Bad Customers!


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Originally Posted by ThePostcardOrg
So about two weeks ago a really weird woman came into the store and asked if we had anything to use as air fresheners for the bathroom. I work at Lush, so I said sorry but our products are products that are supposed to be used on the body, so we don't have anything that works spesifically as an air freshener.
The woman just stares at me with the look in her eye that she was not believing anything I was saying.. So she held up a bathbomb and said "so THIS is NOT an air freshener?!"
I told her no, that it was a bathbomb which you place into the bathtub and it fizzes and releases oils into the water.

Customer: but it smells so strong? Why can't I use this as an air freshener?
Me: Well if you want you can place the bathbomb in your bathroom and the smells will fill the room.
Customer: So IT IS an air freshener?!
Me: NO, its a bathbomb. But if you want to let it give a scent to the room before you use it in the bath you can. But you have to make sure to keep it dry. Cause once it touches water it immediatly starts fizzing away.
Customer: Ok, so if I put it on a plate in my bathroom it will give away a scent?
Me: Yes, but make sure to put it somewhere dry.
Customer: Okay, then I'll take one of those round green air fresheners.
Me: Its not an air freshener, its a bathbomb.
Customer. Ok. I'll take one.

So we go over to the register and when I give her the bag I tell her once again to KEEP IT DRY if you just want the scent in the bathroom.

Then last week she came back.

Customer: Hello, I was here last week and I bought an air freshener here. When I came home I put it under water and was SHOCKED when it started to fizz away!
Me: Well, that is because we don't sell air fresheners here.
Customer: YES you do! Those round ones over there!
Me: No those are bathbombs.
Customer: Weeeeeell, nobody told me that last week.
Me: Well, they probably did. Maybe you forgot?
Customer: NO!

I was seriously dying! I knew that I'd probably told her a 1000 times that she was buying a bathbomb!

So she left the store, and I turned around only to see my store manager laughing so hard. She had stood there overhearing the entire thing, and she also noticed said customer the first time when she bought the bathbomb.
She came over to me and we both had to laugh!
She has got to be the wierdest customer I've had by far!

omg, whatta pain!!

Goat Goat Etc.

Well-known member
Dressbarn has alot of wackos who take advantage of our return policy too.
We have a 60 day return policy and people bring $100-$200 purchases back for a FULL REFUND after wearing it (Odors), smoking in it (Gross), and rolling around with pets! NO MORALITY! But the slap in the face is that people are arrogant enough to bring their clothes back a decade later! Or at least think they can...

Example...a lady comes in giving me what I already feel is a bs story about her husband being in the hospital (if he was and you cared bitch you'd be at his bed side). She's carrying in a dress that looks similar to some of ours (dressbarn rehashes styles) we already have. I check the tag and the dress is a YEAR old! She insists she got the dress here in Spring (just last spring, she failed to mention) and she thinks she can get full price. So luckily at the time one of my no bs managers was handling the register and shoo'd her away.

Another problem is I don't speak Spanish and we have international customers, most likely from Monterey Mexico who...can be less than polite.
I woman had come out of her fitting room (the entire time when I asked if she needed help she shouted NO) I thought she was wearing a dress she had tried on and wanted to wear it out. So I go to give her the hanger and point out her dress saying "do you want your hanger? You want to wear it out?" The woman panics thinking I'm accusing her of stealing. I check her dress and it has no sensor so it was her dress! No problem~it just belongs to her shirt in her hand---but no I'm accusing her of stealing still. So her friend comes over and we talk it out...but jesus come on. I'm handing you a goddamn hanger not dragging to our office! >:{


Well-known member
This thread is hilarious and mind-blowing! I cannot fathom how people can consciously be sooo rude, it's truly amazing. I totally feel for all of you that go through it, and you should all be proud for having such self restraint and patience!

I work at Petroglyph, which is a ceramic painting lounge. Basically you come in and pick out a piece(mugs, plates, banks, etc) and paint it in the studio. I've only been working for about 2 months, but have already seen my share of terrible customers. The area we're located in is very rich snooty people who apparently think we're there to serve their every need.

We glaze and fire the pieces and it takes 3 days to get back to the customers; however, a few weeks ago we had to have kiln maintenance done, so everyone's pieces that were due the day after the kiln maintenance were a day late because we couldn't fire any pieces that day. So like usual, we called all the customers and left messages and apologized for the inconvenience. While I'm working by myself a woman comes in to get her piece and I informed her of why it wasn't done and apologized. She gets all pissed at me and asks me to check in the kilns. Like yeah, let me go open the almost 2,000 degree kiln and burn myself while breaking every piece in there. The next day she calls my manager SCREAMING that she wants her piece and claims I told her she could get a discount?! I neverrrrr said that. She proceeds to come in and cause a scene, and then just throws the money for the piece at my manager and leaves, promising to write a huge complaint about my manager and I on Yelp. I just don't understand the lack of patience...I understand the frustration, but there's really nothing we can do when the owner of the business is the one who made us change the due date.

