Barbie collection back in June 2007???


Well-known member
Doesn't this refer to when the online site and counters were restocked in April? I may be wrong but I think it's all over.


Originally Posted by Karen_B
I hope it does come back!! I want the Pearl Sunshine powder and Springtime Skipper e/s.

Karen_B, both products are still available on the website. Plus, there's free shipping till 5/29.


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Barbie Loves MAC... again?

So the other week when i joined Specktra.. i was looking around and reading lots of different posts and someone posted that they are being back Barbie loves MAC because of the popularity.. is this true? or have any of you heard more rumours? or do you think people are just making up crap to get you all excited for no reason?

i live n the UK and the nearest MAC counter is a 45 minute train ride and i hardly ever go there but when i do i get like 2 MAC products.. not very much lol but i was so happy when i heard about barbie MAC makeup coming out but i didnt get the chance to get any =(


Well-known member
Re: Barbie Loves MAC... again?

i just realised someone posted the same thing further below.. nevermind!


Well-known member
None of the pro stores have heard of this, and they're normally the ones who get collections first. maybe this was the restock that they did back in april, since this thread was started in march.


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It just suprises me that they would put more out almost 3 months after it was released. Although I would be happy to get some backups I am not going to hold my breath.


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Re: Barbie Loves MAC... again?

Originally Posted by glam8babe
So the other week when i joined Specktra.. i was looking around and reading lots of different posts and someone posted that they are being back Barbie loves MAC because of the popularity.. is this true? or have any of you heard more rumours? or do you think people are just making up crap to get you all excited for no reason?

i live n the UK and the nearest MAC counter is a 45 minute train ride and i hardly ever go there but when i do i get like 2 MAC products.. not very much lol but i was so happy when i heard about barbie MAC makeup coming out but i didnt get the chance to get any =(

I don't think it's coming back in the UK. None of the counters and stores I go into haven't heard about this. So I think it's highly unlikely :confused:


Well-known member
I would love for them to bring back the Barbie collection. I would like to get backups of everything and about 5 more mothbrown.


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Re: Barbie Loves MAC... again?

Originally Posted by KawaiiPrincess
I don't think it's coming back in the UK. None of the counters and stores I go into haven't heard about this. So I think it's highly unlikely :confused:

too bad =( i tried ordering some off the american site but they only ship to usa and canada


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sakura88
Karen_B, both products are still available on the website. Plus, there's free shipping till 5/29.

Yeah but I live in Europe and MAC doesn't ship outside US and Canada


Well-known member
according to the two MAs I talked to tonight, Barbie will be rereleased in June. I specifically asked if the doll would to, and they both affirmed that it would.
That could mean something, it could mean nothing, but they're saying yes.


Well-known member
I asked the question to the Mac Pro team and Managers in NYC yesterday. None of them thought is was true at the exception of the release of a few Barbie dolls, maybe 500 but not many so that the value wouldn't go done.
They thought that I was speaking about the restocking that they got in April.
Considering all the new collections coming out in May-June, i doubt that they would be able to release the whole Barbie collection as well.
The Barbie dolls in some major stores, maybe.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stbismuth9
I asked the question to the Mac Pro team and Managers in NYC yesterday. None of them thought is was true at the exception of the release of a few Barbie dolls, maybe 500 but not many so that the value wouldn't go done.
They thought that I was speaking about the restocking that they got in April.
Considering all the new collections coming out in May-June, i doubt that they would be able to release the whole Barbie collection as well.
The Barbie dolls in some major stores, maybe.

I asked about the April thing, both said it was the orders placed in April being filled for the dolls etc.
*shrug* Ibought almost the entire collection, so I'm not sweating.


Well-known member
So I found out the deal on this. Only certaing locations will be getting barbie restocks. They said it depends on how fast the collection sold where you were at, and if you got a restock in April. Turns out, not everyone did. The manager I talked to said she just got the memo last week for her store to get ready for a restock, not only with the makeup, but the barbie as well. She wasn't sure what makeup was coming back, but she told me she could put me on a list to receive a doll. So, not every location will be the same. Just see if any counter/store near you received a memo stating that they will get a restock. HTH!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shootergirlnc
So I found out the deal on this. Only certaing locations will be getting barbie restocks. They said it depends on how fast the collection sold where you were at, and if you got a restock in April. Turns out, not everyone did. The manager I talked to said she just got the memo last week for her store to get ready for a restock, not only with the makeup, but the barbie as well. She wasn't sure what makeup was coming back, but she told me she could put me on a list to receive a doll. So, not every location will be the same. Just see if any counter/store near you received a memo stating that they will get a restock. HTH!

its soo unfair! i live in the UK and the barbie collection sold out soo quick.. so i dont see why they arent bringing it back out here, even as you say they wont be restocking in every store just some. thats so pathetic, i hate mac for this i really do. I dont see why they cant keep the best collections out because they will get more money and sell out all the time GRRrrr


Well-known member
^I know what you mean. I wanted to get some more things from the collection but the counter I went to only had Fab Blush and I apparently got the last one.

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