Bad Customers!


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Originally Posted by SmokeSignal16
I always feel better when I am not the only one dealing with ridiculous people! Sheesh the other day had this lady come in, with this hair color that looked like she had rubbed tomatoes in her hair (in a non attractive way). She asked me where the slippers were, and being in Macys they move shit around like all the time and since I never get to leave cosmetics I don't get to see where things go, so I say, "Well ma'am I'm not totally for sure since they move things around but I'm pretty sure they moved it upstairs to intimates since they had been by juniors", the lady didn't waste any time to reply, "Well can you ask if somebody else knows, I don't want to be walking around here all day!", I was kind of taken aback I wanted to bitch her out but I'm like, "Yeah sure let me see if Laura knows..." Meanwhile I am muttering explicit words under my breath but Laura told her the same thing and she just goes off without a Thank you or nothin. Sorry you don't think my answer was good enough?! Bitch...gosh I really think we need to advocate people working in retail as a mandatory thing, might make the world a little brighter and a little bit more pleasant!

Or the service industry in general (although technically the medical field is a service industry...). Waiting tables I deal with the same crazies you do, except they are hungry, lol.

I don't work in retail, but a while back I was chatting with a SA at Prescriptives in Macy's and this woman walks by, interrupts us and asks the SA in a loud voice "Do you all give free facials!" (It wasn't really a question). When the SA replied, that they didn't, she walked off but not before saying "Oh, I forgot that this wasn't Nordstrom." What?!?! I've never seen anyone get a free facial at Nordstrom either, but hey, maybe that is a service they offer. But who says that? Working in the service industry just reveals how psycho people can be. It's amazing really.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Twinkle_Twinkle
Or the service industry in general (although technically the medical field is a service industry...). Waiting tables I deal with the same crazies you do, except they are hungry, lol.

I don't work in retail, but a while back I was chatting with a SA at Prescriptives in Macy's and this woman walks by, interrupts us and asks the SA in a loud voice "Do you all give free facials!" (It wasn't really a question). When the SA replied, that they didn't, she walked off but not before saying "Oh, I forgot that this wasn't Nordstrom." What?!?! I've never seen anyone get a free facial at Nordstrom either, but hey, maybe that is a service they offer. But who says that? Working in the service industry just reveals how psycho people can be. It's amazing really.

Do people even know what a "facial" is?


Well-known member
^I'm not really sure they do. I always kind of hear Mary Kay or Avon people use the term a lot so I'm sure they try and connect the dots and figure we do things like that in a dept. store.


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The other day I was shopping at a counter and a woman wandered over like a zombie over with her hands out saying, "Samples....samples....samplesss...samples?"
Not necessarily a BAD customer, but definitely a strange one.


Well-known member
I hate the rudeness of some people - on either side, I don't care if it's a Customer or SA.

I know what it's like having a Customer rant at you & there are things you want to say, that you just can't (if you want to keep your job anyway). So, I love being another Customer in this situation.

If I'm at a counter & another Customer is being rude to the SA (unprovoked), I will tell them off, use whatever language I like & tell when where to go - after all I don't have to be polite & I can't get in trouble. The SA is grateful & the Customer usually slinks off.

I've been in the reverse situation (ie being the SA) when another Customer has done the same thing & I love it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
The other day I was shopping at a counter and a woman wandered over like a zombie over with her hands out saying, "Samples....samples....samplesss...samples?"
Not necessarily a BAD customer, but definitely a strange one.

I imagine that was sort of like the seagulls from "Little Nemo." MINE MINE MINE MINE!


Well-known member
Here's our most recent sample whore:

A lady (too old/way too short of a skirt) stops at my counter (Lauder) and asks if we have any mascara samples. After a few words she then says she thought I was at Lancome and she wants Lancome because she heard they have good mascaras. So I say "They have good mascaras as well. Definicils is very popular." Knowing they don't have any samples I offer to show her some mascaras and apply one on her so she can see how it looks on her. She claims she already has some mascara on and doesn't want to take it off, so I do the fake look through drawers and tell her all I can see are skin care packettes. Ohhhh!! She take one of those. (of course she will. stupid sample whore). I ask her what is her skin care concern so I can get her the right sample and of course her answer is "Just give me whatever's good." So I just give her something to shut her up and off she goes.

