Bimbos unite!

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I don't have a Sally's anywhere near me, so I just order online! I'm normally happy that way. :p Let us know how you like the Zoyas! I hear their nail polish remover is amazing - really moisturizing. Let me know how you like the EnKore videos! :p Thanks - I've noticed we're attracted to similar colours and products! :p Let me know if I influence any purchases! :p
Had a good hour long cardio class at the gym today... kicked my butt! Just off to shower and get changed now, then working on my major literacy group project all day until the Safari party... I think this document is going to end up being 80-100 pages when it's done, and it's due in a week and a half! Not to mention the presentation and handouts we need to create on top of that. I'll try and post pics of the makeup before the party!

Wooo, TGIF! :)
well done on doing well during your work out session! that is great news! just think of you looking amazing in your wedding dress! whenever that may be! hee hee! :)

tonight i am going to a friends house for a chat and drinks which should be nice. plus when i got home the postman brought a card from head office with a thank you note inside and £20 worth of gift vouchers! how awesome?! t was for doing well with that mystery shopper in the magazine! very good indeed! i think i shall keep the vouchers and buy the black swan on blu ray when it is released :) i shall look forward to that.


Well-known member
No sales yet today and it is freaking me out! lol Must drop a few prices and throw a few goodies up! No money orders either. One guy is pulling my leg and I am losing patience with him. If I don't get the MO by tomorrow I will be contacting the moderators. Even the lady in Hawaii has received her package. He hasn't even sent in his MO and bought this over a week ago. Only 65.00. Not exactly breaking the bank.

Seche Vite! I am in love! Thank you so much for telling me about this! I can't believe how quickly it works! And such a gorgeous glossy coat. It dries so quickly! I will never go back to OPI's top coat!!

We plan to try and hit a local Sally's in the next few days. Wish me luck in getting some nice China Glaze colours for spring! I have no idea what this place is like!!

Off to try and sell decks!


Well-known member
No sales yet today and it is freaking me out! lol Must drop a few prices and throw a few goodies up! No money orders either. One guy is pulling my leg and I am losing patience with him. If I don't get the MO by tomorrow I will be contacting the moderators. Even the lady in Hawaii has received her package. He hasn't even sent in his MO and bought this over a week ago. Only 65.00. Not exactly breaking the bank.

Seche Vite! I am in love! Thank you so much for telling me about this! I can't believe how quickly it works! And such a gorgeous glossy coat. It dries so quickly! I will never go back to OPI's top coat!!

We plan to try and hit a local Sally's in the next few days. Wish me luck in getting some nice China Glaze colours for spring! I have no idea what this place is like!!

Off to try and sell decks!
yay! i am so pleased that you like seche vite! it really is awesome!! and great for people on the go. usually i am doing too many things to sit and watch my nails dry but this stuff works so fast it means i can always have painted nails!

and sorry that guy is messing you around. maybe threaten him with milkweed?! if he doesn't pay you will send a tonne to his house! lol!


Well-known member
No sales yet today and it is freaking me out! lol Must drop a few prices and throw a few goodies up! No money orders either. One guy is pulling my leg and I am losing patience with him. If I don't get the MO by tomorrow I will be contacting the moderators. Even the lady in Hawaii has received her package. He hasn't even sent in his MO and bought this over a week ago. Only 65.00. Not exactly breaking the bank.

Seche Vite! I am in love! Thank you so much for telling me about this! I can't believe how quickly it works! And such a gorgeous glossy coat. It dries so quickly! I will never go back to OPI's top coat!!

We plan to try and hit a local Sally's in the next few days. Wish me luck in getting some nice China Glaze colours for spring! I have no idea what this place is like!!

