Bare Escentuals (all)


Well-known member
My skin is at its all time WORSE right now. I'm 18 in college and I want to shoot myself my skin is so bad. I have redness everywhere, tiny little bumps all over my forehead, clusters of zits in some areas...oiliness with occassional drynesss and...although it pains me to say it.... I think its my recent conversion to MAC concealer and foundation that is really breaking me out BAD. I'm thinking of switching to BE because im hearing rave reviews here and even when I worked at Ulta. But I was so into MAC (still am!) I just didnt want to admit my love MAC was breaking me out lol. My skin is also super sensitive and I have alot of scarring from previous acne breakouts.

So after hearing all that...will BE give me enough coverage and be a good switch from MAC? thanks for any answers!


Well-known member
^Yes it def. will, but BE made me extremely shiny. Just thought I'd let you know since you said you are oily...


Hi all-

I work at the Flag Ship Bare Escentuals and I'll let you in on some of the secrets of our foundation.

Our colors range like this:
Fair -> Fairly Light -> Light ->
Medium -> Medium Beige -> Golden Medium ->
Medium Tan -> Tan -> Warm Tan ->
Dark -> Medium Dark-> Golden Dark ->
Warm Deep -> Deepest Deep ->Golden Deep (formerly Deep)

So now that you know all the colors, This is how they range in shade: One color is not lighter than the next color. For Instance Fair is not lighter than fairly light. They just have different tones to them. We work in Neutrals Warms and Cools. So

Fair, Medium, Medium Tan, Dark, and Warm deep are all your cool shades. These are for people with no golden undertones and usually have blue veins in their inner wrist.

Fairly light, Medium Beige, Tan, Medium Dark, and Deepest Deep are all your neutrals so they are people that have both yellow and pink in their skin tones.

Light, Golden Medium, Warm Tan, Golden Dark, and golden Deep (formerly Deep) are all your warm shades. These people usually have a lot of yellow to their skin. And Usually have greenish veins on their inner wrist.

So lets say that you are a medium beige. To go lighter you would not go to Medium you would go to Fairly Light. Medium would not go to Light but would go to fair. Get it?

Now most women who shop with us are usually Medium Beige. The other popular colors are Fairly Light, and Medium Tan.

The colors that are very rare are colors like Medium and Warm Tan. I think the year that I've ben working here I've had 4 women who were medium. These women have a lot of pink in their skin and ABSOLUTELY no yellow.

Some other things to know is that the foundations have an SPF of 15 which means they have a ashy quality to them. This is good for people who are tan and lighter, but unfortunately for the women of color, go somewhere else. Most likely you will look dark or ashy. You will have to mix colors and use different brushes to get good coverage. But it can be done and looks beautiful. If done properly. But this is a lot of extra work to do.

As for the Getting Started Kit. This is a really good deal and can save you a lot of money especially if you are starting out. So Sephora and Ulta do carry the same kits and well as Nordstroms and select spas. They are all the same kit. They run $65.10 with tax.

In the kit you will get a DVD on how to. Your color foundation, another foundation that you can just toss or give it to a friend (they do this for people who order over the phone or off the net) You will also get Warmth which is basically a bronzer with an orange undertone (if you have any redness get Faux Tan instead. No Orange. Trust me!) and a Mineral Veil which is a translucent set powder. (if you have dry skin be minimal with it, oily folks pack it on!!!) and three FULL SIZE brushes: Full Flawless Face (foundation med. coverage) Flawless Face (light coverage) and Max Concealer brush.

If you do the math, you are basicly buying the brushes and getting everything else for free. It really is a good deal. AND PLEASE GET YOUR COLOR MATCHED SO YOU HAVE THE RIGHT KIT!!!! Most of the people that come into the store come from Sephora with the wrong color.

Oh yea. It does not expire so you can have it forever and the GSK last between 4-6 months and the Large regular individual sizes ($25) will go 6 months-year. Of course this depends on how much you use. Light coverage nickel size. Heavy coverage 1/2 dollar.

I hope this all helps. Please ask me more questions at:
[email protected]


For those with redness and you want to try BE here is what you need to do:
Wash Face
Skin Rever Upper
Moisturizer (lotion for dry, gel for oily)
Prime Time Foundation Primer
Apply Foundation:
----Light coverage use Flawless Face Brush with a nickel amount of foundation.
-----Heavy coverage use Heavenly Face Brush and 1/2 dollar amount of foundation. Spray Fix+ and add another layer. This beats out any redness completely.
Well Rested Under the eye area. With concealer brush
Bisque (in your color) with con. brush to bat redness.
Mineral Veil (heavenly face brush for oily, radiance brush for dry)
And there you have it.