A little bit later she comes back and wants to know how much the Lancome mascaras are. I tell her. She says she wants one, but doesn't feel like spending $ and her boyfriend in the other department has her $ and won't like her spending that much on make up. Being the good Macy's slave that I am, I offer to open an account so she isn't spending any $ right now and she'll save the % as well. No she says, she doesn't like spending that much money on make up, she usually just buys a drugstore mascara and that's why she wanted a sample so she just could have a free one and not have to spend $.

I guess the only thing I can say is at least she was honest!


Well-known member
oh man...when i worked at macy's people were ALL about the samples. SO annoying! I always pretended that I didn't have samples. I saved them for customers who legitimately wanted to try it out before they purchased.

we hardly EVER got sample whores at mac. every now and then i'd give out a sample of foundation and MAYBE a pigment here and there, but for the most part, people never even asked. GOOD.


Well-known member
Yeah the samples whores have been out in full force lately. What sucks is that we hardly get any at my store, its like a box and thats all we will get. And the sample whores get pissed about it but I am not going to fork them over just because. I save them for quality clients.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xStarryEyedX
ew, seriously? didn't even offer to help clean up?

I work at a small town toy store AND PEOPLE DO THIS ALL THE TIME!!!!

It's so stupid because the kids always give cues (the dance) that all the employees can see and the parents just ignore it and keep chatting with their friend, then run out with the kid, not even telling me about the pee on the carpet. One lady had her son have an accident, and she just whipped his pants and underwear, left the wet pile on the floor, and proceeded to shop for 20 MINUTES with her son literally half naked. She refused to clean up the pee (store policy states we ask the parents clean up the mess first, most are so embrarresed anyway they have no proble doing it) and as I'm on my knees has the nerve to ask me to find a toy for her other some with celebral palsy that I was talking about before the pee happened.

Whew, had that one stewing for a while


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LC
oh man...when i worked at macy's people were ALL about the samples. SO annoying! I always pretended that I didn't have samples. I saved them for customers who legitimately wanted to try it out before they purchased.

we hardly EVER got sample whores at mac. every now and then i'd give out a sample of foundation and MAYBE a pigment here and there, but for the most part, people never even asked. GOOD.

I HATE SAMPLE WHORES!!! AHHH! I work at a CCO and people come in ALL the time asking for samples. I'm like, "We don't carry samples. We're just the outlet. You have to go to the counter." It's so annoying, especially when they keep on asking. They're like, "No sample? Nothing free? Nothing?" So frustrating! I'm like if you want free stuff go to the counter and pay FULL PRICE to get your "free" sample. The way I see it is, the money you just saved at the outlet can allow you to afford to buy the product you want a free sample of so bad. You can get 2 for the price of one. But people don't see it that way, they see it as they're not getting something free so it's not worth the money. Dummies.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NotteRequiem
See, this is the reason why I'd be horrible in retail. I'd enjoy telling people "No, I'm afraid we can't do that. There's a Dollar store down the way if you're looking for a bargain.

LOL I used to work at an expensive shoe store in a mall, so we often had customers complain about the prices. My coworker (an older Indian man) would literally say to the customer "Go to Payless if you want cheaper shoes, it's on the second floor."


Well-known member
Originally Posted by professionaltart
I freaking hate that like, "Im looking for a red" Im like okay what kind of red? "Like a bright red." Like RUby Woo? Russian Red?

NO like Cyber. Hi...Cyber isnt red.

It isn't exactly bright either. Tell them not to huff paint before they come into the store...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by martiangurll
Tell them not to huff paint before they come into the store...

OMG, so funny!