Off to try and sell decks!
Urgh, that's definitely the most frustrating part about selling online - the waiting game for paying!! Hope it comes through for you soon :)

Glad you're loving Seche Vite! I'm a recent convert too, but now I swear by it! :)

I thought I'd take a pic of my nails before my friend comes over to work on our project - It's the Sephore OPI Glee polish in Mash-Up - a pretty silver with purple/blue/green/peacocky duochrome and some sparkles! Hard to capture, but this gives some of the colour effect:

Later I'm going to paint on black zebra stripes! :) It's so nice and spring-like out today, I barely put any makeup on for the day - just Yogurt on the lids, mascara, Oh So Fair BP on the cheeks, and Phlox l/s topped with Chanel Aqualumiere in Diamond Rose. Such a pretty soft pink spring-like colour!

K, enough messing around. Off to homework I go! :)


Well-known member
Lou~lol Yes! I will send him packets of milkweed instead of the decks. That'll teach him! Hehehehe... Too funny! I can just see him opening it up and milkweed starting to fly all around the house, worse than dust, floating, floating....and him allergic to it! Achooo!

OMG I love Seche Vite. I will have painted nails forever! Another good excuse to get more polishes than any human being really needs.

Jen~I love that colour on you. And that means I would love that colour on me! Hey! I have no crackle nail polish. Must find some soon....

The weather is amazing. Very windy but soo warm. It won't last and we STILL have snow on the ground in spite of this warm spell, but it will go away eventually! And super happy dance!
I just sold $200.00 more of decks! So right now everything I had up for sale has been claimed! I have 8 boxes to go out. Then I will start putting up more. Wouldn't it be incredibly awesome to have all or most of this done by June? OMG...that would be a dream come true. What a chore it is.

Now I can go buy something without guilt! Hehehe....


Well-known member
Aah I Love love this thread!!!! Please Please add me as a bimbo too!!! This forum is a great place to be yourself.. All spektra ladies are so kind.. I have a weak spot for shoes, clothes & make-up. This is my hobby & most of my friends don't get it & that's OK as everyone is different.But being judgmental is another thing... Everyone has different aims in there life. There aim is to get married, buy house & have kids & I respect that. But I don't have same dreams ( I am married though
)... Its always good to know that you are not alone.. Enough of ranting lol..

On a good note I showed my husband "the best husband haul" & I think he got inspired as he took me to the surprise MAC trip & asked me to buy anything I want ( so obvious.. guys are so not original ) I asked him to choose my lippies & he chose Gotta Dash, Full Speed Behave Yourself, chilli, ruby woo, new temptation, viva glam 1, & Russian Red ( He clearly has thing for red ) Gulabi, Catherina, & Rose ole . I cut down the list & bought only 1 RED lippie from his red selection & 6 in total & rose ole.. I so wanted to buy Ultra darling but I let that be his day... ( Din't want to discourage him) I din't want to buy something which he dint choose, specially after cutting down on all his red..


Well-known member
Jen~I love that colour on you. And that means I would love that colour on me! Hey! I have no crackle nail polish. Must find some soon....

The weather is amazing. Very windy but soo warm. It won't last and we STILL have snow on the ground in spite of this warm spell, but it will go away eventually! And super happy dance!
I just sold $200.00 more of decks! So right now everything I had up for sale has been claimed! I have 8 boxes to go out. Then I will start putting up more. Wouldn't it be incredibly awesome to have all or most of this done by June? OMG...that would be a dream come true. What a chore it is.

Now I can go buy something without guilt! Hehehe....
Lol, yayyy! I'm just starting to get more into nail polish, although lippies are still my weakness! :p If you loved that, then you'll looooove this:

Teehee, still waiting for my partner to show up!!! Needless to say, my right hand didn't come out nearly this well, lol! It still looks like zebra print from a distance, though! Just much thicker. :p

Congrat on more decks being sold! And isn't the beginning of spring the absolute best thing EVER? I think I'm switching favourite seasons. I hate winter, so the coming of spring is amazing!!! :p


Well-known member
Jen~I love winter, but this one was insane. I love snow between Thanksgiving and Christmas to really get into the whole festive mood. The lights are so pretty against the snow. But Nooooo. It all came the day after Christmas! Blue skies, warm winds, so balmy out. I could just toss a bunch of bronzer on, stuff my hair in a pony tail and get ice cream. Hmm...not a bad idea! Hehe...

