Bimbos unite!

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Well-known member
Bimbos! I hope you have a great day! Don't worry - for all of us a lot of things are new here on Specktra.

I hate this November fall weather....

I think a bout getting a notebook by Dell in an OPI design next spring
I still just have my desktop here a a notebook would be cool I think.


Well-known member
Bimbos! I hope you have a great day! Don't worry - for all of us a lot of things are new here on Specktra.

I hate this November fall weather....

I think a bout getting a notebook by Dell in an OPI design next spring
I still just have my desktop here a a notebook would be cool I think.
Ahhs thanks hunn!
oooooh that will be cool! If you get it please do show it to us! hehe I love seeing stuff you girls get!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
It's a bank holiday here tomorrow!
I will go for a swim and then spend time reading/surfing. Saturday, sadly, it's back to work, but it is only half a day so it is not too bad. I will get my first starbucks christmas drink for this year on saturday!


Well-known member
It's a bank holiday here tomorrow!
I will go for a swim and then spend time reading/surfing. Saturday, sadly, it's back to work, but it is only half a day so it is not too bad. I will get my first starbucks christmas drink for this year on saturday!
have fun swimming sweetie! and yay for Starbucks Christmas drinks!!!

have a great day guys! my working day is going to suck for various reasons, but on the plus side my make up looks pretty!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
have fun swimming sweetie! and yay for Starbucks Christmas drinks!!!
have a great day guys! my working day is going to suck for various reasons, but on the plus side my make up looks pretty!
Yeah, Susanne which colour are you interested? I've looked at the Dell OPI notebooks online too when they just launched!

Thanks, Lou. I had a relaxing time swimming and I'm happy that the pool wasn't too crowded.

Sorry to hear that your work day isn't going well. Why can't we remove stress from work!
Pretty makeup will no doubt make the day better!


Well-known member
Why can't we remove stress from work!
Pretty makeup will no doubt make the day better!
Hubby's been so stressed at work lately. We haven't been able to spend any quality time since he came back from the last business trip. He's away again for the weekend... He asked me a few nights ago how I handle my stress. I told him, 'You don't want to know!!!' Yes, I spend money to release my stress. But I always have a budget for that. Haha.

For some weird reasons, when I first saw Undercurrent, I thought I've UD Covet at home (well, it's actually UD Graffiti)! So I went back to MAC an hour ago and picked up Undercurrent. I'm done with TT collection! Stopped by a Sephora to get a brow brush to replace my old one and spotted some tokodoki stuffs next to the cashier. Since I've 20% discount card to use before Sunday, I grabbed a Perfetta Cosmetic Pouch. I've spent a lot of $$ this week, that explains how stressed I am *lol* Because of that, I changed my mind buying new skis!


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by Miss QQ
Yeah, Susanne which colour are you interested? I've looked at the Dell OPI notebooks online too when they just launched!

You know how much I love teals, but I think I will get a hot pink or red
I will make my final decision during my christmas vacations.

Yay, weekend!!


Well-known member
Hey ladies!

Geesh, I guess I've been MIA for a while. I hope you're all doing well.

All I can say is life sucks. Work is annoying too. I'm all for knowing your products, but having to basically memorise the christmas gift boxes and regular all year round gift boxes when you're only there for 8 weeks is a bunch of crap in my opinion.

Halloween = nightmare. I am never, ever going out again. Last year a 43yr old man punched me in the face (yes, intentionally and I don't know why) and this year I had rude, ungrateful friends, a pounding headache and when I decided to come home early at 12:30 cause I just couldn't be bothered anymore, I slipped off the curb and fell and samshed my knee. I'm still having difficulties with it, although it isn't broken the doctor said I've damaged/bruised the tendons/ligaments in it and told to rest it as much as possible and stay off it until it's better. Which means no work, which means I'm not going to get off probation period at work until I'm back. Also - working with all women sucks. It's too damn bitchy for my liking. When I do find full time, permanent work it's going to be with all men again. They may make rude comments, but I prefer those than bitchiness by far.

I'm really not having a good couple of months. How about I go to sleep and everyone wakes me when Christmas is over? I can't be bothered with it this year. I can't afford it, my family can't afford it and yet we're still stressing on how to afford it. Bleh!

I really hope you're all doing better than me. Tell me happy stories!


Well-known member
I'm sorry you had a bad Halloween. I didn't do anything at all for Halloween except stay at home. We don't even get trick-or-treaters.


Well-known member
I did not celebrate Halloween neither.
I did spend a great evening with friends instead.

Is it Wednesday yet?? I want to watch Desperate Housewives and Vampire's Diaries again!


Well-known member
@LittleMaryJane - Followed you back on Twitter and thanks

@Lou - I used to do that at PC World when I worked there, only thing is they tell us at LUSH that it isn't about a "hard sell" but it's about the "experience" for the customers. If that's the case I shouldn't need to know everything. The labels say so anyway. Would be able to fake it but they're frigging testing us! Yes, an actual test. 78 questions too ffs! Absolute bullshit. I'm so annoyed. I may just quit tbh - this just isn't worth it in my opinion. I don't care how many compliments I got on my first shift and how I'm a "natural" at it. The bitchiness and all this crap doesn't seem worth £93 a month to me. I'd rather quit and find something worth it.

Also - can I just say I don't know HOW women find "pampering" themselves "relaxing". I've just had myself a bath, shaved my legs (and avoided my bust knee), exfoliated my body and plucked my brows, taken old nail polish off and putting more on and yanno what, this isn't at all relaxing. This is stressful. I know better now. ;/

My Mom is really sick, I'm really worried.

She has fybroids and a prolapsing uterous (which means it's basically starting to fall out of her). I believe the fybroids are on her womb, but it looks like she is probably going to need a hysterectomy. I'm also worried maybe the fybroids could be cancerous - if that's possible as I believe they're just a growth of cells. I'm scared. I want her to be ok, but all I've seen the past 2 weeks is her in complete agony. I'm trying to help the best I can but she's the only one who can drive (I'm trying to learn to drive really quickly) so I can help out more but there's only so much I can do. I wish I knew how to help her. I tried to get her to relax in the bath but she said she can't relax in them so it's pointless.


Well-known member
^^ I'm so so sorry about your mom
Is she scheduled for a drs appointment soon or what's the next step for her?

My mom was having some uterine issues when they found a spot on her uterus. It ended up not being cancerous (so so so thankful for that!) but it was scary.


Well-known member
Thanks - I'm really scared. She had a drs appt yesterday and they're sending her to the hospital for a scan but the appt for that could take up to 3 weeks and only AFTER that appt does she get to make another one to go back to the doctors and figure out where they go from there. I think it's ridiculous that she has to wait so long because she's in absolute agony and it really causes her pain to get out of bed.

I'm so glad your Mom turned out okay for you! I never thought this would ever happen, I'm so scared.
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