The other issue we've had is people who leave their pieces at our studio for MONTHS. It says on the receipt we're only responsible for 30 days, but we honestly usually keep them for much longer than that. Eventually we go through and call all the 30+ day pieces and let them know they have a week to get their pieces or they'll be donated. The other day we had a woman come in a month after we called her to get her piece she did in September....Her piece was no longer there and she starts freaking out saying we threw out her baby's foot print. I feel like if the pieces are that important, you'd pick them up before it has been almost a year! Personally if I put time and money into painting something, I would want to get it as soon as I could, I wouldn't wait forever and then just expect that in our small studio we have it on reserve.

I must say though, working in customer service has definitely made me appreciate fellow CS workers


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ghostsinsnow
This thread is hilarious and mind-blowing! I cannot fathom how people can consciously be sooo rude, it's truly amazing. I totally feel for all of you that go through it, and you should all be proud for having such self restraint and patience!!

I love this thread. I've been reading it since I joined Specktra [even though I lurked for about 2 years :p]. I'm always glad to know that I'm never one of these 'Bad Customers'. I always try to smile and be extra nice to people who work retail... I know how much it suuuuucks.


Well-known member
I haven't read this thread for a while and I forgot how entertaining it can be.
Might as well add a couple more stories that have happened to me, mind you to be honest I could probably update everyday as I seem to witness bad customers a lot.

A customer brings back some foundation and concealer that she claims reacted badly with her skin and she would like a refund, not only is it half-way used but the product is 2 years old and as since been re-packaged and gone trough a price increase. The SA explains this to her and the customer starts kicking off cause she can't get her own way, she calls the SA a "fat fucking bitch" and demands to see the duty manager. Manager gives the lady a full refund to get rid of her and the customer leaves laughing, probably plotting her next visit.

Store as been open for 10 minutes, man is browsing the perfume counters and asks one of the SA's for assistance, she's on the phone to a customer and politely tells him that she doesn't work on that particular counter anyways and he would be better getting some help off someone who knows the products.
The man screams at her "I want you to fucking help me' and security is called over.
For a minute it looks like the security guy as everything under control and his about to lead the man out of store then the bloke takes a swipe and next thing you know he's on the floor being restrained and then got arrested.

I used to have a customer that would repetedly turn up late for her appointments and demand to get seen to anyways, the one day we refused her and she went ape shit crazy at me, started screaming and swearing at me and eventually security came over to calm her down and get her out.


Well-known member
Wow,these are some crazy stories!I used to work in retail,never again!Too much stress.Unfortunately we live in a world where people think they are entitled to everything.


Well-known member
So I don't work in retail, but I am an experienced shopper (lol :p) and have observed some just plain GROSS behavior.

Today in Sephora, there was this man and his maybe like 4 year old daughter ( i think he was looking at perfumes, maybe for a gf/kid's mom?). Anyway the kid was very figity and all of a sudden BURST into a whine and crying. I turned and looked at her and she's peeing ALL OVER SEPHORA'S FLOOR!!! omg I was so grossed out. The man just picked her up and walked realllly quickly out of the store without saying anything. Who does that?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Care
So I don't work in retail, but I am an experienced shopper (lol :p) and have observed some just plain GROSS behavior.

Today in Sephora, there was this man and his maybe like 4 year old daughter ( i think he was looking at perfumes, maybe for a gf/kid's mom?). Anyway the kid was very figity and all of a sudden BURST into a whine and crying. I turned and looked at her and she's peeing ALL OVER SEPHORA'S FLOOR!!! omg I was so grossed out. The man just picked her up and walked realllly quickly out of the store without saying anything. Who does that?

ew, seriously? didn't even offer to help clean up?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ductapemyheartt
Yesterday, I was helping some women pick out some lipsticks when another woman came up to the counter. Here is how the conversation went. I work for MAC, btw.

Customer: My daughter has this lipstick called "pout" or something, do you know it? She got it at Sephora.
Me: Well, we do not have a lipstick called that...if she got it Sephora, you would probably have to go back there to get it. We only sell MAC here. :]
Customer: No, no, it is MAC. They sell MAC at Sephora at [said mall]
Me: MAC has a freestanding store and a counter in Macy's at that mall, but it is not sold at Sephora. [I was being super sweet when I was talking to her, it is hard to convey that on here, haha]
Customer: Yes, it is.
Then, a coworker of mine jumped in and, once again, told this woman that MAC is not sold at Sephora.