The nails look awesome! Now you need to wear some animal prints and you will be way cool!

Welcome Sonu! What a wonderful surprise from your husband! Mine freaks out when I ask him to pick out a lipstick for me..or anything for that matter! I have to give him very descriptive lists at holidays or do all my own shopping. Of course, this coming year that could be a lot of fun! It is nice he likes those particular you know what turns him on. Red!

OMG...I have already made over 2000.00 selling tarot decks. I have so much more to go through. This is fantastic. Is their a vanity for me in the future? Oh hubby...go visit Ikea.... (so what if it is about 3 hours away....hehehe....) xo


Well-known member
Thanks ElvenEyes.. My husband is a ROBOT.. Yeah it was good..Congratulations for selling more decks.. & good luck with making your hubby drive lol.. I have to work hard to make him drive...


Well-known member
Aah I Love love this thread!!!! Please Please add me as a bimbo too!!! This forum is a great place to be yourself.. All spektra ladies are so kind.. I have a weak spot for shoes, clothes & make-up. This is my hobby & most of my friends don't get it & that's OK as everyone is different.But being judgmental is another thing... Everyone has different aims in there life. There aim is to get married, buy house & have kids & I respect that. But I don't have same dreams ( I am married though
)... Its always good to know that you are not alone.. Enough of ranting lol..

On a good note I showed my husband "the best husband haul" & I think he got inspired as he took me to the surprise MAC trip & asked me to buy anything I want ( so obvious.. guys are so not original ) I asked him to choose my lippies & he chose Gotta Dash, Full Speed Behave Yourself, chilli, ruby woo, new temptation, viva glam 1, & Russian Red ( He clearly has thing for red ) Gulabi, Catherina, & Rose ole . I cut down the list & bought only 1 RED lippie from his red selection & 6 in total & rose ole.. I so wanted to buy Ultra darling but I let that be his day... ( Din't want to discourage him) I din't want to buy something which he dint choose, specially after cutting down on all his red..
Welcome! :) All of us have similar experiences of being the sole member of a friend group who truly enjoys makeup and other such things, so you've fallen upon an empathetic group! :)

That's so sweet! I showed my boyfriend, but no such luck lol - we're both still students! One day I know he'd love to treat me, though :p Sounds like an awesome haul, I love and own many of those things!

Don't be shy, keep stopping by! (Hah, I'm a poet and I didn't know it! :p)


Well-known member
Welcome! :) All of us have similar experiences of being the sole member of a friend group who truly enjoys makeup and other such things, so you've fallen upon an empathetic group! :)
That's so sweet! I showed my boyfriend, but no such luck lol - we're both still students! One day I know he'd love to treat me, though :p Sounds like an awesome haul, I love and own many of those things!

Don't be shy, keep stopping by! (Hah, I'm a poet and I didn't know it! :p)
Thanks Jennesjwelz & good to know I fell into right hand... :) & yes You are a poet :D.. well I am a student too ( sorta as I am trying to get into dental school & with zero earning) so I can def. understand that student feeling I am sure he is treatin you now too but in his own sweet ( ? we normally don't get that part) ways... But yes It feels nice to be treated.. :)

ElvenEyes Yes red turns him on.. he is such a Bull lol..


Well-known member
Jenn--Thanks for the name of that OPI Sephora n/p. I was trying to post last night to ask you the color and had problems getting it to post. I love that. I saw it at Sephora but they didn't have a tester. Have you tried the OPI Sephora "Already Famous" it is super pretty. My store can't keep it in. I had to order online. The s/a told me it sells out as soon as they get it in. Also is that Butter the "No Waity Katie"?

