Bimbos unite!

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Well-known member
Lou--I hope you feel better quickly.

Debi--wow, nothing like a little neighborhood drama.
That's horrible with the swingset and all, not fair to the children.

MissQQ--It got to be too much for me. I had to finally turn off the tv. I hated seeing the towers hit over and over. I understand the news shows replaying it for people just tuning in and such but after a while I had to have a break. It was just so overwhelming. When you're suffering from depression anyway it was starting to consume my every thought thinking of the people and their families and all.
thank you. i feel much better today. not sure what happened. monday night i was really ill - shaking and shivering and my whole body ached. i had some stomach issues too :( then yesterday morning i felt pretty much the same but a little better and with no stomach problems. after the first few hours i felt back to normal again! so weird! i thought maybe i had eaten something monday to make me sick - but all i had was a pasta bake with no meat in it - just veggies so that wouldn't have upset me. nick ate the same and he was fine. very odd.

i managed to go out for a meal last night with friends which was lots of fun :) i feel naughty though because i am meeting different friends tonight for a meal. luckily we go to cheap places because otherwise i would feel bad about spening money.

i hope everybody is having a good week and staying happy :)


Well-known member
Well, the saga of the fence continues! lol Actually, a large part of it is up and while it looked nicer without it, it could look worse. I have no idea what they are up to. They put mesh at the bottom of it (I'll try to snag a picture in the next few days) as though they are trying to keep small animals out. But any normal person around here knows you have to bury mesh 4 feet into the ground to keep out groundhogs, rabbits and fox, plus fox, coyotes etc can get in between the spaces of the boarding and a deer can still jump it. So, basically it is a pointless fence that ruins the landscape and ended up in a neighbourhood feud. Glad we are not part of it. I bet they were praying we would have to move our trees down there, but ha! We had our land surveyed and posted ages ago so we knew to plant our trees well into our property line. Poo on them!

Lou. I caught your stomach bug. Nothing bad, but certainly under the weather and not feeling right, so eating lightly and took a nap. Maybe a wee fever, too. So did nothing at all today except watch my MAC order get closer and closer. It should arrive tomorrow afternoon. Let's see. Other news. My father needs eye surgery on both eyes for cataracts. My mother needs surgery for a cyst in her shoulder. They always need surgery at the same time. My sister is insane so she is no help. My husband is too busy and I can only drive certain distances with my agoraphobia, not to mention cramp pain due any day now. Ah, the stress of getting older. Ladies, it only get worse. lol Enjoy your youth!!

Sold a small batch of lesser decks for 65.00, another for 75.00. No one wants my once highly desired deck for 200.00. Still hoping someone might suddenly show up! I just looked over my tarot collection and I still have well over 100 decks. Crazy. Oh, how I remember owning exactly 30 decks and so happy about it. The good ole days. Will I ever get back to it?? Sigh. And with that, off to bed!


Well-known member
Well, the saga of the fence continues! lol Actually, a large part of it is up and while it looked nicer without it, it could look worse. I have no idea what they are up to. They put mesh at the bottom of it (I'll try to snag a picture in the next few days) as though they are trying to keep small animals out. But any normal person around here knows you have to bury mesh 4 feet into the ground to keep out groundhogs, rabbits and fox, plus fox, coyotes etc can get in between the spaces of the boarding and a deer can still jump it. So, basically it is a pointless fence that ruins the landscape and ended up in a neighbourhood feud. Glad we are not part of it. I bet they were praying we would have to move our trees down there, but ha! We had our land surveyed and posted ages ago so we knew to plant our trees well into our property line. Poo on them!

Lou. I caught your stomach bug. Nothing bad, but certainly under the weather and not feeling right, so eating lightly and took a nap. Maybe a wee fever, too. So did nothing at all today except watch my MAC order get closer and closer. It should arrive tomorrow afternoon. Let's see. Other news. My father needs eye surgery on both eyes for cataracts. My mother needs surgery for a cyst in her shoulder. They always need surgery at the same time. My sister is insane so she is no help. My husband is too busy and I can only drive certain distances with my agoraphobia, not to mention cramp pain due any day now. Ah, the stress of getting older. Ladies, it only get worse. lol Enjoy your youth!!

