Back-Arm bumps.


Active member
Yeah those suck.., I have them too. I actually went to the doctor, and she said it's mostly genetics (since my mother had them), and it'll gradually go away when you get older.. i was like.."who is going to look at me then.., i'll be wrinkle-ly"

But they've gone quite a bit since then (2 yrs?), they're almost gone now. I used Neutrogena's Skin Smoothing body lotion, they have one made especially for this called Bump Minimizing w/ spf 15.


Well-known member
I had them bad. I did clear them up, but you have to keep using it. has a green apple warming sugar scrub. If I use this in the showetr, I get rid of them in a week or so. If I get lazy, they slowly come back. It's great stuff - smells like apples and gets warmer and warmer as you exfoliate.


Well-known member
I have them too and i haven't found a scrub that works yet. Buffy the backside slayer didn't do squat so i've just accepted the fact that i'm stuck with them!
Originally Posted by AlliSwan
YES! I hate to tan because I know how bad it is for me, and now that I'm confident enough to be the pale girl that I am, I don't go to the tanning bed unless I am going on vacation and don't want to have a KILLER sunburn--then I just go for a week or two. HOWEVER, when I do get a tan, I notice my skin is a lot tougher and less susceptible to ingrown hairs, KP, even little scratches on my skin don't turn into a red mess for days. But I think cancer is definitely more evil than being a little red and bumpy from time to time!

I agree with those who said tanning helps them. We all know the risks of tanning but honestly it's the only thing that's ever completley cleared mine up, and it did it in like a week!


Well-known member
I have keratosis pilaris as well and my doctor prescribed a lotion to me called lac-hydrin. It makes my skin a lot smoother and my skin more even-toned so that the kp is less noticeable.


Well-known member
i have keratosis pilaris too. its improved since ive got a bit older (at least its not obviously all over my face anymore!), when i was young my mum decided to take me to the doctor over it and i ended up seeing a dermatologist. she said there is know known cure for it sadly. but there are things that help, such as exfoliation, and sunlight! it gets so much better in summer. i guess ive just learnt to live with it now.

sorry i cant help more but i can offer sympathy!


Well-known member
i've always had this on my arms, but now i've started to get it on my legs too! i only realised it when i was staying at my boyfriend's house for the first time! not the best impression to make. since then i've been using a range of scrubs and moisturisers and it seems to be going away. just scrub and moisturise is what i say!


Well-known member
i have this problem on the backs of my arms too- ewwhhh!! but i find that exfoliating religiously like made will eventually help to soothen the bumps out- but like someone mentioned previosly, you gotta do it everyday - or else all that previous hard work will be an utter waste of time cos they do grow back.
Being the lush bitch that i am, i too suggest and use "buffy" exfloiater- imo the best thing (2nd to MAC) ever invented!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jess98765
i have this problem on the backs of my arms too- ewwhhh!! but i find that exfoliating religiously like made will eventually help to soothen the bumps out- but like someone mentioned previosly, you gotta do it everyday - or else all that previous hard work will be an utter waste of time cos they do grow back.
Being the lush bitch that i am, i too suggest and use "buffy" exfloiater- imo the best thing (2nd to MAC) ever invented!

buffy works! ive used it on my legs and bum before

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