Baby Fever way too early


Well-known member
So I got pregnant about a year ago and had an abortion in September because I was only 17 and me and my boyfriend felt that was the right choice for us at the time.

But I always think about this decision, and I don't obsess over it, but I do feel very guilty.

Now I'm always telling my boyfriend that we should have a baby soon, and that I really want one. I'm only 18 years old and I know that it'd be better if I waited until I was in my 20s, but then I see and hear about girls my age that had a baby and life for them isn't as hard as I thought it would be.

I dunno...any comments or advice or anything? It's hard to tell if I just want a baby now because of what I did last year, or what. Thanks guys


Well-known member
This is a personal decision that only you can make. My advice is that you should wait, there is plenty of time for you to have a child. Kids are an incredible responsibility, and they need more time and attention than you would initially think. They are a full time, 24 hour a day job.

Have you considered if you would return to work afterwards? If so, could you afford daycare or do you have family nearby that could take care of them. If you don't go back to work could you make it on a single salary? Does your boyfriend feel the same way you do? There are so many questions to ask yourself, and discuss with your bf.

Kids are a joy, but they will change your life forever.

Another Janice!

Well-known member
I waited until I was married and 22 years old when I had mine.

I wish that I knew then what I know now.

If I could redo it, I would wait until now to have them. I'm 27 now. UGH. I just realized how close that is to 30.


Well-known member
i agree that it is a personal decision, however, imo i think it would be best to have a baby when you and your significant other are at a place & time when you are both ready.

i really wanted to have a baby with my husband so badly ever since i knew my husband was "the one," but he wasn't ready at the moment. i did pressure him but i knew i was wrong to do so, and it only made me feel bad about myself.

however, once he was ready it was such a joyous time to BOTH be excited to try to create a baby from our love. we now have a beautiful 7 month old and no words can describe the level of happiness she has brought us. it is unreal.

sorry to babble but i'm just so happy to be where i am. i was 29 when i got pregnant. you have lots of time sweetie, & when the time is right, you'll have your precious little one, and you'll make a wonderful mommy no doubt!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by belldandy13
i agree that it is a personal decision, however, imo i think it would be best to have a baby when you and your significant other are at a place & time when you are both ready.

i really wanted to have a baby with my husband so badly ever since i knew my husband was "the one," but he wasn't ready at the moment. i did pressure him but i knew i was wrong to do so, and it only made me feel bad about myself.

however, once he was ready it was such a joyous time to BOTH be excited to try to create a baby from our love. we now have a beautiful 7 month old and no words can describe the level of happiness she has brought us. it is unreal.

sorry to babble but i'm just so happy to be where i am. i was 29 when i got pregnant. you have lots of time sweetie, & when the time is right, you'll have your precious little one, and you'll make a wonderful mommy no doubt!

thank you! when me and my boyfriend first started our relationship, it's like we were moving fast, but it felt normal. we talked about getting an aprtment later in life, and we talked about having kids during the first few months in our relationship. theres no doubt in my mind that he is "the one" and i do want to wait for the perfect time, but if it happens by surprise...i don't think i will be upset. all of my sisters and brothers have kids (or are having one in the next couple of months) and i know that i will have their support and advice...

thank you everyone for your comments. i will try to make better decisions when it comes to protecting myself for now...


Well-known member
I had my son at a young age. I got pregnant when i was 19 & gave birth when I was 20. Having a baby changes your life in ways you cannot imagine. You're no longer obligated to do what you want, when you want. Decision making gets harder because you need to look out for what's best for the child. If you're ready for a change, then I would say do it!

Having a baby changes everything but being a parent is the best feeling in the world. I don't regret anything about having a baby at a young age. Watching my son grow & seeing him develope his own personality is amazing! I'm sure you'll love being a parent & i'm sure you'll be a great one too!


Well-known member
i have been with my boyfriend for 6 years. i'm not a "One True Love" believer as much as i believe you find someone and you choose to love them and make it work no matter what crap is there because you want to make them happy and they want to make you happy and you want to be together. we have been through a ton and it was all worth it but it wasn't always easy.

all the people i know who had children early have wished they had waited, some because they wanted/needed more time to sort out their relationships or to get to know their partner, but most have wished they waited so they had more time to get their financial act together.

anyway, reading this thread just made me think of my mom, who passed away from cancer in June of 2006. all she ever wanted for us was for us to become educated, so we could be financially stable and happy. she had us young and really struggled to achieve everything in life, but she sacrificed a lot and she did it. no we didn't have extravagant my super sweet 16's, (maybe this is where my love of high end cosmetics comes from?) but we had everything we needed and more. i know she wanted us never to worry about money, to always feel secure, etc etc. she didn't even want us to take out school loans, she was so sad about that, and i always thought it was so silly- who doesn't have school loans you know? i mean that is the extent of what a parent desires for a child. i know, no doubt, that you will be a great mother one day and that he'll be a great father. i know me and my boyfriend will be great parents, and i think about children now all the time, and i think i can say that i can understand how you are feeling. i just turn my desire into motivation to get my act together, so one day in the near future we can have what we want, what really matters.

i think that you are so gutsy and awesome for having the courage to tell your story (i know, cheesy, but i can't think of other words)
and i just wanted to share my thoughts.


