Yes, happy friday!
I'm still a bit jet-lagged but not doing so bad. Looking forward to tonight - girls night out and then having them stay over, should be fun!
Just an odd question - has anyone ever had blood blisters come up from a white head? I had a two white heads on my leg, I'm assuming from the heat as it's why I get them on my legs at times and I popped them. I look today - they've turned into blood blisters! If anyone knows anything I can do I'd really appreciate it. Kind of bummed about them really, I was planning on wearing a nice, but short black skirt tonight. Also - is it ok to shave my legs with them there? Or should I just shave "around" them?
I got an email the other day about FF. The only thing I REALLY want from it is Cunning lipstick but I'm sure by the time I have money (next Saturday, the 11th) it'll be gone.
MissQQ - I totally know how you feel about having no in real life friends interested in makeup. No one at all understands why I'm willing to spend so much on one thing. They look at me like I'm crazy and then look at me like I'm even more crazy when I do bright makeup, almost in a disapproving way. It really bugs me. ;/