B2M - Read before posting questions about Back to MAC.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by puertoricandoll
I can't take deppoted e/s pots to my counter. They won't accept them.

I would keep the depotted quad a buy pro pans to fill it (only $10 per shadow and great for travel) and "puertoricandoll" why doesn't your counter accept them?


Well-known member

i know this has been asked a million times, i'm sure but i can't find anything with the search. i asked an MA at my counter about depotted eyeshadows, and she said that it's kind of cheating the program (psh when i've paid 13.50$ 6x, i think they can give me a free 14$ thing hahaha!) and that MAC policy is to NOT take them, but some MAs will do it anyway. is this true?


Well-known member
sweeeet. thanks Lara! i better go find some palettes then...i've got some shadows that need depotting haha!


Well-known member
i think the only things they don't take back are special packaging empties, like Lure and Catherine Denevue stuff
so as long as it's a regularly packaged lippie, it should be good


Well-known member
FWIW, I think items in special packaging can be turned in as B2M items, but items in special packaging can't be acquired through B2M.

Confirmation from someone else?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
FWIW, I think items in special packaging can be turned in as B2M items, but items in special packaging can't be acquired through B2M.

Confirmation from someone else?

This is true. I don't have a counter anywhere near me, so I mail my empties (which have included B2M lippies, special edition lippies, and melted e/s pans) directly to MAC. I always get my lippies. Gratis items (MAC employees free items with a little hole drilled in them) canNOT be used for B2M.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
FWIW, I think items in special packaging can be turned in as B2M items, but items in special packaging can't be acquired through B2M.

Confirmation from someone else?

oooh i didn't know that! hahaha i'm all excited now


Well-known member
Yes, I turned it all my lure depotted shadow pots for lippies for no problem. FWIW, my MAC store won't take depotted shadow pots, but the Nordie's counter at the same mall will.


Well-known member
How to empty lipglasses for B2M?

My store won't take them unless they are empty, how can i do that?Thank you!


Well-known member
What that makes no sense I've B@MAC ones I've received in swap & not sure if they are new or used but quite full, as well as ones that I've used a few times that have then gone bad. No problem at the counter


Well-known member
If you really want to do that you can use a pair of tongs and pull out the little plastic insert.....then use the Lipglass some more or remove it with a Q-Tip!


Well-known member
I've taken back full glosses before......ones I've bought, kept for a year, then to realize I've never used it. But, without a receipt I can't return it.....so I b2m it. I've never had a problem with the store not taking them back.


Well-known member
That's crazy that they want them emptied... but if you want to humor them, Hot Lady has a good suggestion...I've even had the stuff pour out when I pulled the insert out, then just run it under hot water to flush the gloss out.

Originally Posted by HotLady1970
If you really want to do that you can use a pair of tongs and pull out the little plastic insert.....then use the Lipglass some more or remove it with a Q-Tip!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mskitchmas
then just run it under hot water to flush the gloss out.

THATS something I haven't done yet but I'll give it a try!


Well-known member
There really isn't an easy way to get it out, even with taking the insert out. That stuff is so damn sticky! I swear they should use it to hold down those tiles that keep breaking off of the space shuttle when it reenters earth's atmosphere. They wouldn't budge.

Did all of the MAs say they wouldn't take it or was it just one? If it was just one, she/he is just misinformed. They should take it. Just ask another MA. Sounds like the one you talked to was just being a pain in the ass.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
I swear they should use it to hold down those tiles that keep breaking off of the space shuttle when it reenters earth's atmosphere. They wouldn't budge.



Well-known member
Your store is being ridiculous. Just take them back as they are, it's not as if they have to empty the tube for you.