Bad Customers!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
Now you know why I'm ready to go ballistic at work.
Only a few more days until school holidays are over and everything can go back to normal.

I know.. I've seen it. I feel bad for the employees. I can see how hard they try to keep the store clean, attractive and in order. These people come in and rip it up, make a mess, spill things and generally act like animals. I bet they don't act that way in their homes! I've gotten cranky MA's/SA's before.. but I know it was nothing I did, I try to be a little nicer to them. It seems to help.
This happened to me 2 days ago.

I wouldn't say call this incident a 'bad-customer' incident, but it definitely was weird. My colleague and I were looking at the Lightful collection at a MAC counter while waiting for my MA to put together my Try On Pac when we saw a lady pick up the 185 brush from the Gam Glams display and started applying blusher on her face! We were horrified as we had just been playing with that same brush with our grubby hands.

That lady turned away one of the MA who stepped up to assist her and proceed with her makeup at the eyeshadow display table. She just started dabbing her fingers into random eyeshadow pots and applying onto her face. My colleague couldn't help staring at her in disgust.


Active member
I love it when people try to bring back things they've had for a looooong time. It makes me laugh, and I find it a challange, but the best is when I get to tell them I can't take it back. There are sometimes in MAC where you the customer is right, but when they are wrong, sometimes I think I get a small high.

So a woman came in the other day, and she wanted to exchange two lipglass that she had. One was an Oh Baby, in a battered box, some parts of it white where the paper had worn off. The actuall gloss was untouched so I took it. She then handed me a shattered Coppering in an also botched up box, but was Rule. So since there was no eyeshadow in the box, in the wrong box actually, I told her no. She then handed me an Oyster Girl box with a Foolishly Fab plushglass on the inside. It was so used, the MAC logo was worn off, along with the bottom faded. She argued with me for ten minutes, swearing that it was new, and that she just got it. I showed her a new plushglass, and compared the two. She bitched about how I was unfair, and borderlined on the race card. She finally walked away, but if I had to take it back, I would have shot someone.

I also had this WASP come in, dripped of money, "class", and was an asshole. She looked for a lipstick, and I told her to not lean over the lipstick unit, b/c she would get it on her clothes. Instead, after not listening to me, she got it on her Louis Vuitton purse. When she sat down, she got it all over her shirt. She then blamed it on ME, and told me not to let it happen again, and she was serious. I handed her a wipe to clean her purse, and she started getting mad, and told me she was going to charge me for her shirt. She left and said she was going to contact the Belk management (thank God she didn't know to cal MAC), and complain. I never heard anything about it again.

Yeah, so those are the crazy ones I have in the past several months.


Well-known member
Favourite line: We sell cosmetics, and if you don't like what we've sold you, then bring it back. But we sell cosmetics, we don't rent them.
Check the batchcode. I had a bitchy angry woman trying to return a 60 per cent used blush with a 2003 batchcode. Um, you don't get to use it for four years and bring it back.


Well-known member
I am just amazed at what some people will try. I do like your line about selling cosmetics not renting them, priceless!!!


Well-known member
i have some peeves bout customers, too.

#1 - if people, mostly teenage girls walk through our shop door, stand there and just say very loud something along those lines "OMG it STINKS!!! in here. How cann you be able to work at such a place?!?" dear lady, our shop is scenting several meters on the outside as well so you KNOW that youre not going to like the scent, so dont come in. by coming in and telling us this kind remark you have done us no good, in fact you activated our customer meter at the door twice. thank you very much and we hope to never see you again.

i have no problems with customers who come in and then realize the scent is too heavy and they have to leave the store, thats understandable, we are heavy scented, but you dont have to insult us.

#2 - kids. oh the joy of school holidays. groups of small children/teens coming in dipping their fingers in the jellies until they brake while loudly stating how disgusting this is, throw several ballistic testers in every water bowl available, and do nasty things to our testers.

#3 - thieves. why in the world would i steal a tester that has probably been touched by dozns of customers before. why?

#4 - snappy customers. we are obliged to go up to EVERY customer and offer advise as most new customers just dont know what all the stuff in our shop is. the myth we are a soap shop originates here ("so all these are soaps, yes?) thats why we do our work, to show you what these products are intended for. i just love it when you go to a customer and say "hello!" and all they do is snap back without looking at you "I DONT WANT ANY HELP, I CAN READ MYSELF!!!" oh the joy when you see them walking round trying to wash their hands with a massage bar tester and then snap at you "So you are just selling soap here!?!" whoa, i thought you could read for yourself, why not actually try to understand what it says on the signs?

#5 - some men. so a young SA comes up to you in the shop shes working for and askes you if she can explain something about the shop or the products to you. seriously, this can only mean she wants to flirt with you, over 40 year old/beer bellied/married (wife gets demos done with another SA) guy. NO, i wont come over to your house to make bubbles like this in your bathtub, and NO its not included in the products price. NO, when i show you some soaps so you can smell them it isnt an invitation to take my hand and kiss it. and NO, i didnt want you to do this, no matter how strong you believed i would. pervert a**hole.

so thats it. rant over.