Oh, j'adore this thread!!! This is going to be long, sorry:
I worked for Joann Fabrics for 4 years, the last 2 as a store manager. Then, I just quit Fashion Bug as a store manager after being there almost a year. I simply cannot take it anymore. First, I'm sleeved, so EVERY SINGLE CUSTOMER that wanted to talk to a manager threw a fit when I would be like "That's me." Because, obviously, tattoos make a person completely unable to do anything other than drool all over themselves & grunt instead of speak. Then, the second someone got an attitude with me, I would give it right back (it's really hard to get fired for customer issues when you're a manager, by the way-because it's you vs. the customer's story, & if you're a decent boss, your employees will back you up to YOUR boss.) I've literally told people "If you're going to ask me questions, you DO NOT argue with me when I tell you the answer." Especially at Joann's, people would ask sewing & crafting questions all the time, & I've been sewing since I was 4, I do sort of know what I'm doing. & if you're asking me a question, that means to me that you obviously need help (which I am MORE than happy to give you), so how can you argue about something you don't know about? Seriously! I'm not going to go to a surgeon, ask him the procedure he's about to do on me, then argue with him because I don't think he's right.
And what the hell is with people shitting on the walls? I mean, you have to like, stand up, bend over, & back pretty much into the wall, then poop. How? Why? Really?
So, I quit my job in June, I was OVER. IT. My husband was all for it, too (he was tired of me being a bitch to him because of stupid work stress, I think.) But I've always been the kind of customer that is not afraid to say something when I'm out shopping, or eating, when I see an employee being abused because I've been there. I mean, I will flat out tell people to "F-off, ya heifer." I mean, the worst that can happen is corporate gets a complaint about another customer. Like MAC's going to not take my money anymore because I told some stupid soccer mom I was here first, & the MA was helping me, & I'll be damned if they get in my way. I'm so mouthy, if I see someone else get cut in front of, I'll be all "Excuse me, that person was first" because I know a lot of people won't stand up for themselves. I also know the girls at my MAC counter have some horrible customers, so I'm bringing them home made chocolate chip cookies on Thursday for the Fabulous Felines launch (also, they're holding stuff for me, & I'm the only person that ever actually picks up what I put on hold-I threw a fit because I wanted that Marine Life powder, & I didn't have one of hold. they were sold out by the time I got there-3 hours after opening the day of the launch-& they sold me one from a lady who had it on hold but apparently never picks her stuff up.)
Also, I've slapped down change out of my own pocket because I've been stuck behind people in line bitching about 37 cents. I hand the cashier or whatever 2 quarters, say "Here, it is not enough money to have a meltdown about, just take it so they can get the hell away from me." It a) makes the customer hopefully realize what a jackass they are; b) cheers up the employee because someone's on their team; & c) usually gets me a discount or free shits(which is NOT why I do it, I do it to get the unpleasant energy away from me.)


Well-known member
^Right on girl!

OKay so this is just o.m.g ridiculous what happened today. I'm back in school again so I can't pick up hours for coverage at my counter (My counter manager is on vacation this week) so there was no one there today till I came in. Well I didn't come in till 6 but there were 3 other girls running the department today. One went to the bathroom, one had to go to lunch, and the one is running around Lancome trying to help people because their in gift right now. She was helping a customer, and there were 2 other ladies waiting patiently to be helped next. Well I guess this lady had came in needing stuff from my counter and my fellow employee had told her nicely that she was helping a customer right now and she was the only one there. Also there were 2 ladies in front of her that have been waiting to be helped so it would take her a few minutes to get to her. Well I guess that lady didn't like her answer because she goes down to Dillards buys like $300 worth of Clinique stuff, comes back to Macy's and shows the Assistant Manager all of her stuff and receipt. Like wtf you couldn't wait a few minutes and on top of that to be spiteful you come back and show what you got? Like are you that pathetic to have all that time to go over there and then come back!?!?! Seriously you could have saved gas and been helped for all the trouble you did with that, god I swear there are more dumb cunts walking the Earth these days...sorry I just had to kind of rant about that since my homegirl had to deal with that today!