Also try the Rare night treatment to even out skin tone. And Rare Spot Treatment to bat acne and pimples.


Re: Bare Minerals (all)

Originally Posted by Alexa
ok ive noticed this for a while... once in a while when i put bare minerals on my face like..stings. but it only happens like..1 out of 4 times i wear it. does anyone know wtf is going on? i love my bare minerals but if this keeps up i can't use it for much longer..

Clean your brushes. Let them soak in luke-warm water. The brushes are made out of goat hair and without proper care they can dry out. Keep them out of the sun and in a dry cool place.


Re: Bare Minerals (all)

Originally Posted by aimerbijoux
Is warmth meant as blush or a contour color?

Warmth is like a bronzer. I use if for both bronzer/blush and a contour, but it is going to look like dirt on the face if you don't really really blend.


Re: Bare Minerals (all)

Originally Posted by Jude
What kind of brush are you using? I noticed that if I am using my Nars Bronzer brush instead of the Bobbi Brown face brush, my application gets kinda stingy. Unless you are experiencing a chemically type sting? I get that feeling with Mineral Veil so I stopped using it.

The old Mineral Veil we used to make had paraban sp? in it. Make sure that it is the newer mineral veil. Also mineral veil has corn starch it in. Which isn't a mineral and causes a lot of people to break out. They do lie to you so do your research (i'll probably get fired now for telling you this!
) This also happens to people with dry skin. We are coming out with a new moisturizing Mineral veil the day after xmas which has honeysuckle in it to give a nice cooling sensation to the skin for the dry and oily folks. Best of luck!


Well-known member
I have to say I LOVE BE!!!!!!!! I bought the starter kit last weekend at sephora. The lady there color matched me, did my face, added some gloss and even walked me through the whole thing. I loved it, it gave me more coverage than MAC studio finish concealer and studio fix (which broke me out too) and today I was complimented on my foundation
It really gives me a beautiful and natural glow


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CassieAM
Hi all-

I work at the Flag Ship Bare Escentuals and I'll let you in on some of the secrets of our foundation.

Our colors range like this:
Fair -> Fairly Light -> Light ->
Medium -> Medium Beige -> Golden Medium ->
Medium Tan -> Tan -> Warm Tan ->
Dark -> Medium Dark-> Golden Dark ->
Warm Deep -> Deepest Deep ->Golden Deep (formerly Deep)

So now that you know all the colors, This is how they range in shade: One color is not lighter than the next color. For Instance Fair is not lighter than fairly light. They just have different tones to them. We work in Neutrals Warms and Cools. So

Fair, Medium, Medium Tan, Dark, and Warm deep are all your cool shades. These are for people with no golden undertones and usually have blue veins in their inner wrist.

Fairly light, Medium Beige, Tan, Medium Dark, and Deepest Deep are all your neutrals so they are people that have both yellow and pink in their skin tones.

Light, Golden Medium, Warm Tan, Golden Dark, and golden Deep (formerly Deep) are all your warm shades. These people usually have a lot of yellow to their skin. And Usually have greenish veins on their inner wrist.

So lets say that you are a medium beige. To go lighter you would not go to Medium you would go to Fairly Light. Medium would not go to Light but would go to fair. Get it?

Now most women who shop with us are usually Medium Beige. The other popular colors are Fairly Light, and Medium Tan.

The colors that are very rare are colors like Medium and Warm Tan. I think the year that I've ben working here I've had 4 women who were medium. These women have a lot of pink in their skin and ABSOLUTELY no yellow.

Some other things to know is that the foundations have an SPF of 15 which means they have a ashy quality to them. This is good for people who are tan and lighter, but unfortunately for the women of color, go somewhere else. Most likely you will look dark or ashy. You will have to mix colors and use different brushes to get good coverage. But it can be done and looks beautiful. If done properly. But this is a lot of extra work to do.

As for the Getting Started Kit. This is a really good deal and can save you a lot of money especially if you are starting out. So Sephora and Ulta do carry the same kits and well as Nordstroms and select spas. They are all the same kit. They run $65.10 with tax.

In the kit you will get a DVD on how to. Your color foundation, another foundation that you can just toss or give it to a friend (they do this for people who order over the phone or off the net) You will also get Warmth which is basically a bronzer with an orange undertone (if you have any redness get Faux Tan instead. No Orange. Trust me!) and a Mineral Veil which is a translucent set powder. (if you have dry skin be minimal with it, oily folks pack it on!!!) and three FULL SIZE brushes: Full Flawless Face (foundation med. coverage) Flawless Face (light coverage) and Max Concealer brush.

