Barbie collection back in June 2007???


Active member
Perhaps all of us UK girls could email asking why they aren't releasing again here, then they might get the hint! I couldn't get any barbie stuff as I don't live anywhere near a counter and the website was manic! I'd love it if they released it again, all I'm asking for is the pearl blossom beauty powder! Plus the collections seem to stay up on the US site for so much longer than on the UK one, it's very annoying.


Well-known member
Someone on Makeup Alley said that a MAC person told her that "Rocking Chick" will be back June 1, but that's all I've heard.
<Hope, hope, hope.>


Well-known member
Just a FYI....I was at MAC Pro NYC yesterday (5/25/07) & they had about 15 Barbies....for those of you who missed out the first time. I don't know that they'll ship, but it's worth a call.

PS...I still have heard nothing about an entire re-release, but we did get a second shipment of everything a while back (and have a bunch of it left). If they re-release it, I don't think that it's going to do so well. I know almost all of my customers are over the whole Barbie thing-as are most of the MAs I know too (myself included).


Well-known member
well my friend works at MAC & she told me this also. my MAC counter has been getting a few eyeshadows, l/g, l/s & glimmer shimmer from the barbie collection but my friend said that they'll re-launch the whole barbie collection in june.


Well-known member
I hope they do restock it... I have all the e/s, blushes, & beauty powders, plus the doll, and Malibu Barbie lipglass, but... I would love to get all the lipglasses & lipsticks, plus a couple of backups.
I would have bought it before, but I ran out of money, lol.


Well-known member
I saw dolls @ my freestanding store on wednesday. i didn't think they'd bring back an entire collection again, but this one was pretty popular and coveted.

I wouldn't mind getting another Fab blush, it's amazing. I don't ever get a backup of anything because I can usually find/create my own dupes, but this one was something I can't find one for. People recommended other blushes, but the finish and the pearl wasn't the same.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MisStarrlight
I know almost all of my customers are over the whole Barbie thing-as are most of the MAs I know too (myself included).

Personally, I'd like to buy some of my favorite items from this collection to give as birthday or Christmas gifts.
I wouldn't mind scoring another "Malibu Barbie" Lipglass for my own use, either.


Well-known member
I grabbed another Style It Up lipstick the other day because I LOVE IT, and I really want a backup of Real Doll. I hope more are coming! I wanted Pearl Blossom as well.


Well-known member
Is it going back on the mac site in june too & does anybody know which stores will have it? Is it true you can call a store and order over the phone and they will ship it to you? I can have somebody order it for me from the us.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MisStarrlight
Just a FYI....I was at MAC Pro NYC yesterday (5/25/07) & they had about 15 Barbies....for those of you who missed out the first time. I don't know that they'll ship, but it's worth a call.

PS...I still have heard nothing about an entire re-release, but we did get a second shipment of everything a while back (and have a bunch of it left). If they re-release it, I don't think that it's going to do so well. I know almost all of my customers are over the whole Barbie thing-as are most of the MAs I know too (myself included).

Well, I was in MAC freestanding last week and several ladies were asking about the Barbie l/g and l/s. (No, I do not work there, but I was int the store for awhile.) I know the US online store still has eyeshadows as well as some department stores.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AppleDiva
Well, I was in MAC freestanding last week and several ladies were asking about the Barbie l/g and l/s. (No, I do not work there, but I was int the store for awhile.) I know the US online store still has eyeshadows as well as some department stores.

Yeah, one or two things (specifically Fab, Malibu Barbie, Rocking Chick & Real Doll)...other than those things, we have 2 drawers full of everything else. Specktra =/= the average MAC customer so as much as some of you need dupes of everything, my average customer could care less.


Well-known member
I don't know about re-releasing it. My friend actually called the pro 800 number and they seemed clueless about it when she asked and the CS person said she didn't know anything about that happening and that it wasn't likely.

As you guys have already said, there are still quite a few eyeshadows floating around at the stores and there are still some available online. I'm wondering if those are just the overflow from when they restocked the collection before it was discontinued.

I also know that some of the stores got a new batch of the actual barbies in. When I was at the pro store on the 24th they had just gotten a shipment in and they were shocked and did not expect it at all. Of course, everyone was only allowed one doll per person and NO PRO DISCOUNT on the dolly!

I have a feeling they wont re-release it....but I would love the Malibu Lipglass! I got the Pink Poodle since I wasn't able to get the Malibu and I don't think it has the same amount of shimmer as the Malibu..... then again, I haven't seen Malibu in real life, only I could be wrong.


Well-known member
mac pro at caesars forum shops in vegas just got in a whole new stock of the barbie dolls..
i was in there yesterday... and the day before...


Well-known member
this is awesome news!!!

i want Pearl Sunshine beauty powders...i would get them on the website but i dont havea credit card...anymore lol

i wanna buy a lot of other things too.


i bought Magic Dust e/s on that'll be coming in the mail soon

Ms. Z

Well-known member
This was re-released in April. You may still be able to get items from this collection at *they had them during the Friends & Family sale
Saks Fifth Avenue
611 5th Avenue
New York, NY 10022



Well-known member
I was at my MAC counter yesterday (Sunvalley Mall, Concord)... I think Barbie Collection is coming back... cuz they have Stocks of the MAC Barbie Doll....

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