Well-known member
More stupid sample whores...

I was talking to a lady about a product and she asked if we had any samples of it. So I give her the Estee Lauder line: No, I'm sorry we don't. But Estee Lauder stands behind their products 100% and if you're unhappy with it, you have 180 days in which you can return it." So she says to me, in a huff "I'm not concerned about that. I have VERY sensitive skin and I'm more concerned about having a reaction to the product.... that's why I don't want to just BUY it!!!!!" As if I was crass and unconcerned for her delicate skin's health.

But um.... you'd have a reaction to the sample as well. Like a sample is magical and wouldn't give her a reaction but would magically let her know about her allergy in some other way. I could apply the product to your face at the counter and you could see if you have a reaction later, but they never want that either.

This gift is just wearing me out LOL.


Well-known member
^Oh I know it, when I was with Clinique I had the same thing, you know the 180 days thing. But yeah this EL gift has been something else so far lol.


Well-known member
Wow, I cannot believe I read this entire thread and now I'm sad because it's over! I don't work as an MA but I've been working either waitressing/bartending or in retail for the past 8 years and I've dealt with some really awful attitudes and situations. Out of those jobs tending bar is the best but I hate when people are being demanding, making me stay with them and monopolizing my time completely when there's a bar full of people who are ready and waiting to order. This one lady would talk my ear off and get offended when I tried to ease away and take care of other people. None of the regulars would stick around long when she was there because they'd be getting neglected. I'd try to walk away and she'd yell at me-then she'd toss a quarter on the bar and be like "I'm tipping you, now you have to listen to me!!" WTF? I'm not a vending machine! When I finally started handing her her drink and walking away she threw a fit, each and every time! And I never got even a quarter tip from her again.


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I work at a small gourmet chocolate store in Soho, NYC and I get mostly polite customers... and then the crazies. Now the store has been featured on Food Network several times, and thus, we can get pretty busy at times. But our storefront is very small and unassuming, so unless you've had it before, you really don't know how good it really is. Each piece is $2.45, hand-made fresh daily on the premises, and plus, we don't use any preservatives whatsoever. That being said, these are my share of crazies:

Because of the publicity from the Food Network, we have a specific piece we sell out of very quickly. We usually sell out within 2 hours, and because of the filling, it only lasts for 2 days. It is made 2-3x throughout the day, so mid-afternoon is about the best time to catch them. A woman in her 20s walks in 5 mins before closing and very cheerily gives me a singsongly, "Hello!". She then asks for that specific piece. I apologized and told her we sold out very early already. Her attitude completely changed and she just cussed me out saying we are so goddamn retarded because she keeps coming back and we are always sold out. She then stomps out the door. If she were a bit sweeter to me, I would've told her it was possible to reserve them in advance, so she wouldn't have to miss them.

A woman and her boyfriend walks in the store. They are both very nicely dressed, and she carries a Chanel bag (I noticed because she kept waving that thing around). And she looks around like, "Ugh, is this it..." The boyfriend on the other hand, looks through our glass cases, genuinely intrigued by our exotic flavors and selection. The woman asks me for samples. Our policy is that we cannot provide samples because we can't cut up the pieces (they are really delicate), so unless I give you a whole piece (in which case, you wouldn't need to buy anything), it simply isn't possible. (Not to say we really are stingy, but if you buy more than a few pieces, we'd be glad to offer you a complementary piece to try on the spot). She started complaining to her boyfriend thinking I wouldn't hear her ("UGH, WHAT KIND OF PLACE DOESN'T HAVE SAMPLES!?"). He just looked at her and shrugged. He ended up choosing two pieces and paid for them without complaint. She continued to complain until she popped one in her mouth. She said, "Eh, they're good, but I still wanted a sample." Dot dot dot.

Oh, people. Why must you give yourselves such a bad rap?