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Re: I.D Bare Minerlas looking cakey

Originally Posted by iheartangE
I've had problems with my BE foundation looking cakey or splotchy in the past but I've found that these three things fixed that problem for me (and hopefully you too!):

1. I use small amounts at a time and build the coverage in thin layers.
2. I press VERY lightly with my kabuki when I'm buffing-I use a very light touch and circular motions.
3. When I'm done with my BE, before putting on my cheek products, I spray Fix+ all over my face. Then, after my makeup is all done, I spray Fix+ again.


This is what I do as well with my BE and it usually always comes out looking pretty good. The Fix+ spray really helped my cakey-ness


Well-known member
Re: I.D Bare Minerlas looking cakey

I agree with using the damp method ... also you need to buff for a LONG time to get perfect coverage, like at least two minutes of buffing.

Are you using a glycolic acid product or AHA product? That can really help with getting that layer of dead skin that builds up off and making mineral foundation look better. I use a Glycolic Foaming cleanser from Mario Badescu that works wonders, but there are also several AHA gels and lotions that are fabulous too. HTH


Active member
Re: Breakouts from my i.d Bare minerals

I get an occasional zit when I don't wash my brushes. BE brushes are natural hair and can cause breakouts if not cleaned regularly.


Re: Breakouts from my i.d Bare minerals

I have been using it for a year and a half and I have extremely sesitive skin, it hasn't broken me out, but it does itch when it gets wet. I just blot with a tissue and I'm fine.


Active member
Re: I.D Bare Minerlas looking cakey

Originally Posted by iheartangE
I've had problems with my BE foundation looking cakey or splotchy in the past but I've found that these three things fixed that problem for me (and hopefully you too!):

1. I use small amounts at a time and build the coverage in thin layers.
2. I press VERY lightly with my kabuki when I'm buffing-I use a very light touch and circular motions.
3. When I'm done with my BE, before putting on my cheek products, I spray Fix+ all over my face. Then, after my makeup is all done, I spray Fix+ again.


For roughly two-three years, I was a loyal follower of BE foundation. I took ran into a few cakey/splotchy spells (that were in large part to weather changes). I took similiar steps to the above -- ESPECIALLY #3. Fix+ is MOST DEFINITELY a godsend.

If the weather is on the warmer side -- I would put Fix+ in the fridge & a spritz here and a spritz there...instant cooling.

Good Luck!


Re: I.D Bare Minerlas looking cakey

Originally Posted by Silveretta
I have been using BM for about 3 months and recently it has been cakey on my chin, nose and forehead area(between my eyes).I use The rev up and moisturizer but it looks awful. Its drying out and flakey. I am not getting that smooth look like I used to.

I work at BE and I find that this happens, not often, but enough. What you should be doing if you aren't already, is apply a moisturizer to a clean face, then apply ONE PUMP of the Rev-er-Upper, and then ONE PUMP of the Prime Time. You can use the Kabuki brush, to apply the foundation on, but I find that the Kabuki is uneven and splotchy, so I like to use the Full Flawless Face Brush. After applying if it still looks splotchy, then sometimes I add another very light coat of Prime Time with a synthetic brush in the area with flakes. And if this doesn't work for you, then I like to add a spritz of Rare Mineral Facial Burst, or Fix+ if you have it. The clients that have this problem tend to be people that aren't moisturizing or not using the right moisturizer, or are using a skin spot treatment for Acne that dries out the affected area. Trial and Error are all I can say. Let me know what works for you.


Well-known member
Re: I.D Bare Minerlas looking cakey

seems your skin is kind of dry, do you use the BE primer?? id def try some before application or a special tip is to mix some of the minerals with a dash of primer in the lid and it should give u a beautiful finish.

Originally Posted by Silveretta
I have been using BM for about 3 months and recently it has been cakey on my chin, nose and forehead area(between my eyes).I use The rev up and moisturizer but it looks awful. Its drying out and flakey. I am not getting that smooth look like I used to. I am assuming its the change in weather but does anyone have any suggestions to fix it? I swithced to BM from MAC because the MAC foundations & mineralized skinfinish wrecked havok on my skin.

BM worked wonders and mots of my acne cleared up.

any ideas or suggestions would be lovely.