Sold a small batch of lesser decks for 65.00, another for 75.00. No one wants my once highly desired deck for 200.00. Still hoping someone might suddenly show up! I just looked over my tarot collection and I still have well over 100 decks. Crazy. Oh, how I remember owning exactly 30 decks and so happy about it. The good ole days. Will I ever get back to it?? Sigh. And with that, off to bed!
i'm sorry you are not feelingt well now :( i hope that you recover as quickly as i did. i think it was just a 24 hour thing. and your poor parents! that is bad timing that they need sugeries at the same time. i hope that something gets sorted for them both. and i can see why nobody wants your sister to help!

congrats on selling more decks though! no matter how much they cost it is good to sell something! :)


Well-known member
Thank you! I am feeling much better today, so whatever it was seems to be gone and it is back to normal eating and running about doing things! I think one of the houses in the neighbourhood finally sold, another one did a few months ago and the new owners are in, but we have not met them yet. And today they have begun to tear down the house that had the fire. All this time they had to wait for insurance stuff to be settled, so a bit noisy as that goes on. Played with the chimpunks out front and hand fed them! Waiting for my MAC order and just put up a fun post on Chanel's Peridot nail polish. I hope everyone is having fun and keeping busy!!


Well-known member
Lou & Debi--I'm glad you guys are feeling better and it wasn't something that lasted longer.

I can't believe how this week has flown by. I've been so busy but seemed to have accomplished nothing. Monday my brother called me and asked if I could take my nephew to a clinic because he wa sick. My nephew goes to college here in Nashville has an apartment about 15 min from me. My brother lives more than an hour away and his ex-wife about 3 hrs away. Anyway I picked him up and took him to CVS Minute Clinic. He said he hurt all over and had a fever. It sounded like the flu or allergies turned into something else like a sinus infection. But they said his lungs were clear and his oxygen was at 99% and they gave him a flu test. They wanted him to be seen at an urgent care place for blood work. So we went there and waited forever. They finally called him back there and I waited a very long time. They did several tests and he has Mono. They said it is in the very early stages as his glands were not swollen. He is to rest and absolutely no alcohol as it enlarges your liver for the time, I didn't know that. There's no medication for it.

He turned 21 in March and I love him but sometimes he is so whiney. He wanted to call his mom and have her drive 3hrs to take care of him and this was before we went to the urgent care place. I told him lets see what it is first. So he called his mom when we got into the car and told her he was feeling a bit better and was going to rest and that she didn't need to come here. I told him he needed to take muti-vitamins and a B-complex to help with energy as he need to keep his system up. I texted him the next day to see how he was feeling and he said was feeling a little worse and his mom was on her way with Sophie (her little dog) Geez! He's not like some people who who aren't diagnosed till much later and have zero energy, so he's very lucky. But he lives in a basement apartment with two roommates and she was going to be staying there. I mean really you think your roomies who are also in school want your mom and her dog saying there. My brother called me today and said he talked to his son and asked him if he was taking vitiamins and he said no. Shouldn't that be common sense to a mom or well anyone when your system is down and you need to take extra care of yourself that you would make sure you are getting all your vitamins and all? My brother told him he should probably be drinking some of that Ensure also since it has a lot of nutrients.

