Bad Customers!


Well-known member
The last thing I worry about is the color of the skin of the MA who's helping me. Yesterday, I had an Africn American MA, and I'm as far as I'm concerned she has more experience than I do at picking out concealer than I do even if I'm not AA too.

I've learned so much from this thread as to how to approach an MA, to chew gum (LOL!), and to at least come somewhat prepared. I walked in yesterday and was able to explain what kind of concealer and blush that I wanted without saying, "Uh...I don't know. What do you think?" I'm painfully shy with the MA's sometimes, but if I want to get things I want I need to speak up. After she helped me pick out the things I needed, I told her she could help the other customers because it takes me FOREVER to pick out eyeshadows. I didn't need help picking out e/s so I figured in the time it would take for me to do that, she could help at least one other customer (which is exactly what she did). I made sure that she got credit for helping me out though because she wasn't the one that checked me out.


Well-known member

Honey, here's a hint: the eyeshadow doesn't look bad because I'm a shit MA. It looks bad because it's electric purple, matte, prone to sticking, it sure as hell isn't your colour and you demanded it all the way up to your brow line.

Hoy. Sometimes you just can't win. :roll:


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara

Honey, here's a hint: the eyeshadow doesn't look bad because I'm a shit MA. It looks bad because it's electric purple, matte, prone to sticking, it sure as hell isn't your colour and you demanded it all the way up to your brow line.

Hoy. Sometimes you just can't win. :roll:

Replace the request of purple shadow with someone who likes LIGHT colors wanting to try three dark colors at once and we had the same customer...without the name calling. Did she really say that?


Well-known member
Oh, yes. When in doubt, blame the MA :roll:

How does this sound? A $570 sale purchased without drama, then returned twenty minutes later. SO MUCH RAGE. I worked my ass off for that sale, too.


Well-known member
This isn't so much a bad customer as a customer pet peeve. How about when you perfectly line a client's lips, blend in the liner, brush on the lipstick and a touch of gloss and acheive perfection. Then....out of habit, the client smacks and rolls her lips together, effectively smearing it all together and pushing the product out of their natural lip line making it look like a total mess. Then they ask a friend or another customer if they like what I did? Ehhh? That's not what I did! Disclaimer!!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
Oh, yes. When in doubt, blame the MA :roll:

How does this sound? A $570 sale purchased without drama, then returned twenty minutes later. SO MUCH RAGE. I worked my ass off for that sale, too.

During Holiday we had two GIANT returns (over $700 each) guy actually told us the reason-he bought the stuff for his g/f & then when he told his sister, she said "Why'd you buy her all that, she ain't so fly"

And then a few months back we had a customer buy 3 or 4 of soooo many things (about $1000 worth)-assumingly to bring it back home (somewhere in the Carribean, where they die for MAC, but don't sell it) and sell it....We love these sales, cause they are so huge, but this lady brought everything back the next week. There were literally like 5 of the biggest MAC bags filled with stuff we just had to toss in the returns-What a waste!

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
Originally Posted by MisStarrlight
And then a few months back we had a customer buy 3 or 4 of soooo many things (about $1000 worth)-assumingly to bring it back home (somewhere in the Carribean, where they die for MAC, but don't sell it) and sell it....We love these sales, cause they are so huge, but this lady brought everything back the next week. There were literally like 5 of the biggest MAC bags filled with stuff we just had to toss in the returns-What a waste!

:eek2: That is such a waste
i can't believe someone could do that :Z


Active member
I have been with MAC for 3 years, so I have seen ALMOST everything. Here are some things I could live without:

1) Women of color completely ignoring my help b/c they think I cannot in any way do their makeup. I love the women who give me a chance, since I know many women of color have bad experiences with other lines not being able to match them. But some women are sooo rude and nasty, I have to walk away.

2) Lipstick land. I have given up babysitting in lipstick land. Especially the women who ask, ignore my suggestions, and then pick something completely different.
Q: "Would you like a frost, glossy texture, or matte?"
A: "Matte."
Q: "Mattes are pretty. I like them b/c they stay on longer. What color are you thinking about?"
A: "Something periwinkle." (Side note, periwinkle is BLUE.)
Points to FRESH MOROCCAN, tries it, buys it, brings it back.

3) Moms who ask their CHILDREN, under the age of 5, if they like the color, and buy based on the child's answer. Along with the child topic, moms who let their children play in the shadow pots, eat the lipstick, and ruin face charts that the artist leaves on the the inner part of the counter. Also children who pull and push on their moms while I try to do their makeup, and then yell in my ear. Also moms who BREASTFEED their child while I do their makeup.

I love my job, and I will love MAC until the day I die, but sometimes!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
I don't think MAs are annoyed if someone says it in that way. We are talking about people that do not meet you half way. They won't give you any indication of their lifestyle, they do not know what they like or what they feel comfortable in. They shoot down every suggestion that you offer. It's very frustrating because we want to help but we cannot read people's minds.

