Bad Pro Store Experience- I need to vent! Argh!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jayne5787
That does suck about your mixed up purchase, but accidents do happen, especially when certain boxes get mixed up or look alike. On a side note, I went in to get another Moisturelush Cream, but as I was walking out I noticed she gave me Studio Moisture Cream so they exchanged it for me. Since I obviously didn't use or open the Studio Moisture Cream does it still have to be destroyed?

Originally Posted by toby_is_cute
That is why I always check the boxes, since some of them are totally covering the product, like a blush pallete. And the colored box on eyeliner, all those browns look exactly the same! Last week I went in and bought Powersurge eye kohl and she gave me Bountiful Brown Powerpoint instead. I did wonder what she did with the B.Brown, I mean I walked 20 feet away from the counter and came right back. I hope it didn't get thrown out!

it depends. if you went out of eyesight of the artist, they have no way of knowing whether you opened it or not, so they have to damage it out. if you took two steps away from the counter, and the artist saw that you hadn't opened it, then no, it can go back on the shelf.

that's how it is at my counter (macy's). when we return something thru the register, it doesn't effect inventory until its scanned thru with an inventory gun later on. i'm not sure how it is at stores or nordies.


Well-known member
I really wouldn't know, about that store anymore however the times I had gone up there I loved it and the MA's were lovely, and somebody correct me if I'm wrong but I've heard at a pro store.. to get hired its 2 years with mac as it is before going there.