Bimbos unite!

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Well-known member
MIss QQ~Believe me, this is not a look I would be wearing in public, unless I was belly dancing or going to a Halloween party as Cleopatra! I am bad at black eyeliner, but after watching so many tutorials, I got the idea to use that black shadow in the Naked Palette instead and a thin liner brush, which went on so easily for me! It is just fun to play around sometimes and it seemed the perfect day for it, with her passing and all.

Lou~And now they have stopped buying again. lol I swear I can't figure this group out. You put up the collector's classy items and no one bites. You put up junk decks and everyone scurries for them. Duh! Where are all the collectors? A thing of the past, I think now. I know a lot sold off their collections to pay bills when their husbands lost their jobs a few years back and that seems to be the case again. Selling off collections (some selling them all) to pay bills. I just want money to buy MU and a Coach bag or two...or three...or...



Well-known member
MIss QQ~Believe me, this is not a look I would be wearing in public, unless I was belly dancing or going to a Halloween party as Cleopatra! I am bad at black eyeliner, but after watching so many tutorials, I got the idea to use that black shadow in the Naked Palette instead and a thin liner brush, which went on so easily for me! It is just fun to play around sometimes and it seemed the perfect day for it, with her passing and all.

Lou~And now they have stopped buying again. lol I swear I can't figure this group out. You put up the collector's classy items and no one bites. You put up junk decks and everyone scurries for them. Duh! Where are all the collectors? A thing of the past, I think now. I know a lot sold off their collections to pay bills when their husbands lost their jobs a few years back and that seems to be the case again. Selling off collections (some selling them all) to pay bills. I just want money to buy MU and a Coach bag or two...or three...or...

yeah that is super frustrating for you!! and yes i can imagine that collectors sold lots of their stash when money was tight. i sold quite a few things back when my commission was down - like it will be this month! :(


Well-known member
Well, the good thing is that stuff is moving. An MO for 150.00 arrived today, so that is about to go to the post office. 4 people have received their boxes today and waiting on 1 more. When they post saying all is great, they received it, packed nicely, etc., I get a better reputation as a seller. I just put one deck up for 150.00..a real collector's deck. If it doesn't sell, I will hold on to it and put it up another time. As the months and years go on, this deck will be worth more and more and it is never going to be reprinted. Not a bad investment.

Of course, I want to go play at Coach and Sephora. Hehehe. And my nails are nude, too. Been to busy to decide what to do!


Well-known member
my nails are no longer nude! they are now a very pretty orange! :) woo hoo! i am going to start getting ready for bed now. i am so tired that my eyes actually hurt! not cool! on the plus side i was chatting to some other neighbours today who are thinking of breeding their very beautiful looking kitty. i said that i would love one of the kittens if this happens! plus nick couldn't say no when he could see the kitten next door right?! their kitty is a lovely bluey grey and white mix which a super cute round face!


Well-known member
Debi--yay for selling more.

Lou--when you do the other chat threads lead us to them. And yes Chris Brown is a major

WWJD-- I love the jewelry on that site. Here's a line that I really like. I have this necklace in coco and the matching earrings and some of the candy glass stuff. I like that on the left you can click on the catagory like Renaissance, Victorian& Edwardian, Neoclassics, Candy Glass and such.


Well-known member
my nails are no longer nude! they are now a very pretty orange! :) woo hoo! i am going to start getting ready for bed now. i am so tired that my eyes actually hurt! not cool! on the plus side i was chatting to some other neighbours today who are thinking of breeding their very beautiful looking kitty. i said that i would love one of the kittens if this happens! plus nick couldn't say no when he could see the kitten next door right?! their kitty is a lovely bluey grey and white mix which a super cute round face!

Oh goody! Not only does it sound like beautiful kittens in the future, but we can now call you the Cat Lady! You know, one of those crazy chicks who hangs out painting her nails and has 9 cats and gets all eccentric in her later years. Hehehe....probably growing milkweed in her backyard for the kitties to play with, too...


Well-known member
Lou--Aw that kitty sounds so cute. I love the little round faces. They always look like kittens even when they are older. Rascal has a cute round face and has that kittenish look still at 16.