Later on, I get a call at the counter thirty minutes before we close. I answer and it is the same woman!
Customer: Hi, I think it was you that I talked to earlier, but I just wanted to let you know that I called SEPHORIA [yes, she called it that] and they do in fact sell MAC.
Me: MAC is sold in MAC stores or at MAC counters...
Customer: Listen, honey, I was just calling to let you know that they DO sell MAC at Sephora and I will be letting YOUR manager know too.

And then she hung up on me.

Don't you just love when people act like you don't know about the company you work for and how to do your job. I have done some form of customer service for over 15 years and it is always the same. Everyone should have a customer service type job. It would actually make them act civilized when they talk to someone on the phone, or walk into a store.


Well-known member
I called my Macys counter to have Stereo Rose put on hold until I got off work. I get off work to pick it up and they never held it. I was extremely pissed because that is all I really wanted. Did I go off on the MUAs? No, I understand things happen(I was told that after I called she found out later she could not hold it for me, but she only had my name. I did find out that other stores were holding them for people... interesting). It was not her fault so there was no reason for me to act stupid and get mad. Even if it is was her fault... what would acting out in the store achieve. I try to put myself in the other person's shoes before I respond to most things.


Well-known member
^ and this is why im sure you are a pleasure to serve!

we had a woman the other day looking for vanilla scented body butters in fragence. when she was told that the sa didnt think we had any specifically in frangence (theres a few in skin) she said " WELL YOU OBVIOUSLY DONT KNOW WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT!!!" when 3 girls confirmed we didnt have any she said "DOESNT ANYOEN HERE KNOW WHAT THERE TALKING ABOUT?!?" she then bought 3 body butters which are normally 33 and basically held the cahsier hostage until she got them for 15$ because she one time got one for that price at xmas. and she did get her way btw. makes me sick


Well-known member
See, this is the reason why I'd be horrible in retail. I'd enjoy telling people "No, I'm afraid we can't do that. There's a Dollar store down the way if you're looking for a bargain.


Well-known member
seriously! ive never met her, and i dont know how this has happened... but i kind of want to. I would really liek to say something along the lines of "Listen mam, im sorry your upset, but i would apriciate it if you would not talk to me like im an idiot, because im the one who is trained on the products and works here. Just because we dont have what you are looking for does not give you a right to talk to me like that"

i honestly would like to see how she responds. and i hope she makes a scene and i hope shes asked to leave and never comes back.

Apparently she got into a yelling fit with a manager because she bought something eons ago, wanted to return it with no bill and want full cash back. they refused and she was screaming. crazy bitch! funniest part? Shes supposed to be this dumpy looking lady with horrible orange fake tan, glasses and too blond hair.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mabelle
seriously! ive never met her, and i dont know how this has happened... but i kind of want to. I would really liek to say something along the lines of "Listen mam, im sorry your upset, but i would apriciate it if you would not talk to me like im an idiot, because im the one who is trained on the products and works here. Just because we dont have what you are looking for does not give you a right to talk to me like that"

i honestly would like to see how she responds. and i hope she makes a scene and i hope shes asked to leave and never comes back.

Apparently she got into a yelling fit with a manager because she bought something eons ago, wanted to return it with no bill and want full cash back. they refused and she was screaming. crazy bitch! funniest part? Shes supposed to be this dumpy looking lady with horrible orange fake tan, glasses and too blond hair.

I work in a rural medical clinic and I do this sooo very often when we get those insane customers who are carrying on like crazy. I'll tell them in a heartbeat that they don't have any reason to scream and curse at me, because, firstly, I am not speaking to you in such a manner and secondly, I am simply providing them with the proper information so that they can make a decision. If they aren't pleased with my suggestions, I am quick to refer them to the other medical providers in town or offer to let them speak with a supervisor. More often than not I get hung up or looks of disbelief for being so utterly polite.


Well-known member
My security guard is amazed at the amount of patience I have.

In reality? I'm effing stressed to the MAX at trying to hold in insults, yelling back and obscenities.

Some customer came in the other day and tried to buy a pack of cashews. It said $1.69 right on the package - and since they were sitting in a box under a label that said "PEANUTS .99 cents", he REFUSED to leave my counter until I changed the price for him.

It took a lot for me not to yell, "Does someone wanna give this cheap fucking bastard 70 cents so he can leave and I can serve the rest of you?!" was a long line up and everyone was listening. He was sweating and irate. And young....and said he worked in customer service too.

I'm like, thats a lie dude...because if you worked in customer service, you'd KNOW how THIS felt and wouldn't do it....because you know how asshole-ish people can be...and how it just RUINS your day.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Junkie
My security guard is amazed at the amount of patience I have.

In reality? I'm effing stressed to the MAX at trying to hold in insults, yelling back and obscenities.

Some customer came in the other day and tried to buy a pack of cashews. It said $1.69 right on the package - and since they were sitting in a box under a label that said "PEANUTS .99 cents", he REFUSED to leave my counter until I changed the price for him.