Wow, I really have respect for the MAs after reading all this. I mean, I know they put up with some terrible customers, but some of those were just complete horror stories. I have never had a bad MAC experience. Just yesterday I was at a counter looking at the eyeshadows, an MA came over as usual and said 'Hi! How are you?' so I replied 'I'm great, and yourself?' and she looked so surrised I actually asked her how she was back, then she proceeded to ask if I needed any help or anything. The nicer you are to the MA's, the more they want to help you. I don't understand how some people expect to get some sort of great service and a good experience if they are completely rude. Good job, MAs!


Well-known member
First you stood on my foot, then you hipchecked me out of the way and told me to go away, then I took two steps away to serve another customer and you snarled 'I AM NOT DONE WITH YOU YET', then you asked if we have any Asian staff because ' am too stupid to understand Asian eyes', then your friend smirked at me and tells me that my blue eyes 'look all dead, like a dead fish' and then added that I was too fat to work in cosmetics, then giggled with your friend in Korean whilst giving me the old up-and-down sneer, then you told me shut up when I did the standard routine about what looks nice with X eyeshadow... and you only bought one thing.


Everyone else was awesome today, but those two girls totally sapped me of my energy. By the time they had finished insulting my weight, my appearance, my job, my shoes and everything else, I felt like crawling into a hole. Here's a tip: if you're going to be a righteous bitch to someone who is just trying to do their job, the least you can do is buy more than a single item. You can kill my enthusiasm, but don't kill my UPT.

On a more positive note: to the lady who bought me a Mrs Fields double fudge cookie to cheer me up, you're welcome back any time.

karen diggins

Active member
Screw that Lady and her friend. Don't worry they will get there karma!!! So people drive me so crazy. I went to my fav mac counter in nordstrom and was talking to my friend that used to work there about some color and this total bitch came up and pushed me out of the way to get to my friend because this lady says she was ther before I was.


Well-known member
All I can say is please let people like that act a fool in a restaurant. They deserve to ingest the "extra seasoning" that they will no doubt get from the staff.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sissypooh
I love it when people try to bring back things they've had for a looooong time. It makes me laugh, and I find it a challange, but the best is when I get to tell them I can't take it back. There are sometimes in MAC where you the customer is right, but when they are wrong, sometimes I think I get a small high.

So a woman came in the other day, and she wanted to exchange two lipglass that she had. One was an Oh Baby, in a battered box, some parts of it white where the paper had worn off. The actuall gloss was untouched so I took it. She then handed me a shattered Coppering in an also botched up box, but was Rule. So since there was no eyeshadow in the box, in the wrong box actually, I told her no. She then handed me an Oyster Girl box with a Foolishly Fab plushglass on the inside. It was so used, the MAC logo was worn off, along with the bottom faded. She argued with me for ten minutes, swearing that it was new, and that she just got it. I showed her a new plushglass, and compared the two. She bitched about how I was unfair, and borderlined on the race card. She finally walked away, but if I had to take it back, I would have shot someone.

I wish EVERYONE knew about back 2 MAC... it would be way easier than returning old, used up items. Like, you can get a FREE lipglass/eyeshadow/lipstick if you just bring back 6 things. It's not a difficult concept to understand. MAC so needs to promote it more...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
First you stood on my foot, then you hipchecked me out of the way and told me to go away, then I took two steps away to serve another customer and you snarled 'I AM NOT DONE WITH YOU YET', then you asked if we have any Asian staff because ' am too stupid to understand Asian eyes', then your friend smirked at me and tells me that my blue eyes 'look all dead, like a dead fish' and then added that I was too fat to work in cosmetics, then giggled with your friend in Korean whilst giving me the old up-and-down sneer, then you told me shut up when I did the standard routine about what looks nice with X eyeshadow... and you only bought one thing.


Everyone else was awesome today, but those two girls totally sapped me of my energy. By the time they had finished insulting my weight, my appearance, my job, my shoes and everything else, I felt like crawling into a hole. Here's a tip: if you're going to be a righteous bitch to someone who is just trying to do their job, the least you can do is buy more than a single item. You can kill my enthusiasm, but don't kill my UPT.

On a more positive note: to the lady who bought me a Mrs Fields double fudge cookie to cheer me up, you're welcome back any time.

Lara, I'm sure you are beautiful.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Emma_Frost
I wish EVERYONE knew about back 2 MAC... it would be way easier than returning old, used up items. Like, you can get a FREE lipglass/eyeshadow/lipstick if you just bring back 6 things. It's not a difficult concept to understand. MAC so needs to promote it more...

i think they should promote it more at counters because twice when i went to the MAC store and after purchasing some stuff, the MA always asked me if i know about the Back2MAC program and when i say yes, they always tell me when i bring back 6 containers, i get to pick between an eyeshadow, lipglass and lipstick. when i go to counters, the MA never asked me if i know about the program.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by noahlowryfan
i think they should promote it more at counters because twice when i went to the MAC store and after purchasing some stuff, the MA always asked me if i know about the Back2MAC program and when i say yes, they always tell me when i bring back 6 containers, i get to pick between an eyeshadow, lipglass and lipstick. when i go to counters, the MA never asked me if i know about the program.