Well-known member
I completly understand how u feel. The same thing happened to me a while ago with my husband but we both came to the decision that this would be a bad time. Whatever you do make sure that you have thought it through and that you want it for the right reasons.


Well-known member
Like everyone else has said, only you would know if it's the right time or not.

Make sure you weigh all the options.. Are you financially stable? Is your relationship stable?

I had my son young, but I was also married and very stable.


New member
I'm in the same situation as you're in right now. I had my abortion in June and the decision continues to creep into my head daily. I believe I've made the right decision, but I can't overcome my feelings of guilt and sadness.
Post traumatic abortion stress is common from what I've read on baby message boards. One of the symptoms is wanting to become pregnant right after the procedure. I can list all the reasons I'm not ready for motherhood, but my emotions defies all logical reasoning.
One of the lessons I've learned from my experience is that the answers to life's problems are not black and white. There are gray areas... and I never anticipated it. Anyways, with the urging of my fiancee and close friends, I went to my first counseling session for this, today =). Good to find others that can provide thoughtful advice.


Well-known member
I think you want to have a baby becuase of what you did last year. My suggestion is to wait have fun now that you can because with a child you have someone else to worry about and its nothing small, it is major to have a child to look after to teach him/her things about life and EVERYTHING!!!! You have to feed him, change him wake up at night go to the er for emergencies when hes sick at 1 am and u dont go home until 4 pm the next day it is hard, you dont know if you will have problems with him if hes going to be healthy or what not there are so many things to think about and you are so young. I would wait if I were you. Party have fun , travel do what you want to do. A baby will not let you do the same things you do now, you wont be able to wake up late you cant just leave a baby wondering around the house while your asleep or tired. So many babies are abused, abandoned, burned in microwaves, please think about it. Just my 2 cents.


Well-known member
It sounds to me that you may be trying to avoid the feelings surrounding the abortion. Allow yourself to feel the feelings. Be kind to yourself. You did the best thing under the circumstances. Please don't jump into another situation before you are ready.


Well-known member
Let me just start off by saying that you can never be prepared for a child. I met my husband about a year ago. We became very attached and in love with eachother in a matter of days. We started talking about getting married and having children a week into the relationship. There's no doubt in my mind that he is my soul mate. A few months after we began dating, we moved in together. We started talking about seriously having a baby but nothing was ever definate. He wanted for us to get pregnant but, he didn't feel he was really ready yet. I respected his decision and didn't pressure him about it. We continued with our relationship and we would have sex and not use protection. Well not too long after our conversation, I got pregnant. It didn't come as much of a surprise because, like i said, we weren't using any type of protection so we knew it was a possiblity. So I become pregnant and a few weeks after that we get hit with the first blow. I was laid off at my job. So now I'm out of a job and we started struggling with money since he was the only one making money. Our relationship became very strained because of the financial issues. I understood because I knew he was under a lot of stress. Besides me losing my job, i had no insurance so I had no way of going to the doctor to get checked out. We got married by court 2 months after I found out I was pregnant. We would have liked to have a beautiful wedding but we had no money and I needed to get put on his insurance so that I could go to the doctor. It has been a constant struggle since then and it hasn't gotten any easier. A couple of weeks ago I had to go to the OB for an emergency because I started to bleed. Come to find out, they told me that I have a disease that will never be cured and I will have to be on medication for the rest . I won't say what it is because it's a personal thing. Things just seem to get worse and worse. The thought that I won't have anything ready for my child is depressing. Thankfully I was blessed with a wonderful, understanding husband but, it's very difficult to deal with things like this. By no means do I regret getting pregnant because this is the one thing that brings both my husband and I happiness at momemnts like these. After my long story, my advice is to wait until you and your boyfriend are stable. Both financially and emotionally. The worst thing you can do is to bring a child into an unstable home. Make sure you go to the doctor and get checked out before you become pregnant. Make sure your boyfriend can handle being the only one working while you're recovering. And definately make sure that this is something you BOTH really want and not just your emotions getting the best of you.


Well-known member
I definitely agree with Evey...make sure you bring a child in an emotionally stable, financially stable, mentally stable home.


