Beauty Resolutions for 2008


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to mantain my hair a bit better...

i always leave my roots that bit too long and always have leave my extensions in need of redoing a bit too long too.

it doesnt ever look bad but i always feel much better once there done!


Well-known member
-eat more than one GIANT meal a day. I lost about 20 pounds by eating noting but one huge and sometimes not so good for you meal a day. I want to start eating small meals throughout the day or three squares. my eating habits are totally screwed up.
-not be as afraid to experiment with color. I used to wear colors everyday but now I am just too chicken. I want to start wearing blues again, but I want to make them look really amazing. I guess just practice more.
-enroll in the local cosmetology school and stick with it so my parents will pay for the more expensive one (we have a deal, if I complete one semester at the crappy cosmo school, they will pay for me to go to a Paul Mitchell or Aveda school)
-not be so crazy about my skin...pimples are normal

I'll edit this when I find more.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
I have two goals:

Lose weight.
Actually start wearing the MAC I keep collecting.

I think Stargazer said it all.


Well-known member
1. Start eating healthy. It's better that I start now, because I don't want to end up like my mom when I'm her age. I'm aiming to be a MILF when I'm older.
2. Get a damn job. This will help me buy all the MAC and clothes that I want.
3. Stop wearing all black. I can't help it, but black goes with everything!
4. Get smooth and glowy legs so I won't be embarrassed when I wear shorts and skirts.
5. Continue growing out my hair. It's currently at my bra strap and I want to to reach my waist. I love surprising people when I let my hair down, which isn't often.
6. Starting going to my campus' gym. It's free, so why not? Plus, I really want to tone up. I like how my body is, but it could use some toning up.
7. Take care of my nails more.
8. Most of all, stop taking the time out to cater to other people if they're not going to do it for me. I'm tired of my so-called friends who never call or invite me anywhere. I really don't give a shit now, I'm going to start thinking about myself way more now.


Well-known member
Here are mine:
* Stop pulling my hair out.
* Eat healthier.
* Get 8 hours sleep everynight.
* Got to the gym.
* Take more care of my hair and skin.
* Drink water and cut down on my Cocacola addiction
* Stop blaming myself for other peoples mistakes.

These are all i can think of right now...


Well-known member out more
2. make sure to wash my face at night when i come home partyin ( I ALWAYS fall asleep with makeup on)
3. Forget about the people who fucked me over, not once by twice.
5. Go back to school to get my masters.
4. Enjoy those happy moments!


Well-known member
Awesome thread!
I'd like to: healthier
2.keep toning/maintaining shape
3.take my vitamins
4.dress better too, I tend to focus primarily on my makeup rather than the rest of me
5.have a more natural look
6.take better care of my skin
7.wear spf everyday! I forget sometimes

8.deep condition more
9.stop caring so much about other people, I've forgotten how to please myself
10.have an overall positive outlook of things and life, I've been gloomy and depressed for too long!!

all I can think of right now!


Well-known member
1) get back to the gym, especially for my heart. athsma makes it hard ;(
2) grow my hair out. I want long, stick straight, dark brown locks

3) a job. i got laid off in nov '07 and it's been a struggle just to get a job
4) get straight A's in my classes
5) eat healthier


Well-known member
Wow it's time for resolutions again already... 2007 sure went by quick!

- Perfect that seemingly unattainable *flawless* look with my makeup
- Improve makeup application techniques even more
- Take even better care of my skin
- Do more tutorials - Keep em coming girls!
- Drink oceans of water
- Build more muscle
- Learn to wear/walk in high heels
- Buy more MAC. I'd be kidding myself if I made a resolution to buy less MAC.


Well-known member
So many resolutions, only 365 days in 2008 to live them out! Here's my short list, sticking strictly to matters of beauty:

1. To go to the gym regularly. Getting in shape will prolong my life, improve my health, and get me back to my prior hotness, which I denied for so long and didn't realize I had until I hit 30 and it was all gone
Plus it will thin out my face and I'll own a jawline and cheekbones again wooo!
2. To be more obsessive about flossing my teeth. Once a day is not enough!
3. To shape my eyebrows religiously. (I get lazy about this and I'll let the yeti brows take over, but I shaped them again today and OMG... I don't hate my face as much as I usually do so if anything this is a huge boost)
4. To find a good haircut/color and stick with it.
5. To get out of my neutrals rut and get bold with color.
6. Develop a better skin regimen now that I'm in my mid 30s and starting to look like it.


