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My esthie says its normal to get a little outbreak of ingrowns after bikini waxing, expecially after a first one (which I just had). Anybody else get them? I got them even before the waxing, I have really thick curly hair on my head, and not as thick but just as curly hair everywhere else. Also, about how long do you go (on average) between waxing? I've heard 3 weeks, I've heard 6 weeks, I know it depends on the person and their hair type, but I just kinda wanna determine an estimate for myself.
And holy cow! Did it hurt for you? Cuz I felt like Steve Carrell in the 40-Year-Old Virgin lmao
And holy cow! Did it hurt for you? Cuz I felt like Steve Carrell in the 40-Year-Old Virgin lmao