Well-known member
Bare Escentuals Users

Hello Ladies,

Im new here and just wanted to ask how many of you use and love Bare Escentuals?? And what do you love about them and cant get enough of?? How long ago did you start using??

Ill start. I love it of course. Ive been using it almost 2 years, just saw the infomercial sooo much that I decided to buy, but I actually got my starter kit off the Q. And Ive been hooked since. What I love the best?? Well I honestly cant pinpoint one thing for I love it all
Must have it ALL...Lol.....


Re: Bare Escentuals Users

Hi Maria~

I love BE too. I love it all and i began wearing it about 4 years ago. Before BE I only wore MAC-for years! I have fallen back into MAC with the Blonde, Brunette, & Redhead and I found it compliments my BE nicely. I use the paintpots & shadesticks as a base under my BE.


Well-known member
Re: Bare Escentuals Users

Cool!! We have something in common exept vice versa lol...The Blonde, etc LE didnt do much for me....I bought all the Sugarsweet shadesticks last night , first time Ive tried them and I hated them, how do u use em???

Originally Posted by Sharee
Hi Maria~

I love BE too. I love it all and i began wearing it about 4 years ago. Before BE I only wore MAC-for years! I have fallen back into MAC with the Blonde, Brunette, & Redhead and I found it compliments my BE nicely. I use the paintpots & shadesticks as a base under my BE.

Re: Bare Escentuals Users

Hi I love BE because it is so gentle on my skin as far as breakouts go!! I love MAC face make up too but more for going out or more dramatic events. I have been using BE for a little over two years now, but not too crazy about their eyeshadows......I use the foundation, warmth blush, and lip glosses everyday!!!!



Well-known member
Re: Bare Escentuals Users

Awesome!!!!!! And why not a big fan of the e/s??

Originally Posted by monicaeguerra
Hi I love BE because it is so gentle on my skin as far as breakouts go!! I love MAC face make up too but more for going out or more dramatic events. I have been using BE for a little over two years now, but not too crazy about their eyeshadows......I use the foundation, warmth blush, and lip glosses everyday!!!!




Active member
Ive only tried 1 BE item so far and that was the foundation primer. I tried a sample at sephora and loved it so I thought I would buy the product and try it out again. I put it on and a few minutes later my face was itchy under my foundation but I thought nothing of it. I came home and took off my foundation, my skin was irritated and I had broken out. Im intrigued by their eyeshadows though. And I have wanted to try out their started kit.


Re: Bare Escentuals Users

Originally Posted by usmcwife27
Cool!! We have something in common exept vice versa lol...The Blonde, etc LE didnt do much for me....I bought all the Sugarsweet shadesticks last night , first time Ive tried them and I hated them, how do u use em???

Hi Maria,

Sorry for the delay in my response I forgot to check in here. I use the shadesticks as my base color for my loo-very lightly and rub it out with my fingers or a dense brush. Most of the time just beig-ing-it's almost the same color as my skin with a hint of shimmer. If I use sharkskin- it's definitely to make my colors stand out more. I have found they make my BE colors pop.
What didn't you like about them? I have heard the new ones are creamier-I don't have the new ones...yet.
Originally Posted by aimerbijoux
I have to say I LOVE BE!!!!!!!! I bought the starter kit last weekend at sephora. The lady there color matched me, did my face, added some gloss and even walked me through the whole thing. I loved it, it gave me more coverage than MAC studio finish concealer and studio fix (which broke me out too) and today I was complimented on my foundation
It really gives me a beautiful and natural glow

I totally know what you mean when you were saying earlier about mac breaking you out. I had studio fix and it gave me horrible pimples. All mac powders break me out, I didn't want to admit it either though because I want to love them! haha

But, I'm glad you like BE. I just switched to this as well not too long ago and it's amazing! I don't know about you, but I feel like it's improving my skin!


Active member
Re: Breakouts from my i.d Bare minerals

I tend to get breakouts if I don't wash my brushes regularly. They're natural hair, which tend to hold bacteria.


Re: Breakouts from my i.d Bare minerals

I broke out when I first started over a year a go. I stopped using it when I realized that I got little bumps from it though, they werent acne though, just a reaction

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