Avoiding affection because of makeup


Well-known member
Okay, I guess this means that I'm wearing way too much foundation, but I definitely have problems with cuddling or making out with my man. I can't lay my head on his chest when we're watching TV or I'll get foundation/blush on his shirt. And when it comes to making out, forget the lipstick -- my biggest problem is the foundation around my mouth and on my chin rubbing off. Afterwards, when I pull back, part of my face is all discolored bc the makeup has worn off. It's SOOO embarrassing!! Does no one else have this problem!?!


Well-known member
The only makeup that ever comes off of me easily is lip products. For the rest, I use some sort of base or primer and set with powder... That stuff is not moving without my permission! I don't avoid affection at all to save my lipstuff - I'm one of the girls who catches her boyfriend and kisses him in spite of his desire to avoid contact with the sticky, sometimes sparkly, funny tasting lip products.


Well-known member
Lipgloss is the devil in the world of kissing. Lipstick on the other hand is tolerable. Go figure...


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More like I avoid eating.

Kissing my boyfriend - he HATES it when I wear anything bright, dark, or intense. He'll just lightly kiss my lips.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by babiid0llox
Yes, not only kissing even hugging. And that's not only just with my 'significant other' it's with everybody.

It's like a reflex or something even if I'm not wearing makeup I automatically think my makeup is gonna be ruined

Btw prettysecrets if that's you in your pic you're really pretty



Well-known member
Originally Posted by hunnybun
Okay, I guess this means that I'm wearing way too much foundation,

Even when I wear a little it still gets every where! I don't think I should even bother to buy white tops anymore!! I always end up changing my shirt 2 seconds after I put it on!

anyone think those makeup remover pads might be good to carry around for a quick fix? on clothes that is.


Well-known member
lol! i don't mind at actually but he does! he has some kind of phobia of having lip color or even any kind of stickiness from lip balms even on his lips. For quite awhile I've been using lip stains! lol.

but my foundation keeps him from licking my face (with the intention to irritate and gross me out).


Well-known member
My Hubby will only give me the lightest peck on the lips when I'm wearing lipgloss or lipstick. I keep telling him its not going to poison him, but he remains unconvinced.


Well-known member
LOL! My boyfriend is the one who avoids kissing me when I wear a bright lip. He'll just look at me, and just kiss me on the cheek or forehead. ;D I love those forehead kisses


Well-known member
So funny, whenever i see my bf and he leans it i say, nope- my lips are done. He once gave me a peck while i had ls and gloss on, then kissed my cheek. Lo and behold a few min later he points out that i have a lipstick kiss on my cheek. Grrrr


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hunnybun
Okay, I guess this means that I'm wearing way too much foundation, but I definitely have problems with cuddling or making out with my man. I can't lay my head on his chest when we're watching TV or I'll get foundation/blush on his shirt. And when it comes to making out, forget the lipstick -- my biggest problem is the foundation around my mouth and on my chin rubbing off. Afterwards, when I pull back, part of my face is all discolored bc the makeup has worn off. It's SOOO embarrassing!! Does no one else have this problem!?!

If you can tell the difference in colour it means you're wearing the wrong colour of foundation. It should be the same colour as your skin.

Originally Posted by prettysecrets
Even when I wear a little it still gets every where! I don't think I should even bother to buy white tops anymore!! I always end up changing my shirt 2 seconds after I put it on!

anyone think those makeup remover pads might be good to carry around for a quick fix? on clothes that is.

I'm of the opinion that if your foundation comes off that easily, you need to either start using a primer or a better foundation, or both. Good luck!

Oh, and I just remembered. If my boyfriend kisses my face while I'm wearing foundation he'll always lick his lips and say, "Yummy, dead whale." And then I hassle him about how they don't make makeup out of whale parts anymore.


Well-known member
The other night, about 3 minutes before I met up with my boyfriend, I put on a big fresh coat of Russian red, with a shimmery lip balm over it, and then gave him a ig kiss when he showed up.
I sort of forgot that I had it on. he looked completely ridiculous after. I liked it. haha

but yeah, when I'm with him, I try to never wear color, or gloss.
I love me some burt's bees<3


Well-known member
Originally Posted by patty0411
LOL! My boyfriend is the one who avoids kissing me when I wear a bright lip. He'll just look at me, and just kiss me on the cheek or forehead. ;D I love those forehead kisses

AW MAN! forehead kisses are the BEST! haha