It took a lot for me not to yell, "Does someone wanna give this cheap fucking bastard 70 cents so he can leave and I can serve the rest of you?!" was a long line up and everyone was listening. He was sweating and irate. And young....and said he worked in customer service too.

I'm like, thats a lie dude...because if you worked in customer service, you'd KNOW how THIS felt and wouldn't do it....because you know how asshole-ish people can be...and how it just RUINS your day.


I'm stubborn and would have said "I will GLADLY sell you peanuts for .99 cents but those are cashews." I'm sure that would have lead to the "Can I speak to a manager!?" I loved when I got that question. I would say sure you can and then proceed with "What can I do to help you?" No matter the outcome it's always nice to see their faces when that happened. Brings joy to my heart right now. Seriously though a lot of people don't realize that they are being a GIANT PITA when they act like douchebags in stores. Someone else said it best when they said that it should be required to spend 6 months working a customer service job dealing with the general public.


Well-known member
I always feel better when I am not the only one dealing with ridiculous people! Sheesh the other day had this lady come in, with this hair color that looked like she had rubbed tomatoes in her hair (in a non attractive way). She asked me where the slippers were, and being in Macys they move shit around like all the time and since I never get to leave cosmetics I don't get to see where things go, so I say, "Well ma'am I'm not totally for sure since they move things around but I'm pretty sure they moved it upstairs to intimates since they had been by juniors", the lady didn't waste any time to reply, "Well can you ask if somebody else knows, I don't want to be walking around here all day!", I was kind of taken aback I wanted to bitch her out but I'm like, "Yeah sure let me see if Laura knows..." Meanwhile I am muttering explicit words under my breath but Laura told her the same thing and she just goes off without a Thank you or nothin. Sorry you don't think my answer was good enough?! Bitch...gosh I really think we need to advocate people working in retail as a mandatory thing, might make the world a little brighter and a little bit more pleasant!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SmokeSignal16
I always feel better when I am not the only one dealing with ridiculous people! Sheesh the other day had this lady come in, with this hair color that looked like she had rubbed tomatoes in her hair (in a non attractive way). She asked me where the slippers were, and being in Macys they move shit around like all the time and since I never get to leave cosmetics I don't get to see where things go, so I say, "Well ma'am I'm not totally for sure since they move things around but I'm pretty sure they moved it upstairs to intimates since they had been by juniors", the lady didn't waste any time to reply, "Well can you ask if somebody else knows, I don't want to be walking around here all day!", I was kind of taken aback I wanted to bitch her out but I'm like, "Yeah sure let me see if Laura knows..." Meanwhile I am muttering explicit words under my breath but Laura told her the same thing and she just goes off without a Thank you or nothin. Sorry you don't think my answer was good enough?! Bitch...gosh I really think we need to advocate people working in retail as a mandatory thing, might make the world a little brighter and a little bit more pleasant!

LOL the tomato thing just f-ing had me rolling... Is there an attractive way??? I dunno why I thought that was so cute... don't mind me


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
Holy crap. My mom would have knocked me into next week if I spoke to someone like that when I was little. Hell, she would probably still backhand me if I did it now!
There are too many undisciplined children running around these days.

I hate it when the mothers shop and their toddlers run away from the counter and they are too busy shopping for makeup/clothes to notice. I've seen several strangers/other store employees have to bring runaway children back SEVERAL minutes later to the oblivious mom. I am trying to work and I don't have time to running all over a department store trying to catch a child.

Why do people bring their bratty kids shopping with them anyway? I get it if they need to shop too, but if your kid is not old enough or well behaved enough, why the hell bring them? I was in MAC today and this girl was there with her UNRULY 4 year old daughter. This child would not sit still, and proceeded to go over to every display and put her grimy fingers in all of the products and lipsticks. Mom just kept shopping and pondering what eyeshadow to get. It is a distraction to other shoppers and it makes the MU artists nervous because it's one more thing they have to watch, in addition to making sure their customers are all being helped and happy. I wish people would just arrange to leave their hellians at home when they shop!!! It is not hard to get a sitter or leave the kid with the significant other for a few hours! It's just common courtesy.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mintcollective1

One way I disarm a customer who has a case of the "i don't know youre the expert, do what every you wan to do" is...I seriously grab the carbon, and aquadisiac and the passionate and tell them Im going to do a really black smokey eye and have aquadisiac as the brow highlight and then Im going to draw a lightning bolt on their forehead with the passionate. Then they get it. Its funny, and it gets an honest opinion out of their mouth. I also ask them what trends they've seen that they think they like but cant achieve or ill ask them, if in a perfect wourld, they could have their faces look like anything, what would their makeup look like or who would it resemble or what would the feeling be. Makeup is about more than just applying colors and using also expresses emotion or pulls out feelings...its all about the connection people....

I love this! I am totally going to use this tactic when I am approached with a customer like this!!!!