Bimbos unite!

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Well-known member
^Why is it so hard for men to go a see a doctor when something is wrong? Allmostt exactly one year ago my dad had been having shortness of breath, trouble breatihing and he got exhausted from very little physical labour. He didn't tell anything of this to my mother and allmost had a heart attack before he went to see a doctor. They admitted him to the intensive care unit straight away and I think he spent over two weeks in the hospital and was away from work about six months. He's on heart medication now and feeling OK, back to work and all. If he had delayd going to the doctor even more he surely would have had a heart attack and you never know what can happen then..


Well-known member
I am so sorry about what happened to your dad Heidi!
Men and doctors
.. my dad needs meds for high blood pressure and doesn't want to take them sometimes or doesn't want to see his doc to get new ones when he runs out.

Then I have to say to him that he NEEDS to take them or get new ones.


Well-known member
^It' OK he's fine now
I love him drealy but have to admit that his heart porblems are more of less self inflicted. He's been smokin since has was a teen and hasnät been eating the healthiest either, but he has his meds now and it's under control

My mom has high blood pressuse and diabetes, they both run in the family, and all I can say that high blood pressure really need takinh care of. I hope you can make your dad realise it. Take care darling

I'm OK with doctors, I've seen them a bit in my live. I've had three major operations, twice one my knee on one to remove my tonsils and also quite a bit of dental work a braces (and my teeth are still very crooked).


Well-known member
Thank you and take care too hun!

I got some good makeup-news though. I got the 28 Neutral Palette today!

I also got a
brush as a gift with it.
It looks like a nice brush but I will paint some nail polish over the name.

Holy Rapture

Well-known member
Originally Posted by capmorlovesmac
Good morning Anvika!

My dad hasn't seen a doctor yet but I hope I can go with him in the next couple of weeks. I have to convince him to see a doc.

G'luck doing that
And yea, congrats! New stuff


Well-known member
Thank you girls for all the best wishes, they helped!
My journey took 18 hours and I was so tired when I got home that taking the laptop out was the last thing on my mind, just needed a bath, my kitty and sleep.

ALEXA oh my god I am so sorry
Breaking up hurts like hell. I wish any of us could do anything that would help, but it'll take time...Time supposedly heals, who knows. Until then, cuddle your doggie and try to think positive


Well-known member

Yeah, I'm still tired as hell
And Pumpkin is my little sunshine
She usually ignores me when I get back but this time she's different, wont leave me, she was even in the bathroom with me when I took my bath.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Heiaken
18h wow! How can it take that long?

Whenever people ask that I feel like they dont believe me
I have no interest in lying though.

When I left Liam's house in UK it was Thursday 3.00 am, and when I reached my house in Slovenia it was Thursday 9 pm.

From his house to where my first bus is, then the first bus, then changing to the second bus, then going to the airport, check in, boarding, flight, landing, driving home = 18 hours.
I could give you exact times for every stop but I dont think I have to explain myself to any police here


Well-known member
^That's one hell of a trip! It just feels weird that when you tarvel inside Europe that it could take that long, but of course I belive (from the start)
Then of course if it incorporates a lot of waiting and different methods of moving and chancing bussed obviously it's going to take a long time.

Two summers ago a couple me and Pekka know very well took a 24h buss drive from Warsaw (I think it was this) to Tallin. I could never do that. I would go insane and I think Pekka would never ever do a tripp like that with me because he know's that he would be the firts one to face my frustration and anxiety..

I've only ever been to Stockholm and Prague and flown twice.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Heiaken
Then of course if it incorporates a lot of waiting and different methods of moving and chancing bussed obviously it's going to take a long time.

Public transport sucketh

Originally Posted by Heiaken
Two summers ago a couple me and Pekka know very well took a 24h buss drive from Warsaw (I think it was this) to Tallin.

Ohhhh god. I hate buses as much as I love make up and cats and otters lol. 24 hours on a bus would kill me.

You know what happened on a bus to me from Exeter to London?

A woman changed her baby's dipers on her seat!!!
The whole fucking bus smelled of baby shit. Nice. And there was a toilet she could use. But no, baby poo and piss should apparently be shared with all the passengers


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
Moxy, glad you are back safe from your journey.

Alexa, are you feeling any better

I really am, thank-you so much for asking.

Hes taking me out to dinner tonight and we are going to talk things through.

I know theres no ligit reason for us not to be together, we -were- very happy, so I suppose I shall see what happens today.

Thank-you for your kindness everyone <3


Well-known member
^I hope you can sort things out

About two years ago me and my bf allmost broke up too, it was a really rough patch for us anf especially to me. Luckily we got all things sorted out and now we are even happier than we have ever been. We've been together a little over six years now.


Well-known member
Alexa, I hope it will be all good girl
Sometimes relationship need such rough moments to overcome together. No matter what, we are here for you

Moxy, 18 hours! Girl, it took me about 24 hours trip to get to the other continent, and you were all this time travelling around Europe? Go ahead tell me you didnt hit any MAC counter on your way and spend there 10 hours from that 18 you tell us about


Well-known member
What a dream. LMAO. Not bad, brain, not bad at all!

I was sitting in a pub with Hamster, holding hands and drinking coffee. He looks at his watch, takes out his wallet, gives me his card and says "Is it Hello Kitty time now?"



I was pretty disappointed when I woke up. No Hamster, no Hello Kitty, just an empty bed and no money on my card.


Well-known member
Awww Moxy! That will be ok! There will be a HK all over your bed soon I guess
At least you saw some MAC in the dream!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Alibi
Awww Moxy! That will be ok! There will be a HK all over your bed soon I guess

I can only hope for that

Originally Posted by Alibi
At least you saw some MAC in the dream!

No, no MAC
Just a gorgeous man holding my hand, offering me money for HK. There wasnt any mac in my dreams

I'm going out tonight, one of my best friends is having a bday party at a local pizza place, so I'm just picking my outfit and the make up!
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