Biggest Makeup Crimes committed by Women of Color


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From Q [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Eyelashes Falling Out?
My eyelashes keep falling out. Is this normal? Why does this happen? Is there is anything I can do about it? [/FONT]
A Answer (Published 1/19/2006)

Eyelashes fall out normally from time to time, just as hair elsewhere on the body does. But they can also fall out for other reasons. The medical name for this problem is madarosis, and some mechanical causes are pretty obvious - such as the way you remove eye makeup. Wiping your eyes too vigorously can pull out a few lashes: better to use an eye makeup remover that does the job without the need for rubbing. In addition, heavy mascara can actually weigh down delicate lashes and cause them to fall out, and the pressure of an eyelash curler can pull them out as well.


Well-known member
Aw, there's nothing "criminal" about WoC wearing browns and golds! Bottom line: wear what you like and what you look good in!


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Originally Posted by Twinkle_Twinkle
You ain't never lied. I have a friend, who used to take her makeup off with a old sock and Vaseline. Me and another friend were like whhhaaaatt????? The second friend and I are fiends about face care and friend number one, mentioned our skin one day and how she has such problems with evenness and dryness. We asked do you exfoliate? No. Use toner? No. Face masks? No. Well what are you moisturizing with, and she said Vaseline! I nearly passed out! Well we got her on an Origins regimine, and she has seen an improvement. She still has that unblended highlight though, my my my. Baby steps I guess.

OMG I just started reading this thread and I almost had a heart attack from laughter when I read the old sock and Vaseline line
Originally Posted by yummiebitez
some people prefer not to wear mascara because it makes your eyelashes fall off. if i had thick and long lashes already, i wouldnt use mascara either. maybe just curl it so it looks prettier

Asians tend to think that when they wear mascare that is makes their eyes look even-more folded.
After reading the many replies the reason that WOC make these "mistakes," is because the market for suitable cosmetic companies is slim. But to the obvious. When you are already a color, you really don't need to much help from cosmetics because you are born with pigment and melanin.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAChostage
Aw, there's nothing "criminal" about WoC wearing browns and golds! Bottom line: wear what you like and what you look good in!

I saw the white eyeliner thing again this weekend and it's makes me so sad. I don't see how anyone can think this looks good. Sometimes, with ugly stuff I can rationalize and see were they may have thought something looked good, but thick white eyeliner and that's it?

Also, this girl at work wears this shimmery gold eyeshadow and that it. It's not blended or anything. It really sucks with her skintone and makes her eye area look really odd. It's really thick and perfectly placed on her lids. I think she stopped wearing it like that though. And now she uses that same metallic gold to wear as a highlight under her brows with nothing else.

It makes me sad to see such beautiful women doing these things to their faces that only detract from their beauty.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lipshock
Alright, I am going to be honest with you on this one: I personally HATE C-Thru lipglass because it is just so creamy and milky on ME. I never left the house wearing it.

I agree with you that with us it is better to use a nude colour with peach, coral, or pinkish undertones than something so creamy and white. I have yet to find my holy grail nude shade but right now I am very content with Viva Glam V lipstick -- as it is nude on me but doesn't wash me out and make me look like death.

As far as suggestions on wearing C-Thru, you might have to ask someone else . . because seriously, I don't have a clue. I couldn't figure it out for the life of me. I just gave up and B2M'ed that badboy.

I too hate c- thru. and it photographs even worse. it looks like one of those "got milk" add gone terribly wrong

the le lipglass bare truth was great for darker skin and so is the current le 3n lipglass


Well-known member
Originally Posted by priss
less is less--stop making excuses for not having more!

Off topic, but I LOVE this!