His mom is going to let him lay around and skip class and be whiney. He should try his best to go to class and since he gets out early afternoon go back to his place, take a nap and then get up to eat and do assignments. And then get to bed at a decent time to get lots of rest. I'm not trying to downplay his illness but really I think he could do that. And he gets mad at my brother whenever he suggest things to help him. It just makes me angry at times because it's my brother who is paying for this expensive private college and my nephew doesn't seem to appreciate it. And my brother is not exactly floating in money. He struggles so his son can get a good education and go to the college of his choice. He's a senior and needs to be in class . It will be my brother paying more if he has to finish up in the summer.
well for now anyway:)

Tuesday I was busy with dr appointments. I don't even remember what happened to Wednesday except that I did go through a bunch of makeup that I had that was brand new, like where I had bought backups that I will never use that I have no idea why I bought in the first place. Some were the older mes which kinda sucked. I also had tons of Clinique from gifts with purchase because that's all my sister uses so when they do bonus she gets them to break up her purchase so she gets more than one gift and she always gets me one and sometimes my daughter. I also had some Too Faced, UD, Stila, and other brands of stuff that I had ordered when they had a sale and never even opened. I bagged it all up and to take to give my daughter-in-law.

On Thursdays I watch my grandson when my DIL is in school all day. He's such a doll and so good however taking care of a 5 month old is exhausting especially at my age. Thank goodness I had my kids when I was young. We had lots of fun playing today but I'm so tired and my back hurts. I gave my DIL the bag of makeup and it was unreal how much there was and she was so beyond thrilled. She texted me a couple hours after I got home and she got the little one to bed. She said she was playing and was so excited and my son was laughing at her. Her birthday is Monday and when I asked my son for some gift ideas he said I don't know she said something about getting bronzer, toner or some makeup crap:), silly men. So I thought it was a good time to go through all that and take it to her so she can see what she can use. There's at least 3 different bronzers in there if not more. I have a few things for her already and my son finally said a Macys giftcard would be good.

And now it's almost 1AM and I sitting here. I feel lost on all the threads. I have a ton of errands to do tomorrow. So that's my nonstop wacky week of getting nothing done.

I hope you guys have a great weekend.


Well-known member
shadowaddict~That is too bad about your nephew. Most people I have known who have mono do stay out of school for several weeks to a month or it can take a lot longer to get over-usually months. It enlarges the spleen which can get ruptured and that can kill. It can also turn into meningitis and there have been a lot of cases of that in colleges recently. Scary stuff. He whines because she allows him to. It will never teach him to grow up, so she isn't doing him any favours on that part, but I am sure his roommates want to stay as far away as possible and get on with their own lives instead of having to take care of him, so maybe better she does come. The dog? Weird! Oh well!

I finally spoke to my next door neighbour and he said they are both feuding families now, out to get each other. Lovely! All over property lines and a swing set. The nasty people even called the police to complain that he cuts their lawn for them. Wow. And these were people who used to share lawn mowers and tools, eat over each others homes, etc. until 3 weeks ago. What is next. Bring in the mafia? Actually, I know someone in the mafia. This could get interesting.....

My new paint pot swatches are up now on my blog in case you want to take a peek at them against pale skin! I have lots of fun things on my mind and loving that the air has turned super cold. We woke to only 38F this morning! Love it!! And the sky is deep blue and super windy out, my chimes are singing and I am very excited for fall!! Good stuff to me! This is a good movie day!! :)


Well-known member
shadowaddict~That is too bad about your nephew. Most people I have known who have mono do stay out of school for several weeks to a month or it can take a lot longer to get over-usually months. It enlarges the spleen which can get ruptured and that can kill. It can also turn into meningitis and there have been a lot of cases of that in colleges recently. Scary stuff. He whines because she allows him to. It will never teach him to grow up, so she isn't doing him any favours on that part, but I am sure his roommates want to stay as far away as possible and get on with their own lives instead of having to take care of him, so maybe better she does come. The dog? Weird! Oh well!

I finally spoke to my next door neighbour and he said they are both feuding families now, out to get each other. Lovely! All over property lines and a swing set. The nasty people even called the police to complain that he cuts their lawn for them. Wow. And these were people who used to share lawn mowers and tools, eat over each others homes, etc. until 3 weeks ago. What is next. Bring in the mafia? Actually, I know someone in the mafia. This could get interesting.....