Well-known member
Lou--Aw that kitty sounds so cute. I love the little round faces. They always look like kittens even when they are older. Rascal has a cute round face and has that kittenish look still at 16.
yeah she is super cute. Annie has a round face too and she is so sweet looking. sometimes we call her tennis ball head because it's round like that! i bet Rascal is a cutie too!


Well-known member
Hi everyone,

Sorry it's been a while - I've had a couple of big presentations over the past couple of days, and I'm still recovering! I'm getting my hair cut today though, so that's exciting! :) Then more homework for me. :( Just wanted to pop by and say hi to you ladies! TGIF! :)


Well-known member
Hi everyone,

Sorry it's been a while - I've had a couple of big presentations over the past couple of days, and I'm still recovering! I'm getting my hair cut today though, so that's exciting! :) Then more homework for me. :( Just wanted to pop by and say hi to you ladies! TGIF! :)
i hope your presentations went well for you!
and how are you getting your hair done? :)

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Hi Jenn! Have a good rest!

Debi--yay for selling more.

Lou--when you do the other chat threads lead us to them. And yes Chris Brown is a major

WWJD-- I love the jewelry on that site. Here's a line that I really like. I have this necklace in coco and the matching earrings and some of the candy glass stuff. I like that on the left you can click on the catagory like Renaissance, Victorian& Edwardian, Neoclassics, Candy Glass and such.
The jewellery is beautiful! I love this sort of design, especially flower enamel jewellery. I love designs with flower shapes or stones arranged in flower patterns. There is a special online site for UK so Lou can shop all you want! Lol.

I find cats with round faces very beautiful and cute and now I know why, because they look like kitties! Like the Cheshire in Alice in Wonderland!


Well-known member
The jewellery is beautiful! I love this sort of design, especially flower enamel jewellery. I love designs with flower shapes or stones arranged in flower patterns. There is a special online site for UK so Lou can shop all you want! Lol.
I find cats with round faces very beautiful and cute and now I know why, because they look like kitties! Like the Cheshire in Alice in Wonderland!
lol! stop encouraging me! i'm so bad that i have just managed to buy a chubby stick (watermelon) and a ud shadow stick (clash) i was luckyb to get the chubby because they're not actually on sale yet! week for the cherry one!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Enjoy your new goodies! Lucky that you can buy them first! Watermelon chubby stick is a very light pink right? I think it will be colourless on me and I'm thinking of using it as a night time lip balm but I haven't bought it yet. Too bad my counters aren't getting the cherry shade.
The 4 shades we have are still out of stocks except for watermelon. I played with the UD shadow sticks but haven't bought them too. Not too sure about them so I'll wait and see.


Well-known member
Enjoy your new goodies! Lucky that you can buy them first! Watermelon chubby stick is a very light pink right? I think it will be colourless on me and I'm thinking of using it as a night time lip balm but I haven't bought it yet. Too bad my counters aren't getting the cherry shade.
The 4 shades we have are still out of stocks except for watermelon. I played with the UD shadow sticks but haven't bought them too. Not too sure about them so I'll wait and see.
yeah it is quite a light pink. quite pretty and it shows up a little on my lips. i wanted it more for a balm to keep in my bag :) great for using throughout the day. and that sucks you guys aren't getting the cherry. i am not sure if we will or not.


Well-known member
Hi shadowaddict,

Beautiful pieces on that site you sent. Is it real or faux vintage?

Debi--yay for selling more.

Lou--when you do the other chat threads lead us to them. And yes Chris Brown is a major

WWJD-- I love the jewelry on that site. Here's a line that I really like. I have this necklace in coco and the matching earrings and some of the candy glass stuff. I like that on the left you can click on the catagory like Renaissance, Victorian& Edwardian, Neoclassics, Candy Glass and such.


Well-known member
Those are gorgeous pieces of jewelry! Drool! I love that style. Maybe someday I can indulge, though my hubby gave me a pretty Vintage piece of tourmaline 2 Christmas's ago! (see photo below)

I've spent a very busy day rearranging tarot, tossing out stuff that won't sell, or at least starting to, putting up another box but no one is buying and I am getting frustrated. I seriously don't get it when they won't buy elegant, collector's decks that you can either stare at or use, but instead buy the junkier ones. I feel for people who have bought decks as an investment. I am just not sure what the market is like now and you never can really rely on it.