Exactly! The point I think everyone is trying to make is that as a makeup artist we can suggest all day, but if it simply isn't something you will use, then there is no point in letting us put "just whatever" we think on you. If you went to a restaurant and said, "I'll just take whatever you think I need, you're the expert" you might be a vegan and they might give you a steak. That obviously is not going to make anyone happy. You have every right to tell us what you want to look at or try and we will be happy to show you, just point us in the direction you are thinking of!

Also, things that are said by MUA's or other customer service reps here are just things that bother them personally. Don't take it as an insult if something they say bothers them is something that you do/have done. I am sure that no matter what you do for a living, there are things that bother you that you have to deal with at work. If you have zero complaints about people you have encountered in your job, send me an application!


Well-known member
Lipstick land!
I am so glad I am not the only one who gets frustated when I go to lipstick land.

I can't remember if we went over people that grab things from the shelf (items to sell) and try them on. They just look at you when you hand them the tester and KEEP ON USING the new product and then proceed to throw said item on the counter.


Well-known member
This one popped into my head the other day. When a customer comes in looking for a product and says the completely wrong name, then gets mad when you can't figure out what they are talking about.

For example, don't get mad at me when I tell you that we have never had a lipglass called So Barbeque, when in fact what you were looking for was So Baroque lipglass.


Well-known member
Eahhh...Sissypoo....Have you (or any other MA here) actually had a client breastfeed (gags) their child *in front of you* or while your were doing their makeup??!!!!! I'm sorry, but that would have to be the line..I think I would politely say "I'm sorry, ma'm, if you cannot wait to breastfeed your baby, then why don't we wait until later to do the application". Just, uh...I'm literally getting sick to my stomach here...I'm sorry..this is kinda an O/T opinion, but BF'ing (IMO) is a PRIVATE thing, and should be done in PRIVATE!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
For example, don't get mad at me when I tell you that we have never had a lipglass called So Barbeque, when in fact what you were looking for was So Baroque lipglass.

I'm happy to put on my Cranium hat and try to figure out what you're after, but god, don't argue with me about it. I stare at this stuff for 40 hours a week - trust me, I'd know if we had a product called XYZ.

I had a great day yesterday, though. Customers were great (apart from Argumentative Guy), my sales were great (especially one lady who bought $550 worth of small stuff in one transaction - my AUS/IPT roared through the roof) and I actually managed to get out of there less than ten minutes after closing. Win!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
..... I stare at this stuff for 40 hours a week - trust me, I'd know if we had a product called XYZ....



New member
I must say "Thank you!" to all the wonderful, awesome MA's at MAC who during my years of trial and error helped guide me in the right direction...and away from the wrong colors. I especially must agree with makeupneewbie....I have seen various artists over the years, but the three who stand out are the ones I try to visit the most often and go-to for my "Special Occasions," simply because they acted more interested in helping ME look better than trying to meet their quota.....and after the first few visits, they knew me by name and knew they would DEFINITELY make that mark when I was there. Since I live so far away, I SERIOUSLY stock up when I'm it's very very very very nice and so very-much appreciated for taking the time and effort and always having a smile on their face no matter how crazy the "MACWhore" line was.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by YvetteJeannine
Eahhh...Sissypoo....Have you (or any other MA here) actually had a client breastfeed (gags) their child *in front of you* or while your were doing their makeup??!!!!! I'm sorry, but that would have to be the line..I think I would politely say "I'm sorry, ma'm, if you cannot wait to breastfeed your baby, then why don't we wait until later to do the application". Just, uh...I'm literally getting sick to my stomach here...I'm sorry..this is kinda an O/T opinion, but BF'ing (IMO) is a PRIVATE thing, and should be done in PRIVATE!!!!

Yes. I've also had people who hold very angry/tired/hungry/bored babies who are screaming while I do their makeup. If I pause the application (a hint that this isn't working), they just say "it's ok" and continue to rock the upset child who just gets louder.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
.....they just say "it's ok" and continue to rock the upset child who just gets louder.

Ummm...the fact that I've stopped applying your makeup should be telling you it's not "OK", huh?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
Yes. I've also had people who hold very angry/tired/hungry/bored babies who are screaming while I do their makeup. If I pause the application (a hint that this isn't working), they just say "it's ok" and continue to rock the upset child who just gets louder.

Oh but I have had this kid kick me repeatedly, feel my breasts during the entire application and steal my brushes. Ohh the joy of sticky 3 year old hands and them hard a$$ kid shoes.


Well-known member
I think we all know that throwing your credit/eftpos cards at people is rude, right?

There's an addendum - If you've thrown the card hard enough that it left a red mark above my eyebrow, then you've thrown it too damn hard.

My god, people. If you can't play nicely in public, then stay in your cave until you can muster up the bare basics of social niceties. Throwing things at my face is not going to inspire me to go that extra mile for you. No goddamn lipstick for you.