MissQQ--I'm not sure where you live but I ordered Butter London from I love that site, you get $ built up from purchases and they send emails with free shipping. Also I don't pay tax and our tax is almost 10% so that's a big savings there. I love Burt's Bees Baby Powder and I can order the larger one there so it's cheaper. If you are a new customer you get $10 off your first order.

I am a show lover also. I heard something the other day on tv that said the average woman owns 17 pairs of shoes. I was like bullsh*t. I have probably 4 times that, at least:)

That's great your hubby took you to MAC. If I showed that post to mine he'd tell me that I had enough makeup already.

Funny you call him a robot, loved that. My hubby is an engineer so I always tell him he doesn't have blood just wires. Several years ago I bought him a Tinman tie since i told him he has no heart:) He tells me I'm the scarecrow.

Debi--glad you sold more, yay more goodies. I'm glad you like Seche Vite. I need to pick up some more as mine is running quite low.

There is no way in hell my hubby would go to MAC or any other makeup place to pickup something for me. If he's out and I call him to see if he'll pick me up a Rt 44 Sonic diet coke he acts like I'm asking him to drive 50 miles out of his way when he's actually going to driving right past it.


Well-known member
Thanks Jennesjwelz & good to know I fell into right hand... :) & yes You are a poet :D.. well I am a student too ( sorta as I am trying to get into dental school & with zero earning) so I can def. understand that student feeling I am sure he is treatin you now too but in his own sweet ( ? we normally don't get that part) ways... But yes It feels nice to be treated.. :)
He is super sweet and is always treating me in some way, even if it's just cooking dinner sometimes! :) He is a pretty amazing chef, and so he loves to spoil me with things like breakfast in bed :) We're celebrating a mini anniversary today - 1 and a half years! We will have been living together for a year come April :) I may get treated to a glass of ice wine tonight - who knows!


Well-known member
It worked! I got hubby to bring me out before dinner and we hit several places with some luck. First to Sally's. I have to admit, I was disappointed. They had a nice Orly selection and I bought 5 different colours, but their China Glaze looked horrible and old. You know when nail polish starts to separate? Well, almost all of theirs was like that. I picked up 2 colours to try out and nabbed another bottle of Seche Vite, some storage stuff at Walgreens and Staples (for when more decks move out and I can move makeup in!) and back home. Now I am making more of a mess than anything else by moving things around, but I did find some good storage at Staples for my always growing lipstick collection and that makes me feel a lot better. I have 2 rows to fill up with non MAC brands. Yay! Shopping time! (hehehe....) And an entire extra container that will hold at least 60 more. Woot! I need to make a master list of what I have so I don't go out and buy doubles of anything!

It is weird not trying to sell something right now, but until I get these out I can't. It will get too confusing. Yet, I can't wait!! It is getting easier and easier to let them go. I know the ones I love, but I am so ready to part with the majority of this collection. Hurrah!

The very first peepers are peeping! My husband said after this winter they would not come out until April, but I said March 21st. I win! I should make him buy me another Coach bag...

Today I did smokey eyes, Debi Style, with MAC greys, taupes, purples and copperplate, then some glittery NYX eyeliner over smudged UD eyeliner. And I still absolutely love that Clinique lower lash mascara. Someone else get it so we can chat about it!! BTW, does anyone here use face primer? Today I used my NARS primer for the first time and yuck! My face feels all greasy and you can see the shine right through the powder, etc. Good for sunscreen but I don't think I will be using it much. It made my MU application worse, not better.



Specktra Bestie
Thanks Jennesjwelz & good to know I fell into right hand... :) & yes You are a poet :D.. well I am a student too ( sorta as I am trying to get into dental school & with zero earning) so I can def. understand that student feeling I am sure he is treatin you now too but in his own sweet ( ? we normally don't get that part) ways... But yes It feels nice to be treated.. :)
ElvenEyes Yes red turns him on.. he is such a Bull lol..
Welcome Sonu! We're all mad here... I've actually reached the point where I'm converting friends to my way of thinking. I now have a number who were previously uninterested in makeup asking me to take trips with them to the Mac store to help them pick out colours. So hang tough- people will see things your way eventually! I have the same weaknesses for clothes and shoes as well. And, once again, I've managed to convert people to my cause over time.