My new paint pot swatches are up now on my blog in case you want to take a peek at them against pale skin! I have lots of fun things on my mind and loving that the air has turned super cold. We woke to only 38F this morning! Love it!! And the sky is deep blue and super windy out, my chimes are singing and I am very excited for fall!! Good stuff to me! This is a good movie day!! :)
i shall take a look because i can't wait to drool over paint pot pics!

i am crazy busy with work this week but i'm still trying to get specktra time in!! have a great weekend guys!


Well-known member
Debi--Chipmunks are so adorable. One of the times my husband and daughter were backpacking in the Smokies they sat down for a snack break while hiking and a few chipmunks came up and they hand fed them. My daughter was about 10 or 11 and she just loved it and was so excited to tell me about it when they got back home a couple days later.

The paint pots are so pretty. I was going to check them out Friday while running errands but ran out of time. I went to Ulta which is a bit over half hour from my house to check out their Butter London and pick up a couple of things. They are having 21 days of beauty and on this Tuesday they are doing buy one get one on Butter n/p. You are limited to buy 2 get 2. It's not good on online orders, too bad. I was planning on going Tuesday and then yesterday my son called me and asked if I could watch the little booger that day. My DIL's parents usually watch him on Tuesdays while she is in school. But this coming Tuesday they have to go to some thingie about his new book that just came out. They don't need me until about noon so I may get up early and go over and get back in time. If not, oh well. It is a good deal and I do love a bargin.

I don't like Ulta near as much as Sephora as they don't carry most of the better brands on makeup so I don't go there very often. But they do have Urban Decay and some others. What I do love is their great selection of different brands of n/p and they are always running a $3.50 off $10 purchase coupon and you can use it on most things except fragrance and some of the makeup brands like UD. They have I think the biggest display and selection of OPI I've seen in one place. I got a pretty OPI called "Bright Lights Big Color" and a mini Orly called "Tiara" a glittery silver to put with my DIL's birthday gift. You would like these Debi, lots of pretty glitter. There's a pink one called "VIP"

Lou--Yes my grandson is getting so big. He'll smile and giggle for me but not like he does for his mommy and daddy. They had him laughing so hard. It was so cute and funny. They don't want any pics online of him but he has big round eyes with the longest eyelashes like my DIL and they're very blue like my son's. He doesn't have very much hair yet. Both of my kids didn't have much till they were well over a year old and when it started growing it was so thick. Both have such thick hair it's unreal.

Thank you for the review of UD Revolution lash curler. I have been wondering if it was worth the cost and how well it worked. I should have got on here earlier as I placed an order on UD today. Now maybe I can get my daughter to start using one. She always says they pinch her skin so this one seems like a good one for her too.

UD has their cream shadows marked down to $3 and a bunch of other stuff on sale. They also have 2 colors of their Pocket Rocket lipgloss for $5, the other colors are still $19. They are just too funny with the guy on top and when you pull the wand out he undresses to boxers or other undies, very cute gift. The firefighter I think is the cutest because he's holding a dalmation puppy. The Vegan e/s palette was $34 and now $19. I already have it though. I did get the mini n/p set that was $28 and now $8. With 2 nieces and a DIL I like to pick things up at a bargin that I can add to their birthday or Christmas gifts.


Well-known member
Debi--Chipmunks are so adorable. One of the times my husband and daughter were backpacking in the Smokies they sat down for a snack break while hiking and a few chipmunks came up and they hand fed them. My daughter was about 10 or 11 and she just loved it and was so excited to tell me about it when they got back home a couple days later.

The paint pots are so pretty. I was going to check them out Friday while running errands but ran out of time. I went to Ulta which is a bit over half hour from my house to check out their Butter London and pick up a couple of things. They are having 21 days of beauty and on this Tuesday they are doing buy one get one on Butter n/p. You are limited to buy 2 get 2. It's not good on online orders, too bad. I was planning on going Tuesday and then yesterday my son called me and asked if I could watch the little booger that day. My DIL's parents usually watch him on Tuesdays while she is in school. But this coming Tuesday they have to go to some thingie about his new book that just came out. They don't need me until about noon so I may get up early and go over and get back in time. If not, oh well. It is a good deal and I do love a bargin.

