Bimbos unite!

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Well-known member
Originally Posted by Susanne
My boss called me.... I could stay at my school for one more year, but with less hours per week (not full-time anymore) and so with less money.

What to do, what to do?? I have not expected anything like that. I have two days to make a decision....

Wow! But two days are almost not enough to make such a huge decision!

I am online if you want to chat about it hun!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blindpassion
Guys! I have updates:

1: I am breaking up with my boyfriend! He relies on me too much and for that, I resent him, and I am mean to him. Also, he needs to be single! He hasnt been single since he was like 13. He needs to be single and do a little soul searching.

2: Im hiring a personal trainer! Yay! I sent her an email today, shes a woman Ive done makeup for (shes also a model), and I am excited to start a program with her. I realized today that I was fat. And I want to be a sexy skinny girl again so that I can date and feel confident now that I am single!

3: I am going to conselling to learn to love myself again

All positive things.


I command you for your courage to undergo all these life changing choices . I wish i was as strong as you. Sometime we do need to see what's the right thing to do for ourselves and not just stay where we are because we are "expected" to.
Taking risks and reinventing yourself is what nurtures you. We are always afraid to make changes because we feel "comfortable" where we are and thus we don't take risks. However, by facing your fears and taking a challenge you are changing your life into a better life. A life that belongs to you.

"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go" TS Eliot.

All the best dear


Well-known member
Originally Posted by capmorlovesmac
Wow! But two days are almost not enough to make such a huge decision!

I know...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Susanne
My boss called me.... I could stay at my school for one more year, but with less hours per week (not full-time anymore) and so with less money.

What to do, what to do?? I have not expected anything like that. I have two days to make a decision....

What a tough decision to make at such a short time!!

Susanne, i advice you to weigh up your options and then decide. Also listing down the Pros and Cons will help you come up with a decision.

All the best.

Holy Rapture

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Susanne
My boss called me.... I could stay at my school for one more year, but with less hours per week (not full-time anymore) and so with less money.

What to do, what to do?? I have not expected anything like that. I have two days to make a decision....

Hmm, I guess professional decisions are always highly unexpected. There are plenty of things you need to see but, I'm sure you'll be able to make up your mind soon. The main things to check would be the money cut - would you be able to manage with the amount you'll be getting, new offers - are the new offers better in monetary as well as growth terms, location, adjustment etc. I know you know all this but, saying it out loud helps
Then again, we're all here


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
What a tough decision to make at such a short time!!

Susanne, i advice you to weigh up your options and then decide. Also listing down the Pros and Cons will help you come up with a decision.

All the best.

Originally Posted by Holy Rapture
Hmm, I guess professional decisions are always highly unexpected. There are plenty of things you need to see but, I'm sure you'll be able to make up your mind soon. The main things to check would be the money cut - would you be able to manage with the amount you'll be getting, new offers - are the new offers better in monetary as well as growth terms, location, adjustment etc. I know you know all this but, saying it out loud helps
Then again, we're all here

Thank you!! I will all do this the next two days.

The worst thing is I still have no offer from other schools, it is still too early. I don't know how many other offers I might get.
I must make a decision for or against my school not knowing what will come. But I won't give up hope everything will come to a good end.

Holy Rapture

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Susanne
Thank you!! I will all do this the next two days.

The worst thing is I still have no offer from other schools, it is still too early. I don't know how many other offers I might get.
I must make a decision for or against my school not knowing what will come. But I won't give up hope everything will come to a good end.

Exactly!! That's how it'll go .... "Think good and it shall happen" ....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
Moxy, how's Liam holding up?

Not quite well, he's finally realized what has happened and he's devastated
Losing a companion of 20 years must be heart breaking. I've had Pumpkin for 6 years now and she's my most precious little thing, so I can't even imagine how it must feel like. He'll get better, though he might grieve for a really long time. We're both die hard cat fans so it's exceptionally painful
Thanks for asking

Susanne, I agree with Nora, weigh your options - from what i understood you'll still have to leave in a year? Too bad you havent heard from other schools yet.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
I hate making big decisions in a short time. Susanne, this must be so hard.

Moxy, I can't relate to losing a pet but you both love cats and this must be painful for Liam. I'm sure you make him feel better in your ways despite of the distance barrier.

Alexa, thanks for sharing. I have shared my thoughts in your thread.

Take care, ladies!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Susanne
Thank you!! I will all do this the next two days.

The worst thing is I still have no offer from other schools, it is still too early. I don't know how many other offers I might get.
I must make a decision for or against my school not knowing what will come. But I won't give up hope everything will come to a good end.

It's a shame that you'll have to make a decision before you get offers from other schools

I am so sorry that i can't offer you any advice :sad:
Just hang in there

Originally Posted by Moxy
Not quite well, he's finally realized what has happened and he's devastated
Losing a companion of 20 years must be heart breaking. I've had Pumpkin for 6 years now and she's my most precious little thing, so I can't even imagine how it must feel like. He'll get better, though he might grieve for a really long time. We're both die hard cat fans so it's exceptionally painful
Thanks for asking

Susanne, I agree with Nora, weigh your options - from what i understood you'll still have to leave in a year? Too bad you havent heard from other schools yet.