Well-known member
i have just spent the last 45 minutes reading this thread from the beginning and am out of breath from laughing.

when i first started wearing mac in 1992, there were no stores or counters in dallas. back then mac printed a paper catalog and i would order it on my moms credit card- i was still in high school. also viva glam came with a condom. this was long before estee lauder. and brush numbering system wasnt even the same. i still have a 263 type brush and mine is a #22. im talking old school.

i consider myself a mac vet. i remember when the containers were silver for a year or so, the screw on top shadows and the whole bit.

im guessing that you all understand how much of a mac trailblazer i think i am.

last year, i was waiting for my mom to finish dressing. she uses mac and she's 63 years old. she was dusting on her studio fix, and prepped and primed her lashes and lips. i was so proud- just beaming...........

and then........

she took her lipstick and SWIPED AND SMUDGED IT ON HER CHEEKS for BLUSH.

yall, i thought i was gonna die. i remember this practice from my younger days (im 32) but i didnt know it was still alive. a subsequent poll of friends mom's revealed that it still in use. apparently baby boomer women of color are still doing this. i cannot believe no one has chimed in with this one but i dont mind being the first.

quit laughing at my momma. we got some razin, peaches and ambering rose now. she is very fair skinned. but i know im not the only one whose mother still does this.

fess up ladies!

and QUIT laughing at my momma- she's tryin.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by priss
I too hate c- thru. and it photographs even worse. it looks like one of those "got milk" add gone terribly wrong

the le lipglass bare truth was great for darker skin and so is the current le 3n lipglass

I got these lippies from the Smoke Signals collection and I love them! I finally found my HG nude lippies!
Mellow Flame LS
Bare truth - Warm caramel (LE)
Soft and slow - Soft rose with gold pearl (LE)

I’ve heard a lot about C-thru, wanted to try it but since I don’t have a MAC counter/store in my city, I was too afraid to order it online….Glad I didn’t now!

Originally Posted by priss
last year, i was waiting for my mom to finish dressing. she uses mac and she's 63 years old. she was dusting on her studio fix, and prepped and primed her lashes and lips. i was so proud- just beaming...........

and then........

she took her lipstick and SWIPED AND SMUDGED IT ON HER CHEEKS for BLUSH.

yall, i thought i was gonna die. i remember this practice from my younger days (im 32) but i didnt know it was still alive. a subsequent poll of friends mom's revealed that it still in use. apparently baby boomer women of color are still doing this. i cannot believe no one has chimed in with this one but i dont mind being the first.

quit laughing at my momma. we got some razin, peaches and ambering rose now. she is very fair skinned. but i know im not the only one whose mother still does this.

fess up ladies!

and QUIT laughing at my momma- she's tryin.

Okay. I’m a baby-boomer and am from your Mom’s generation – I’ll be 52 in March! LOL…. Never did the lipstick thing, though! But this still gave me a good laugh….But ya know what? I was watching E-Style’s “Ultimate Style” TV program a couple of weeks ago and they said to do this when you were out and needed a little color on your cheeks….They said all the celebrities were doing it! I ‘bout fell out of my chair at this “Beauty Secret”!! Go figure!! [I still think it’s a make-up crime!]



Well-known member
I think the major problem with a lot of people is the application process. Poor souls just don’t know. For example, My grandmother, she is awesome, love her dearly. She is as dark as Grace Jones and my sister for X-mas gave her an eye shadow quad as a stocking stuffer. It was beautiful, different shades of purple but there was a light color purple that was a frosty color with some sparkle. Well, the following Sunday for church she gets there and my sister and I almost passed out laughing, she had worn EVERY single color of the quad and she used the frosty color on her brow bone and on her lower lash line. No blending, just slapped it on her eyes. We had to take her to the bathroom and fix her make-up. Poor thing was like “I thought I had to use every color because it came together”.

Another thing I find a problem and this is mostly with the models, is that a large number of them do not shave. What is up with that? If you want to be hairy, then go for it but if you are a model you need to shave. It has gotten to the point that I now carry a waxing kit, pack of razors and shaving cream with my make-up kit when I go on shoots because I have had so many models come and sit in my chair with facial hair, leg hair, underarm hair, hair here, hair there, hair everywhere. I am sorry darling but my make-up and/or air brush gun cannot hide all that hair so here is a razor and shaving cream go to the bathroom and shave or if you like I can wax it for you, thankyouverymuch and comeagain.