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Long story inc: skip if you don't like novels

I had 5 miscarriages and my husband and I were looking into adoption when I got pregnant again. I was told that I couldn't have kids, so this was a surprise. I almost miscarried again at 10.5 weeks, but the ER staff saved my pregnancy. I had my first son two days after I turned 23. By that time I had been married for just over 3 years, and my relationship was stable. Finances were not the best, but I don't think anybody working an average job can ever be "ready" financially for having a baby. By the time I was 24 I'd had my second son. I'd stopped my career to be a stay at home mom, and while finances were tight I know I did the right thing at the time for my family.

A few years later it turns out that both of my kids ended up being diagnosed with mild autism. This was a major blow to my self esteem and my marriage, and we ended up divorcing a few years later from the fallout. When dealt with tragedy some couples just drift apart until they fall apart. My ex and I are on very stable terms now and we're talking about reconciling. My sons are now 9 (10 next month) and 11 years old.

Do I regret having my kids? I never will. I could have put kids aside for my career and never had to deal with autism or the resulting stress. Having my kids at that time was perfect for ME. The three of us are so close today, you cannot drive a wedge between my kids and I. Thanks to aggressive treatment from both the school's special education program and their pediatrician, they are as normal as they are going to get. You can stick them in a room full of other kids, and if you were going just by looks you couldn't tell them apart. Speech and social skills are still something we work on every day, and if that's the worst I have to deal with, I consider myself luckier than most of my peer mothers who have autistic children. Some Moms I know with autistic kids have never had their child look at them and say, "I love you". So yes, I consider myself VERY lucky because I hear that every day, several times a day.

If I could go back and do things different, would I? Probably not, except that I would have handled the aftermath of their diagnosis differently. Maybe then I wouldn't have gone through my divorce. But if somebody had told me before I had kids that there was a possibility that they would be afflicted with a disability, would I still have them? That's a possibility I don't think any mother is prepared for, and the only thing I can suggest before you try for another baby is that you know that you have a good support system with their father, your family, and friends before having a child just in case any surprises come up.

Only you can determine when you are ready, and I wouldn't really rely on age as the sole timer for having kids. One of my cousins waited until her career was stable, she had money in the bank, and now she's 42 and not sure if she can handle running after a toddler at her age. Life changes all the time, but wait a year or so to see where you're headed, and then make the decision after that. Jobs will change, living situations will change, but as long as you know what you want to do with your life and you have a plan to get there in place, then you can fit in having a child.

Best of luck to you

karen diggins

Active member
The one thing about getting pregnant young is that you no have time to yourself. And if things go wrong during the pregnancy and you ended up haveing a preemie and all the problems that can go along with preemies could you handle it... But if you really want to have a baby and boyfriend will be there for you go ahead...


Well-known member
I'm not quite as young as you are, I'm nearly 21 but I can sympathize. I lately have had a very intense feeling about having children and being a mother. And just when that happy daydream cloud featuring me and my boyfriend walking side by side with a gorgeous child in a stroller...a bunch of little bubbles suffocate it away: where will we live? do we have good family support? childcare? benefits? how much weight will I gain? will gaining that weight put my baby at risk? (I'm already overweight and at risk, I don't need to get any bigger) will my boyfriend (hopefully husband by the time we have kids) and I have together time with our baby as well as time alone to be together? can we afford to have a baby? are we mentally/financially/emotionally prepared to parent a child?

I think what's going on with you is the same thing that's going on with me: I'm seeing a lot of happy people with babies, and people are cooing over pregnant bellies and buying shower gifts...but those things are the temporary surface layers of having children. They don't stay in your belly forever, your body will never look the same again after getting pregnant (unless you're some sort of mutant, or celebrity), and they dont stay babies forever. They start out as cute little babies swaddled in clothes, then they turn into hyperactive toddlers, curious children, then they go through puberty, and so on and so on.
Not to put a damper on people having children, because I know someday I'm gonna be totally ready to start my family because I'll have weighed all of these decisions out and made arrangements and be the best mother I can be to my children...but the fact of the matter is that I'm 20 years old, I'm still in college, I live with my parents, I'm in a small amount of debt and I'm nowhere near ready to give myself up to having a child right now or anytime soon.

You're still a baby yourself, and I don't mean that in a bad way, but you have so many years ahead of you to go to school, start a career path, stabilize your own life, travel, see the world, make some mistakes and correct them and grow up before you can have a baby.


Well-known member
Honestly, the things I thought I wanted at 18, I found I didn't want when I had a chance to grow up a little.

Having a baby is a decision you can't take back.

I feel like your guilt is what's making you wanna jump into motherhood, and that's really not a good motivation to do it.

Just wait, that's my advice. You and your boyfriend might not be together in a few years. I know you're sure he's "the one," but life rarely works out that way. We're sure of a LOT of things at that age, and most of it changes once we've grown and matured.

Please give yourself a chance to grow and mature. Don't make life decisions yet, because you're still just a kid (no offense). I know I resented hearing that at your age, but hindsight is 20/20. I really WAS just a kid.