I don't like Ulta near as much as Sephora as they don't carry most of the better brands on makeup so I don't go there very often. But they do have Urban Decay and some others. What I do love is their great selection of different brands of n/p and they are always running a $3.50 off $10 purchase coupon and you can use it on most things except fragrance and some of the makeup brands like UD. They have I think the biggest display and selection of OPI I've seen in one place. I got a pretty OPI called "Bright Lights Big Color" and a mini Orly called "Tiara" a glittery silver to put with my DIL's birthday gift. You would like these Debi, lots of pretty glitter. There's a pink one called "VIP"

Lou--Yes my grandson is getting so big. He'll smile and giggle for me but not like he does for his mommy and daddy. They had him laughing so hard. It was so cute and funny. They don't want any pics online of him but he has big round eyes with the longest eyelashes like my DIL and they're very blue like my son's. He doesn't have very much hair yet. Both of my kids didn't have much till they were well over a year old and when it started growing it was so thick. Both have such thick hair it's unreal.

Thank you for the review of UD Revolution lash curler. I have been wondering if it was worth the cost and how well it worked. I should have got on here earlier as I placed an order on UD today. Now maybe I can get my daughter to start using one. She always says they pinch her skin so this one seems like a good one for her too.

UD has their cream shadows marked down to $3 and a bunch of other stuff on sale. They also have 2 colors of their Pocket Rocket lipgloss for $5, the other colors are still $19. They are just too funny with the guy on top and when you pull the wand out he undresses to boxers or other undies, very cute gift. The firefighter I think is the cutest because he's holding a dalmation puppy. The Vegan e/s palette was $34 and now $19. I already have it though. I did get the mini n/p set that was $28 and now $8. With 2 nieces and a DIL I like to pick things up at a bargin that I can add to their birthday or Christmas gifts.
oh i totally understand why they don't want pictures of him online and such - so many weirdos out there. i bet his is beautiful and his big round eyes sound so lovely! i bet he will grow to be a handsome young man with those blue eyes :)

and no problem for the review :) i have been using it every day since i was sent it and really am happy. it's so much better than the cheapy one i bought and i haven't once pinched myself! plus i like that i can just do my outer lashes if i want. i know the before and after pics weren't great but hopefully you could see enough of an uplift - taking pics of your eye up close is hard!

oh and that sale seems awesome! if only we had things reduced so much here in the uk! i would be buying up the bargains too because as you say they make great gifts :)


Well-known member
I will have to get that UD lash curler. I have to be very careful not to pinch myself and I've been using one for years. I didn't use one until my early 20's and saw my sister using one while I was visiting her. Actually I didn't wear liner until then either and just started with blush a few years ago. There was so much I didn't know about makeup. Geez, all the fun I was missing:)

I've tried those half looking lash curlers that came out a few years ago made for outer lashes and never could get them to work very well so this will be great. And I like your before and after pics. I could really tell a difference. A MAC ma and I were talking once and he was saying that no matter how long of lashes you have if they stick straight out you can't tell, that you need to curl them. I think I was telling him about my daughter not using one. He's right though.


Well-known member
I will have to get that UD lash curler. I have to be very careful not to pinch myself and I've been using one for years. I didn't use one until my early 20's and saw my sister using one while I was visiting her. Actually I didn't wear liner until then either and just started with blush a few years ago. There was so much I didn't know about makeup. Geez, all the fun I was missing:)

I've tried those half looking lash curlers that came out a few years ago made for outer lashes and never could get them to work very well so this will be great. And I like your before and after pics. I could really tell a difference. A MAC ma and I were talking once and he was saying that no matter how long of lashes you have if they stick straight out you can't tell, that you need to curl them. I think I was telling him about my daughter not using one. He's right though.
exactly - my lashes are very stright which is very annoying. in fact i have one on the right eye that sometimes flops down!! very annoying so these curlers have been good for me :)

Miss QQ

Well-known member
I have straight lashes too. I used Shu Uemura curler previously, and now I'm using Chanel. Shu curls my lashes more but pinches my lids. Chanel doesn't, but it curls my lashes less. Haven't seen the UD curler, I shall look out for it.

