Barbie - depot or not?


Well-known member
Im really in 2 minds with this one.....I adore them to bits but scared that if I dont depot them I'll forget the colours Ive got but then again scared of depotting and chipping aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhh


Well-known member
I'm depotting them as soon as I go to the craft store to get more magnets. I figure they will be safer in a palette then rolling around in my traincase.


Well-known member
Depotted already...and my last e/s to depot was moth brown...wouldn't you know it, as I was pushing the pan through the bottom plastic, the knife went through the whole thing...the pan e/s and it crumbled before my eyes...everywhere, I just got my new one yesterday lol.


Well-known member
I haven't touched them, idk y. I never had depotting accidents but I just can't do it.


Well-known member
I'm going to do it. And my Danse shadows, too. I had a bit of a mishap with one of those, so took a break from depotting, but will probably depot Danse and Barbie this weekend, 'cause I have a bit of free time so I can take my time!


Well-known member
I'm worried to depot theses...I only bought Magic dust and Mothbrown...but about a week before I got Bitter in the mail and got too excited in the depotting process and didnt let it sit on my straightener long enough...I turned it over and pushed my knife down a little and when I turned it over I saw a faint spider web looking crack....I put a little alcohol on it and swiped my brush across it a few times...

But if I deceid I need to depot my Barbies....I need to take it slower haha...


Well-known member
I'm debating too! I wanna fill up my second 15-pan palette, but I also like the way that MAC is written (across the lid) in WHITE instead of black.... Playful e/s looks so nice that way!


Well-known member
I depotted mine with no problem- made a lovely quad out of Moth Brown, Playful, Skipper Green, and Magic Dust.


Well-known member
as long as you're comfortable with depotting (and have it many times without too much accident) I see why not.
I've never depotted a single shadow ever, so I won't dare try with my barbie e/s, lol


Well-known member
i can't bring myself to do it yet.....i tihnk once the barbie imprint is gone i will do it....but for now i can barely touch them cause i think they look so cool. but once i start using them i'm sure they will all go into a quad.


Well-known member
I only depot my normal eyeshadows or limited edition ones that are in regular packaging. When it comes to special edition packaging ie. Lure, i leave them in their original pots cos i just love the look of something different. I'm not going to depot my Barbies, the packaging is too special haha