) on me and EVERYONE commented on it lol!!


Well-known member
So what did everyone order from Give me Libery?
I only ordered Bough Grey e/s, Perennial High Style l/g and English Accent l/g. Now I wish I ordered Blooming Lovely l/s and Blue India n/p, only because they are sold out
Man.. Shell Pearl b/p and Ever hip l/s are sold out too!! So as the medium makeup bag.. No wonder MAC is not having two F&F this year!!


Well-known member
My order consisted of:

Shell Pearl Beauty Powder
Bough Grey Eyeshadow
Frankly Fresh lipglass
Perennial High Style lipglass
English Accents lipglass
Everhip l/s
Prim and Proper Blush

But I am going to order some more stuff when it comes out here as well I think

And mum is going to get me the medium makeup bag in hong kong.... squeeeeeeeeee

My Boo Kitty has a blooming lovely on her site for a pretty reasonable price if you want to get it.... reasonable in that it is cheaper than it would be here in Aus.. lol


Well-known member
I ordered,

Shell Pearl Beauty Powder
Summer Rose Beauty Powder
Prim & Proper blush
Peachstock l/s
Ever Hip l/s
Birds & Berries e/s
Frankly Fresh l/g
English Accents l/g

I like the looks of P&P l/s, PHS l/g, Bough Grey e/s, and couple of other stuff; but I'm going to wait until it comes here to try before I buy.


Well-known member
Oh my gosh sunnie, you wouldn't want to wait to buy them here! The lipsticks would be $42-$45 each, Lipglasses would be $41? We pay more for the special packaging!

I have Lavender Whip (and a back up
), which looks awful on me, so I didn't bother to order Blooming Lovely.. But then who knows? It might look different.. Damn!


Well-known member
Yeah, I know... But I hate having stuff that I don't like or hate. To be honest I'll probably end up only picking up bough grey, I heard that it has poor colour payoff and got scared. The other high contender is P&P lipstick, but I'm think it's too bright for my liking, and buy GAL instead. I have hard time getting things that swatch well to show up, so... I'll only be buying the stuff I listed if I love it. PHS looks nice but I'm thinking it won't look nice. The other stuff is blue india n/p, I heard that US post doesn't allow n/p so I didn't want to risk it.

I also secretly hoping that nodies will still have it in stock then and try here and order there.

I really wanted blooming lovely, but I think it'll go white on me
. Don't worry about not getting blooming lovely, it'll probably come back on the mac site again.
Just like SCF, and you can get it then


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sambibabe
Oh my gosh sunnie, you wouldn't want to wait to buy them here! The lipsticks would be $42-$45 each, Lipglasses would be $41? We pay more for the special packaging!

I have Lavender Whip (and a back up
), which looks awful on me, so I didn't bother to order Blooming Lovely.. But then who knows? It might look different.. Damn!

True that eh... I forgot that MAC has that little trick of hiking up the prices for special packaging...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sunniechan
Yeah, I know... But I hate having stuff that I don't like or hate. To be honest I'll probably end up only picking up bough grey, I heard that it has poor colour payoff and got scared. The other high contender is P&P lipstick, but I'm think it's too bright for my liking, and buy GAL instead. I have hard time getting things that swatch well to show up, so... I'll only be buying the stuff I listed if I love it. PHS looks nice but I'm thinking it won't look nice. The other stuff is blue india n/p, I heard that US post doesn't allow n/p so I didn't want to risk it.

I also secretly hoping that nodies will still have it in stock then and try here and order there.

I really wanted blooming lovely, but I think it'll go white on me
. Don't worry about not getting blooming lovely, it'll probably come back on the mac site again.
Just like SCF, and you can get it then

Ohh I get all my n/p from US!! I just hate paying that much for MAC polishes
I would rather get OPI, Zoya, China Glaze or Nubar..

Yeah GAL or Show Orchid.. I don't think you are missing out on P&P

I don't know if Blooming Lovely would be available again though.. It is not often that the sold out stuff are back in stock.

Haha Carina.. I am sure if there is a will, there is a way..
*wink, nudge*


Well-known member
Nat, I think there's high chances of blooming lovely coming back up. I mean even ripe peach got put up again, though it sold out quickly. Bubblegum also got sold out fairly quickly and it got put back. Think positive ^______^

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