Specktra Bestie
Your "Elven Eyes" are beautiful and I love those pink tones on you. Can I ask what blush you're wearing? Sorry to hear about the NARS primer. I haven't used a lot of primers, but, if you find regular ones greasy, I recommend using a mattifying fluid instead of a regular base. They work pretty well on me.

It worked! I got hubby to bring me out before dinner and we hit several places with some luck. First to Sally's. I have to admit, I was disappointed. They had a nice Orly selection and I bought 5 different colours, but their China Glaze looked horrible and old. You know when nail polish starts to separate? Well, almost all of theirs was like that. I picked up 2 colours to try out and nabbed another bottle of Seche Vite, some storage stuff at Walgreens and Staples (for when more decks move out and I can move makeup in!) and back home. Now I am making more of a mess than anything else by moving things around, but I did find some good storage at Staples for my always growing lipstick collection and that makes me feel a lot better. I have 2 rows to fill up with non MAC brands. Yay! Shopping time! (hehehe....) And an entire extra container that will hold at least 60 more. Woot! I need to make a master list of what I have so I don't go out and buy doubles of anything!

It is weird not trying to sell something right now, but until I get these out I can't. It will get too confusing. Yet, I can't wait!! It is getting easier and easier to let them go. I know the ones I love, but I am so ready to part with the majority of this collection. Hurrah!

The very first peepers are peeping! My husband said after this winter they would not come out until April, but I said March 21st. I win! I should make him buy me another Coach bag...

Today I did smokey eyes, Debi Style, with MAC greys, taupes, purples and copperplate, then some glittery NYX eyeliner over smudged UD eyeliner. And I still absolutely love that Clinique lower lash mascara. Someone else get it so we can chat about it!! BTW, does anyone here use face primer? Today I used my NARS primer for the first time and yuck! My face feels all greasy and you can see the shine right through the powder, etc. Good for sunscreen but I don't think I will be using it much. It made my MU application worse, not better.



Well-known member
Katred~Thank you! I am definitely a pink person! The blush is Tremble by Illamasque! I love their blushes so much!
you look lovely with your smokey eye look Debi! and the lips are beautiful! all you need is one of the pink lady jackets from grease because you love pink so much! hee hee!

today i am at work. however another uk specktra member is shopping in my city today. so we shall meet up on my lunch and perhaps have a drink in a coffee shop or something. i am looking forward to that! i also had fun at my friends house last night! we had some nice girly gossip which is always fun! :) i hope everybody is set to have a great weekend!


Well-known member
lol Lou! That is a riot because a few people have told me I remind them of Olivia Newton John when I wear pink lipstick and have my hair in a pony tail! I probably need to snap some bubble gum, too!

I have no idea what my plans are for the day, so that is always exciting. My husband is sleeping in, but I am hungry, so time to wake him up and get this day going!


Well-known member
Very pretty!
Re: the NARS primer is it the new ProPrime? The new Pro-Prime primer is suppose to be really matifying. Actually I'm considering stocking up on the "old" primer lotion one because I prefer the moisture look and am concerned that they will discontinue it with the release of the new Pro-prime primer lotion (some ladies version of too greasy is another's perfect glow ...)
Oh, one last thought, only use a pea-sized/very little amount.

Today I did smokey eyes, Debi Style, with MAC greys, taupes, purples and copperplate, then some glittery NYX eyeliner over smudged UD eyeliner. And I still absolutely love that Clinique lower lash mascara. Someone else get it so we can chat about it!! BTW, does anyone here use face primer? Today I used my NARS primer for the first time and yuck! My face feels all greasy and you can see the shine right through the powder, etc. Good for sunscreen but I don't think I will be using it much. It made my MU application worse, not better.
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