I know how hard it must be for you to be miles away by plane. It feels like your hands are tied and you can't do anything but look out for him via chat, text messages etc. I am sure he appreciates your support


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Holy Rapture
Hey Sally! I had a fantabulous weekend
Movie marathon!

lol awesome. Ahh funtabulous d/g - one thing i am lemming at the moment

Originally Posted by Moxy
Ohh god. Harry Potter books are fun and films could have so much potential... I know it's impossible to squeeze the whole story into a film so they have to let things out, but often it's the little bits from the book that make the reading so much fun - and these things often get omitted so the viewers quite wrongly think that the books are boring as well. (gonna stop now

i love the books so much more than the movies - in the goblet of fire they missed the crucial storyline as to how voldemort got help to ressurrect!!!!!
(ok i will shut up now

Originally Posted by blindpassion
Guys! I have updates:

1: I am breaking up with my boyfriend! He relies on me too much and for that, I resent him, and I am mean to him. Also, he needs to be single! He hasnt been single since he was like 13. He needs to be single and do a little soul searching.

2: Im hiring a personal trainer! Yay! I sent her an email today, shes a woman Ive done makeup for (shes also a model), and I am excited to start a program with her. I realized today that I was fat. And I want to be a sexy skinny girl again so that I can date and feel confident now that I am single!

3: I am going to conselling to learn to love myself again

All positive things.

good luck bp!

Originally Posted by Susanne
My boss called me.... I could stay at my school for one more year, but with less hours per week (not full-time anymore) and so with less money.

What to do, what to do?? I have not expected anything like that. I have two days to make a decision....

i cannot offer you much advice apart from do what deep in your heart tells you, what you are truely passionate about

Holy Rapture

Well-known member
Hey guys
I don't know why I watched The Ruins last night after midnight .... The movie is some scary shit!! I couldn't sleep and finally had to sleep with mom, dad ..... Can you believe it ??!! I'm friggin 24
What a wuss!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Holy Rapture
Hey guys
I don't know why I watched The Ruins last night after midnight .... The movie is some scary shit!! I couldn't sleep and finally had to sleep with mom, dad ..... Can you believe it ??!! I'm friggin 24
What a wuss!

i do this too, except my brain runs wild! a good example (which i do many a time) is when i am somewhere (usually alone), and its dark, and i start to think of the movie the hills, and scare myself (duh! good one sally!) my imagination jus runs wild

ive had some good news today ladies! i got my car back! it had been in the garage for four weeks getting a complete engine rebuild, and now has more horsepower as a reult too!

Yagmur, i am still wanting brunette! i may go into mac and try it on, i cant stop thinking about it!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Holy Rapture
Hey guys
I don't know why I watched The Ruins last night after midnight .... The movie is some scary shit!! I couldn't sleep and finally had to sleep with mom, dad ..... Can you believe it ??!! I'm friggin 24
What a wuss!

I have not seen the film, but the book is the absolute scariest I have read in a long, long, time. I loved it and could not put it down, despite the fact that it scared the hell out of me. If you can take it, I highly recommend it.

Big love to all of you going through a tough time. And good luck with your decision Susanne, that is a tough one.


Holy Rapture

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Nzsallyb
i do this too, except my brain runs wild! a good example (which i do many a time) is when i am somewhere (usually alone), and its dark, and i start to think of the movie the hills, and scare myself (duh! good one sally!) my imagination jus runs wild

ive had some good news today ladies! i got my car back! it had been in the garage for four weeks getting a complete engine rebuild, and now has more horsepower as a reult too!

Yagmur, i am still wanting brunette! i may go into mac and try it on, i cant stop thinking about it!

I do that all the time Sally! I'm so stupid you know ... I'm a dude when it comes to watching the movie, I won't freak but, as soon as the friggin lights are out and I'm in bed, I'll think back all the scenes and within seconds will break into a mighty sweat. Talk about DUMB

Wow, you must be flying in your car now, eh
Oh and if you do get Brunette, don't forget to post a pic of how it looks on you

Originally Posted by MzzRach
I have not seen the film, but the book is the absolute scariest I have read in a long, long, time. I loved it and could not put it down, despite the fact that it scared the hell out of me. If you can take it, I highly recommend it.

Big love to all of you going through a tough time. And good luck with your decision Susanne, that is a tough one.


Ohhh, you need to see the film .... It's one of the most brilliant movies I've ever seen!! You've already read by now how I showed my "courage"
I might try the book but, then I will have to move to my folks' room and they might end up kicking me out
I can take watching a scary movie only because it lasts for so long


Well-known member

Girls, I decided to stay at my school for one more year, even if it is not a full-time job and less money. It will work with the money, I must reduce expenses for the next year, no travelling, using the bike instead the car.
But there will still be some money left for MAC
I will abandon other things.

My boss promised me a full-time job as soon as it is possible. I listened to my heart and have hope to stay longer there than just the next year.

Holy Rapture

Well-known member
I'm glad you finally took a decision and that you're happy about it
Now, all you need to do is relax and enjoy life rather than worrying about jobs


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Susanne

Girls, I decided to stay at my school for one more year, even if it is not a full-time job and less money. It will work with the money, I must reduce expenses for the next year, no travelling, using the bike instead the car.
But there will still be some money left for MAC
I will abandon other things.

My boss promised me a full-time job as soon as it is possible. I listened to my heart and have hope to stay longer there than just the next year.

good on you susanne. plus with all that biking you will be super fit, with sexy legs!
the things we do for MAC!
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