B2M - Read before posting questions about Back to MAC.


Well-known member
My manager posted the memo corporate sent out this morning on the wall... it also said that they would send more info about it soon


Well-known member
Shut up! How cool! I assume it won't be anything LE right?
So it's still 6 empties?
6 empties = eyeshadow, lipglass or lipstick?
Pan or pot form e/s?
Sorry so many questions but it's kinda hard to believe MAC is doing that. Yay! I'm excited!


Well-known member
Excellent news, especially since I don't wear lipstick nearly as often as I wear lip gloss and eyeshadow.

Will you let us know, when you get more info, whether they clarify the whole pot/pan B2m confusion while they're altering their B2m policy? I've been told at the Water Tower macys in Chicago that they only accept pots with the pans still in them, but they still took my depotted containers, and this is contrary to what a lot of people on this site say.


Well-known member
Hmm...for some reason when I went to my MAC counter yesterday, the MAs told me that I couldn't count the pans as a seperate item for b2m..
does it vary in store?


Well-known member
Sorry if it doesn't sound realistic, but it's true! Probably a dream come true for a lot of people. You can B2M for a lipstick, lipglass or eyeshadow! Our assistant manager announced this news yesterday. And it is effective immediately...only for freestanding stores. He also told us that you have to have an existing file at the store to redeem your empties. I don't know how this will work internationally.


Well-known member
i'm kind of bummed that it's only at stores, but i think it's worth it to drive the 40 miles to the store to get something other than a lipstick (i really only like amp. creams and they aren't coming out with any good amp. cream colours anymore...so i'm kind of stuck) any word on the official depotted e/s policy though? i keep hearing depots are okay, but then i hear that they're not...is MAC clarifying this?


Well-known member
the depotted pots thing depends on the counter/store's own policy...we accept depotted shadows just fine
for trade in: its only pot shadows u can get not the pan
also they are doing this as a continuing effort to seperate counter and freestanding stores...which i don't totally disagree with


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cloverette
does anyone know if this also applies internationally?

i would be the happiest girl if it did!! does it?