Last night we hit the mall and I bought a spring coat plus a bunch of stuff at Sephora. I need to stop!! I've enough to last me a lifetime now. But it is always interesting when you go to a store wanting to look at something and what you thought would thrill you disappoints and what you thought would not work is amazing! I am now officially a fan of tinted moisturizer! I got matched for Nude by Laura Mercier, as the porcelain one is way too white. I also picked up the lightest colour in Clinique after swatching it and really love it! I also claimed another tarot drawer, which I really needed for decks, but put them in a box instead to get a better idea as to where the selling/keeping line is going. I need the decks I have up to MOVE! So, I am now working on my face drawer. All my blushes, foundations, concealers, powders, etc. that are not on the spinner go in the drawer.

I am trying to do too many things at once!!! Aaaaahhhh....

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ I haven't try any tinted moisturizer before. Heard that Laura Mercier is good but it is expensive here. Enjoy your new goodies!

I received the latest catalogue from Coach and I'm in love with the Kristens again. I can only dream about owning one because I'm not ready to spend money on a bag at the moment. Lou, the book says the the first store in UK will be opening this year. Is it already opened? If it is opening soon you can go see them in person!


Well-known member
MissQQ--I love pretty much all that kind of jewelry on that site. One of the stores here (Parisian) use to sell it nut they switched over to a Belks and now they don't carry it. That's when I searched it out online. That pearl necklace and earrings is so pretty. I bought it and then told my hubby this is what you bought for me. ususally get better gifts that way:)

WWJD--Lou beat me to it on the vintage thing.

Jenn- You wear me out girl. You are always doing like a gazillion things. You make me feel like a lazy slob:)

YAY! i found my Butter AHTQ

Debi--Sephora is like going to the playground. I love looking at all the goodies in each brand. I shop online a bunch also because they have so much more than they have in the stores. Our store only carries a portion of the colors of the OPI for Sephora n/p.

We had dinner with my son & daughter-in-law and her parents tonight. They went to the dr today and they did another ultrasound. They brought the pics and you can see his little hand and a foot and chubby cheeks. The doc said he's about 7 lbs now. They are a bit concerned because she is having a lot of swelling particularly in her hands so they are doing some bloodwork. She also has to do this home urine thing. My son was like not just a cup like a whole quart. He was so animated saying this. It was very funny. She has to do this over the next 24 hrs. So I guess all in one container. She said her urine there showed some protein in it so they want to check it further. I had never heard of the at home thing. This is to be just to make sure things are ok and to hopefully rule out toxemia. One sign of toxemia is high blood pressure and her's is good so that's great sign that things are not serious.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.


Well-known member
MissQQ--I love pretty much all that kind of jewelry on that site. One of the stores here (Parisian) use to sell it nut they switched over to a Belks and now they don't carry it. That's when I searched it out online. That pearl necklace and earrings is so pretty. I bought it and then told my hubby this is what you bought for me. ususally get better gifts that way:)

WWJD--Lou beat me to it on the vintage thing.

Jenn- You wear me out girl. You are always doing like a gazillion things. You make me feel like a lazy slob:)

YAY! i found my Butter AHTQ

Debi--Sephora is like going to the playground. I love looking at all the goodies in each brand. I shop online a bunch also because they have so much more than they have in the stores. Our store only carries a portion of the colors of the OPI for Sephora n/p.

We had dinner with my son & daughter-in-law and her parents tonight. They went to the dr today and they did another ultrasound. They brought the pics and you can see his little hand and a foot and chubby cheeks. The doc said he's about 7 lbs now. They are a bit concerned because she is having a lot of swelling particularly in her hands so they are doing some bloodwork. She also has to do this home urine thing. My son was like not just a cup like a whole quart. He was so animated saying this. It was very funny. She has to do this over the next 24 hrs. So I guess all in one container. She said her urine there showed some protein in it so they want to check it further. I had never heard of the at home thing. This is to be just to make sure things are ok and to hopefully rule out toxemia. One sign of toxemia is high blood pressure and her's is good so that's great sign that things are not serious.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.
i hope your daughter in law gives birth soon! if the little baby is already 7lbs it must be very heavy and uncomfortable for her now. and it's a shame she is having swelling issues too :(
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