If you do the math, you are basicly buying the brushes and getting everything else for free. It really is a good deal. AND PLEASE GET YOUR COLOR MATCHED SO YOU HAVE THE RIGHT KIT!!!! Most of the people that come into the store come from Sephora with the wrong color.

Oh yea. It does not expire so you can have it forever and the GSK last between 4-6 months and the Large regular individual sizes ($25) will go 6 months-year. Of course this depends on how much you use. Light coverage nickel size. Heavy coverage 1/2 dollar.

I hope this all helps. Please ask me more questions at:
[email protected]


lol just kidding, I work in a boutique too and half the people who come in ask us that question. Or if we've ever met Leslie. You're right with sephora too, we get soooo many people who are told the wrong shade (and to use the kabuki brush for warmth. WTF).
We sell out of warm tan all.the.time. I think my first 6 months of working there I wasn't aware of the fact that there was a warm tan because we didn't ever have it. They tell you to refer to warmth as a bronzer? We were told not to call it that, hmm. That's weird. We sell a lot of mediums too, not a lot...but in my yearish I've matched at least 20-25. Oh and just incase anyone in my area reads this because it may be different in different states...the nordstrom here sells the old $75 kit, just a fair warning incase that's your only place to go and you've only got enough for the $60 one.
...We've also never had a problem matching women of color. At my store anyway. Honestly, I find it just as simple as matching women with lighter skin tones. The only thing I've ever told them to go elsewhere for was concealers.


Well-known member
Re: Breakouts from my i.d Bare minerals

My friend used Bare essenctuals and it broke her out around her nose. So I told her to go and get MAC MSF


Well-known member
Re: Breakouts from my i.d Bare minerals

The Bismuth in the BE foundation causes itchiness and irritation for a lot of people. I for one, cannot wear it. I do love the BE Mineral Veil, though.

I would switch to another mineral makeup, there are so many good ones available now.
Re: Breakouts from my i.d Bare minerals

I just received in the mail yesterday a bunch of mineral makeup from Mineral Makeup | Erth Minerals Cosmetics It does not contain the bismuth in any of the products. I used it yesterday and liked it alot! So give that a try. I break out on the chin when Aunt Flo is in town, but that is about it. But I definately did not want anything with the bismuth in it.


Active member
Re: Breakouts from my i.d Bare minerals

My only problem was with the foundation..and only in the summer. When I was outside my face would itch like CRAZY. I never broke out or anything. I do still use the e/s and blushes.


Active member
I.D Bare Minerlas looking cakey

I have been using BM for about 3 months and recently it has been cakey on my chin, nose and forehead area(between my eyes).I use The rev up and moisturizer but it looks awful. Its drying out and flakey. I am not getting that smooth look like I used to. I am assuming its the change in weather but does anyone have any suggestions to fix it? I swithced to BM from MAC because the MAC foundations & mineralized skinfinish wrecked havok on my skin.

BM worked wonders and mots of my acne cleared up.

any ideas or suggestions would be lovely.


Well-known member
Re: I.D Bare Minerlas looking cakey

I didn't like the rev-up stuff very much, I felt it dried me out

I personally like Laura Gellar's Spackle Primer, it's pretty decent primer with this.

Also, just make sure you tap the excess off the brush, as you can always use more later if it's not enough. I dunno, those are some of the things I've done, and my bare minerals looks better than ever, because I've had problems with cakey-ness in the past as well. HTH!


Active member
Re: I.D Bare Minerlas looking cakey

I had though maybe I was using to much at once becasue my face is not as tan as it was so therefore all my acne scars show up. I tried using less today and still it was flaking.
I will look into the primer you mentioned.
I like the rev up but did not like the primer that made feel like I had silicone all over my face,it dried it out or felt like it.
thank you


Well-known member
Re: I.D Bare Minerlas looking cakey

Try spraying some of Evian's facial mist or Fix+ and buff it in with a kabuki.
But be sure to spray it from far away so it doesn't make it into a liquidy mess.


Well-known member
Re: I.D Bare Minerlas looking cakey

I've had problems with my BE foundation looking cakey or splotchy in the past but I've found that these three things fixed that problem for me (and hopefully you too!):

1. I use small amounts at a time and build the coverage in thin layers.
2. I press VERY lightly with my kabuki when I'm buffing-I use a very light touch and circular motions.
3. When I'm done with my BE, before putting on my cheek products, I spray Fix+ all over my face. Then, after my makeup is all done, I spray Fix+ again.


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