Well-known member
Y'all stop, PLEASE....I'm at work and about to bust a gut to keep from laughing out LOUD!!!

Some of these stories are both cute and funny!!


Well-known member
Alright, when did it become okay to wear those sleeping bonnets out of the house? It has somehow become a fashion trend in my area & it's ridiculous. Everywhere you look ladies are wearing them more & more! I don't go further than my front yard to grab the trash cans in mine. But they are in the mall & grocery store sporting them like they look good, ugh!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by priss
i have just spent the last 45 minutes reading this thread from the beginning and am out of breath from laughing.

when i first started wearing mac in 1992, there were no stores or counters in dallas. back then mac printed a paper catalog and i would order it on my moms credit card- i was still in high school. also viva glam came with a condom. this was long before estee lauder. and brush numbering system wasnt even the same. i still have a 263 type brush and mine is a #22. im talking old school.

i consider myself a mac vet. i remember when the containers were silver for a year or so, the screw on top shadows and the whole bit.

im guessing that you all understand how much of a mac trailblazer i think i am.

last year, i was waiting for my mom to finish dressing. she uses mac and she's 63 years old. she was dusting on her studio fix, and prepped and primed her lashes and lips. i was so proud- just beaming...........

and then........

she took her lipstick and SWIPED AND SMUDGED IT ON HER CHEEKS for BLUSH.

yall, i thought i was gonna die. i remember this practice from my younger days (im 32) but i didnt know it was still alive. a subsequent poll of friends mom's revealed that it still in use. apparently baby boomer women of color are still doing this. i cannot believe no one has chimed in with this one but i dont mind being the first.

quit laughing at my momma. we got some razin, peaches and ambering rose now. she is very fair skinned. but i know im not the only one whose mother still does this.

fess up ladies!

and QUIT laughing at my momma- she's tryin.

Please forgive me for laughing at your momma...too funny.


Well-known member
Ok, my mom and my aunt do this! And they apply it so high on the cheek, like right dab in the center and then furiously rub it in. I had to tell my mom to stop before she hurt herself!

Originally Posted by priss
i have just spent the last 45 minutes reading this thread from the beginning and am out of breath from laughing.

when i first started wearing mac in 1992, there were no stores or counters in dallas. back then mac printed a paper catalog and i would order it on my moms credit card- i was still in high school. also viva glam came with a condom. this was long before estee lauder. and brush numbering system wasnt even the same. i still have a 263 type brush and mine is a #22. im talking old school.

i consider myself a mac vet. i remember when the containers were silver for a year or so, the screw on top shadows and the whole bit.

im guessing that you all understand how much of a mac trailblazer i think i am.

last year, i was waiting for my mom to finish dressing. she uses mac and she's 63 years old. she was dusting on her studio fix, and prepped and primed her lashes and lips. i was so proud- just beaming...........

and then........

she took her lipstick and SWIPED AND SMUDGED IT ON HER CHEEKS for BLUSH.

yall, i thought i was gonna die. i remember this practice from my younger days (im 32) but i didnt know it was still alive. a subsequent poll of friends mom's revealed that it still in use. apparently baby boomer women of color are still doing this. i cannot believe no one has chimed in with this one but i dont mind being the first.

quit laughing at my momma. we got some razin, peaches and ambering rose now. she is very fair skinned. but i know im not the only one whose mother still does this.

fess up ladies!

and QUIT laughing at my momma- she's tryin.



1. I hate the "FASHION FAIR" look!! Fucshia lipstick, with dark brown liner and the burgundy eyeshadow.
2. Lips with no color and a face full of makeup...why are women of color afraid of lipstick?
3. No eyebrows....why?
4. Not enough color or only one color on the lids..if your gonna do it!!
5. Too much mascara...tarantuala lashes
6. The white eyeshadow on just the lid..why?

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