That's just bad training/enforcement. We are all supposed to tell every customer about B2M. Sure, I forget sometimes, but almost every customer knows about it-or gets a card about it in their bag.


Well-known member
Whenever I'm working I always tell them, haha. It's soo sad when they're like "Omg! I just threw away 4 mascara!!" or something like that. =/


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MisStarrlight
That's just bad training/enforcement. We are all supposed to tell every customer about B2M. Sure, I forget sometimes, but almost every customer knows about it-or gets a card about it in their bag.

No one's ever put a card in my bag before. It wasn't until recently did employees start mentioning b2m to me. Before that, I found out through specktra. Luckily I wasn't someone who used up some products and ended up throwing them away. I would have been pissseedd! I don't think I'll use up a product any time soon though.


Well-known member
Im not a makeup artist or a sales assistant but I had to deal with a troll customer on Saturday and Im not ashamed to admit I was nasty right back at her, I was havng a horrible day and I wasnt about to let her get away with making it worse...

I was talking to the SA about skin care and this horrible woman stormed up to the counter from outside the store, pushed me out of the way and started ranting at the SA about how she was being ignored - she had litterally just walked in the store entrance and to the counter so there was no way she could have possibly been ignored. The SA said that she was helping me and that she would be available shortly. The troll woman looked me up and down, snorted and said 'Oh no you wont, this little whore wont buy a thing. Look at her, all tattoo and ratty hair. Shes probably a junkie...' Everyone around us were gobsmacked and people were mumbling about manners and how rude she was.

I snapped at her. First the bitch shoves me, then calls me a junkie whore, all because I was there first. I tapped her on the shoulder and said 'Yeah, firstly. I was here before you so wait your f*cking turn. Secondly my body art does not mean Im a junkie or a whore, but thanks for making it painfully obvious what a revolting excuse for a human being you are and thirdly you just shoved me out of the way. Thats assault and honey, this store has security cameras so I have all the evidence I need to press charges. So f*ck off, go get yourself an attitude adjustment or a personality by-pass and let me shop in peace.'

She looked shocked, coughed and walked off and then the SAs at the counter and surrounding counters, along with other customers, started clapping...

I finished buying my stuff, got a bunch of free samples thrown in and went home...

I really feel for you ladies that work in retail dealing with monsters like that woman. I hate to think how she would have treated the SA based on how I was treated. Some of these stories make me want to slap the women. Honestly, what ever happened to manners and being polite? Were they raised by wild animals??

Ugh at least as a fellow customer I can bite back and not take that kind of crap.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ella_
Im not a makeup artist or a sales assistant but I had to deal with a troll customer on Saturday and Im not ashamed to admit I was nasty right back at her, I was havng a horrible day and I wasnt about to let her get away with making it worse...

I was talking to the SA about skin care and this horrible woman stormed up to the counter from outside the store, pushed me out of the way and started ranting at the SA about how she was being ignored - she had litterally just walked in the store entrance and to the counter so there was no way she could have possibly been ignored. The SA said that she was helping me and that she would be available shortly. The troll woman looked me up and down, snorted and said 'Oh no you wont, this little whore wont buy a thing. Look at her, all tattoo and ratty hair. Shes probably a junkie...' Everyone around us were gobsmacked and people were mumbling about manners and how rude she was.

I snapped at her. First the bitch shoves me, then calls me a junkie whore, all because I was there first. I tapped her on the shoulder and said 'Yeah, firstly. I was here before you so wait your f*cking turn. Secondly my body art does not mean Im a junkie or a whore, but thanks for making it painfully obvious what a revolting excuse for a human being you are and thirdly you just shoved me out of the way. Thats assault and honey, this store has security cameras so I have all the evidence I need to press charges. So f*ck off, go get yourself an attitude adjustment or a personality by-pass and let me shop in peace.'

She looked shocked, coughed and walked off and then the SAs at the counter and surrounding counters, along with other customers, started clapping...

I finished buying my stuff, got a bunch of free samples thrown in and went home...

I really feel for you ladies that work in retail dealing with monsters like that woman. I hate to think how she would have treated the SA based on how I was treated. Some of these stories make me want to slap the women. Honestly, what ever happened to manners and being polite? Were they raised by wild animals??

Ugh at least as a fellow customer I can bite back and not take that kind of crap.

I'm just stunned at this. Call me naive but I just did not think people like that (and other bad customers mentioned in this thread) actually existed! I would be struck dumb witnessing something like this
. What on earth possesses some people to think that this is normal behaviour?? I thought everyone had some idea, however vague, about good manners. Clearly not.

Ella I hope this incident didn't get you down for too long. Your reply to her was excellent
. What a nasty b*tch