Well-known member
- Cook more and stop eating out
- Go to sleep earlier in order to wake up earlier (and have more time to do make-up)
- Utilize the gym membership to the fullest. (Go at least 3 times a week and take advantage of the free classes they offer)
- Buy more MAC but stick to the budget
- Concentrate on school (this gets hard at times with a full time job)
- Try and read at least one book a week.


Well-known member
I was blessed with a petite frame so I can easily let myself go and lose muscle and gain fatty fatness, and no one can really tell. Except now I feel weak and tired all the time. Since finishing high school and starting university my exercise and working out time has diminished to almost nothing. My beauty new years resolution is to start eating healthy and working out again so I can feel as beautiful as I possibly can!


Well-known member
- eat more healthy [no more chocolate, crisps, pizzas etc.]
- workout like i used to [almost everyday] ... lose at least 10 lbs ready for summer
- stop being so damn lazy and get up earlier
- grow my nails really long again but keep them that way
- buy more mac makeup and practice!
- remember to cleanse, tone, moisturise TWICE a day not when i feel like it
- think more positively
- pass my driving test next week
- exfoliate and moisturise my body more often
- find a hair colour that i like and finally get it done instead of being a wimp and wanting to stay blonde even though i wanna change it
- get a good job.. i really need the money!
- start buying nice clothes again, not JUST makeup
- dont bother buying sale items because it just means its out of fashion, nobody wants it and its just wasting money
- stop forgetting to pluck my brows!

and i think thats all x


Well-known member
Get my brows waxed monthly (at least!)
Drink more water
Use a body moisturiser more regularly
Don't leve nail varnish on for so long it goes tatty
Book more regular haircuts
Try not to use the straighteners everyday
Take our new doggy for long walks


Well-known member
Beauty/Health Wise:
  • Buy more jojoba oil and use it to dissolve blackheads instead of picking
  • Be more aware of changes in my skin
  • Use my SPF foundation everyday, not just when I feel like it
  • Eat more vegetables, just because you couldn't eat them before doesn't mean you can't eat them now!
  • Workout more, I need to so badly!
  • Try to incorporate some yoga that won't harm my knee
  • Work on getting my knee up to it's full strength, don't put it into situations that will hurt it again
  • Figure out a style for my hair that is easy and actually complements my face
  • Keep up the good work with my nails (last year's resolution that I actually kept!)
  • Be better about taking my vitamins
The rest of my life:
  • Keep up my finances, look into getting financial software
  • Keep my computer organized, free from viruses, and maybe try out a new OS
  • Figure out my summer job and my financial situation for next year

I'm already working on most of these, I just want to stay on top of them!


Well-known member
1. Get really toned abs through exercise--I have lost all the baby weight but I am still quite flabby in my mid-section.

2. Lessen my carb intake!

3. Take care of my skin more.

4. Always wear products with SPF during the day.

5. Read more books....I find that reading works out my mind.

6. Focus on other things besides make-up lol. I have to cut it down a bit before it becomes a full blown addiction.

7. Always go out with super nice hair! Last year I always went out with a ponytail cos it was the most convenient thing for me to do. Now I want to always look like good whenever I go out.

8. Avoid all vices like smoking and drinking! Last year I was forced to quit smoking due to my pregnancy, and now I resolve to continue my path towards a smoke-free life!

9. Always count my blessings! Last year I always bitched about the stuff I didn't have that I lost all sense of appreciation for the things that were right in front of me.

10. Always be positive! I find that a positive outlook attracts all things good. And makes life less stressful. I say don't sweat the small stuff.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by spectrolite

- Learn to wear/walk in high heels

Yes I should do this to0! I love 3-inch++ heels but can't last more than 30 mins in them.


Well-known member
Here are a few of my beauty goals for 2008:

-Take better care of my skin. I can see all of the stress in my life taking its toll on my skin and it is not looking pretty.
-Wear my hair down more. My hair is long and looks good when down but it takes such an effort to get it to look just right. A ponytail is just so much easier.
-To buy only the makeup that I need (which is none). After tallying up my MAC purchases this year for myself and for the weddings I have done I have spent SOOOOOO much more than I thought.
-To drink more water and learn more about organic foods and vitamins.
-To start running again and to keep sticking with Weight Watchers. I am down 8 lbs so far!