Have you all used RBL nail polishes before? I thought the fall theme and colours are very lovely. I studied music, and I love the names: Fortissimo, Piú Mosso, Poco a Poco and Pizzicato. They sound very musical and dramatic to me lol. Wish I could get them here. Hope all of you are doing well this late September. It has been rainy here.


Well-known member
Sorry I haven't written. Very busy past few days. I've been selling and packing up decks, trying to organize my MU collection, feeding our local chipmunk, stuff! Friday I had my annual blood tests and Monday I had my annual physical. I also had to have my Tetanus booster shot with a Whooping Cough booster, so that made me sore, run a bit of a fever and still feeling tired, sore and off. Luckily I don't have to worry about that again. Other than that I am in good shape except I have to lose weight. Lots of it. lol Which I already knew. Time to work harder at it. To think I only weighed 82 pounds when I graduated from college (way too small) and a healthy 120 when I got married to a, well...I won't say, but I need to lose about 30 pounds. So, treadmill, diets, no sweets, a lot less carbs or I will be diabetic. That is enough to scare anyone into losing weight fast!!

And I am having fun with nail polish and other goodies! Hope all is well with everyone!!!

P.S.~The only lash curlers I have ever used is by Revlon. How is Shu compared to that?

P.S.S.~Does anyone else think we should have a much classier name to our group? I do! My suggestions:

Glimmer Gals

Any thoughts??? :)


Well-known member
MissQQ--The RBL n/p are suppose to be very good. At $18 I've never tried them and the fact they are hard to come by. I know you can order them from their site and maybe a few other places. But I don't think any places local has them and I can't find out on the site where they are sold. Those colors are gorgeous though so I may just have to try tracking them down harder. I would love to see them in person.

Debi--yuck on the dr appts. But yay that you went. I am several months behind on my annual "female" exam and mammogram. Actually now that I think about it it's been almost 2 yrs. I get so worked up about going for the pelvic exam even though I've had a million before but I still can barely go. I always go every year because I know how important it is but I think I've put it off because last time I was there he told me how great I was doing. I had lost over 40 pounds but it has all come back now and I am quite embarassed by it. I know that shouldn't keep me away but it does. The thought of the nurse weighing me and the actual exam my anxiety shoots through the roof. I have told myself just last week though that I will call and make the appts for the mammogram and the exam and actually keep them before the end of the year.

I need to get my flu shot also. I heard/read about the Whooping Cough booster. Are they recommending to get that? I am diabetic so those things are important. I go to my endocrinologist on Oct 12th and I know she'll tell me to get this or that. I hate going to dr appt but she has to do blood test every 3-4 months because of the diabetes. There is no putting that one off even if I wanted to. Unless there is a really good reason if you do go for several months she will drop you as a patient. She is top-notch here and she already has an overload of patients so she doesn't let you screw around. But I suppose that's a good thing.

I like the Shu lash curler better than other brands. I use to use whatever brand and even had free ones that came with gifts with purchase from Clinique but I like Shu better. I think I'll give the UD one a try. it sounds pretty good from Lou's review. Did you see her before and after pics?


Well-known member
Where's all our Bimbo friends gone?

I know I've been so busy also. I try to pop on here at least once a day for a bit. But still trying to keep up with all the collections coming out. It is mind boggling. and that's just MAC, I want to see what other brands have coming also.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Hi! Yeah the RBL polishes don't come cheap. If they ever come here I will test them out in person before buying. I'm still here, always enjoying the chats and company of you ladies! :) Hope everyone is having a good weekend. I am considering taking up a makeup course that will take me to a diploma, if I pass the exam. But the lessons are twice weekly, weekday evenings, which will be very hectic and tiring for me. Plus the course is expensive. My friend has signed up but I'm not sure. It will take about 6 months to obtain it. Thinking...


Well-known member
Ooh, fun Miss QQ, but I also understand trying to fit it into your schedule. Just weigh the pros and cons and see who wins!

