Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
My esthie says its normal to get a little outbreak of ingrowns after bikini waxing, expecially after a first one (which I just had). Anybody else get them? I got them even before the waxing, I have really thick curly hair on my head, and not as thick but just as curly hair everywhere else. Also, about how long do you go (on average) between waxing? I've heard 3 weeks, I've heard 6 weeks, I know it depends on the person and their hair type, but I just kinda wanna determine an estimate for myself.
And holy cow! Did it hurt for you? Cuz I felt like Steve Carrell in the 40-Year-Old Virgin lmao
LMAO!!! that movie is the best, i am sure that we have all been there once.
if you find that the pain is a bit to much, i know this is gonna sound weird, lol but try chewing on a paddlepop stick (one of the sticks that they spread the wax with lol a clean one) this will prevent you from causing any damage or chipping to your teeth if you tend to clench to hard
ingrown hairs are not uncommon, regular exfoliating always helps before and after waxing, not to sure if they are available round your parts but dermalogica have a fantastic exfoliating cloth (lol its the best investment youll ever make)
if you are thinking about keeping your waxing regime a permanent thing, you will find that at first you will be making your appointments every 4 weeks and then before you know it you'll be going every 6 weeks - but your therapist should let you know what time frames are best.
hope this helps