This has been a crazy week for me. First the doctors appointment and then several days of little sleep and soreness with a fever to top it off. Now we are in the midst of a super humid pattern so it feels like the middle of summer, while the foliage is super bright. It should be blue skies, crisp days and sweater weather. Back to tank tops and shorts right now! I am still selling off decks and plugging away at it, trying to clean and organize absolutely every aspect of my life before the holiday season, which for me starts on Halloween, or a few days before. Halloween, Thanksgiving, my birthday, Christmas, New Years. It is my favourite time of the year (and busiest!) but also not when I want to deal with packages going out and trying to conjure up buyers In fact hubby just sold off 75.00 of some of my used books. The rest the lady didn't want and were rather blah, so dropping those off at the library. Done with selling books until Spring 2012!

The happiest of news is that Coach came out with some orange bags and I ordered one with a matching wallet! I have been scouring the stores for a nice leather pumpkin-orange bag to use in October and finally found a perfect one. I am so excited as I did get the opportunity to see it in the store. They were not out yet, but hiding in the back, and the lady brought them out for me to look over and pick out. lol LOVE it! That should come around mid-week I hope! Yay! I've gone Coach crazy and don't mind a bit!!

I'm also happy to report the loss of 9 pounds in 1 week! I have been unbelievably good. No fast food, no sweets, no cookies, very little starch, not a moment of cheating and I feel good! Let the pounds go away! Then I can start walking once the weather changes cool again! And I have been busy with my blog and have some new posts up if anyone wants to peek! I am enjoying the blogging community quite a lot and meeting some fantastic people with unique ideas, which I appreciate!

Happy Weekend to all!


Well-known member
Ooh, fun Miss QQ, but I also understand trying to fit it into your schedule. Just weigh the pros and cons and see who wins!

This has been a crazy week for me. First the doctors appointment and then several days of little sleep and soreness with a fever to top it off. Now we are in the midst of a super humid pattern so it feels like the middle of summer, while the foliage is super bright. It should be blue skies, crisp days and sweater weather. Back to tank tops and shorts right now! I am still selling off decks and plugging away at it, trying to clean and organize absolutely every aspect of my life before the holiday season, which for me starts on Halloween, or a few days before. Halloween, Thanksgiving, my birthday, Christmas, New Years. It is my favourite time of the year (and busiest!) but also not when I want to deal with packages going out and trying to conjure up buyers In fact hubby just sold off 75.00 of some of my used books. The rest the lady didn't want and were rather blah, so dropping those off at the library. Done with selling books until Spring 2012!

The happiest of news is that Coach came out with some orange bags and I ordered one with a matching wallet! I have been scouring the stores for a nice leather pumpkin-orange bag to use in October and finally found a perfect one. I am so excited as I did get the opportunity to see it in the store. They were not out yet, but hiding in the back, and the lady brought them out for me to look over and pick out. lol LOVE it! That should come around mid-week I hope! Yay! I've gone Coach crazy and don't mind a bit!!

I'm also happy to report the loss of 9 pounds in 1 week! I have been unbelievably good. No fast food, no sweets, no cookies, very little starch, not a moment of cheating and I feel good! Let the pounds go away! Then I can start walking once the weather changes cool again! And I have been busy with my blog and have some new posts up if anyone wants to peek! I am enjoying the blogging community quite a lot and meeting some fantastic people with unique ideas, which I appreciate!

Happy Weekend to all!
oh my goodness!! 9lbs in one week is crazy good! that is amazing and you should be so proud! i am really happy for you. and good for you with cutting out all the nasty foods! and i am going to sound silly but i need to google starch - what is it in and why is it bad?! i get the feeling it is in carbs though...

and of course your new bag and wallet sound amazing! off to check your blog now!


Well-known member
Ok guys I have started a Shimmerettes thread for us - name created by Debi! So we can now chat there and feel more classy and hopefully even more people will come and chat to us! :) So I am now going to close the bimbo thread. It had a good run at 550+ pages right?! :)
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