Black Dogs Face Discrimination


Well-known member
I had no idea this actually was occurring with black dogs in regard to adoption. I happen to own a black dog and cat.

Now, when I adopted my black cat, he was in horrible shape. He is a Persian. He was so matted up that he was unable to go to the bathroom properly. His hair was so dirty that he did look like he was 12 years old. I didn't even know he was a cat. I thought he was a rare dog with kittens in the pound. Poor fur angel was in terrible shape. I got him home and shaved him down. I found out that he was indeed a cat. So, I do agree with article. He look way older, because he wasn't cleaned up. I still was going to adopt him. Even if he was a rare geriatric dog or cat, I was going to take him home.

In regard to black dogs, I know many people with black dogs. So, I never heard of this. However, I don't doubt the article.

I rescue a dog of any color or any breed. I love those fur angels! I don't care where they been or what their temperament.

Last year, I rescued 9 dogs, 1 turtle, and 3 baby rabbits. I love seeing what is sent to me from heaven to learn from next.

Black pups face doggie discrimination - Pet health -

Pictures of my dog and cat will be added.


Active member
I never really realised people avoided adopting black pets. I can sort of understand in the way that they don't have as interesting markings as more coloured animals, or people having superstitions about black cats. It is really sad though, animals with black fur don't have personalities or temperaments any different to other colours or patterns. I know 3 people with black cats, my sister particularly wanted a black cat when she adopted.


Well-known member
this is truely sad. i never realized it about dogs, but i knew some people feared black cats. personally, i thought black cats were very exotic because their fur is so neutral that all the attention goes to their eyes. cats have the most beautiful eyes!

i always see people with black labs, so i didnt know people also avoided black dogs. i have a border collie who is black and white and we adopted her from the shelter when she was a pup. i think people would adopt black dogs if they were a pup though so for me, i think its more of an age thing. people prefer younger dogs, but i can understand that. i would be devestated to get attached to an older dog and have him die 2 years later. i take deaths very hard. i was very depressed when Tweaker, my yellow budgie who was like my best friend died. i was sooo devestated. my ex had to go buy me a new bird so that i could move on, but thats not something you could do so easily with a dog. i still miss tweaker
he was the sweetest bird ever... on the stupid side... but yeah

how is sunny? where did u find the turtles and baby bunnies? O___O i had a bunny that ran away when i was a kid.. my god Carrot ate a lot. my mom was soo pissed when he ate her garden LOL imagine how devestating vegetation would be if bunnies were overpopulated.. eeeek

oops i ramble


Well-known member
The turtle and the rabbits came to the house too. What is it with my house and I don't live in the country? Sunny is getting taller and loves my black dog below (Justice) and my other dogs. They play constantly. I am giving him a lot of obedience training. He is doing great. I am still trying to get some weight on him. He is burning it off from playing so much. He is a smart boy. (I will put the picture of the turtle). We got a home for the turtle and the rabbits. What is it with my house?!



Well-known member
LOL so turtle and rabbit gets put on your doorstep? geez... this is like those stories where people find babies on their doorsteps. im starting to think the neighbors are secretly telling each other that your house is really an animal shelter..

im glad that sunny is very social! im not sure how my dog would get along with others. my dog gets along with Fatbird though. sometimes my bird goes exploring when im not looking and he likes to ride my dog's head...


Well-known member

Here is my black cat. My hubby is holding him there in one picture. In one picture, he is to the left, the bully dog is in the middle, & the deaf kitty is on the right.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Babylard
LOL so turtle and rabbit gets put on your doorstep? geez... this is like those stories where people find babies on their doorsteps. im starting to think the neighbors are secretly telling each other that your house is really an animal shelter..

im glad that sunny is very social! im not sure how my dog would get along with others. my dog gets along with Fatbird though. sometimes my bird goes exploring when im not looking and he likes to ride my dog's head...

My bully dog didn't like cats and appeared to have been abused. He had marks from being fought with other dogs. I had to nip that right away. He looked at my deaf cat like he was a walking turkey sandwich. So, what was the deaf kitty doing? Walking right up to him to lick his face. YIKES! Deaf kitty loves every dog he meets. Talk about frightening.

It's a lot of work, but it's possible. As you can see in the picture above, they sit next to each other now.


Well-known member

This is a multi-colored dog that I rescued 200 miles from my house. She had seven new born pups that she couldn't feed, because she was starving to death. I am trying to load up the picture of her nursing her 7 pups. She doesn't look like the same dog. I don't know why my scanner isn't reading my computer.

I was on a mini vacation and I found her or she found me. Her pups were screaming under the house that I was staying in at the time. I scooped them all up in my car and drove home with them. TALK about insane. I had never taking care of pups or a very ill momma dog.

The pups didn't have their eyes open. I didn't think she was going to make it, but she did. I found out she had advanced heart worms and I got her treated.

She isn't a young dog. People thought I was wasting my money. Again, the vet didn't think she would survive the treatment. She did. Even the vet stated, she is the kindest dog that he has ever met. All the pups made it and got homes. One went to a family member, so I can see her baby all the time. We couldn't turn her loose. She made it though everything! She learns super fast. I had to give her a chance. She is wonderful with kids. I am wanting to get her in a program where children read to pets.

She has actually changed colors, since I saved her. She went from a dry hay color to currently all colors - red, blonde, brown, and black. She looks like a teddy bear in person. This picture doesn't show how sweet and beautiful she is currently.


Well-known member
That's insane that people are so biased of animals. I really don't think I could leave a pound without taking home 20 dogs lol. I'm the biggest softy when it comes to animals and I hate seeing them in less than perfect conditions.
I have a beautiful 2year old black lab and she has the most beautiful personality (as most labs do). I have no idea how people wouldn't want a dog like her. (this is her )

I think the biggest problem is people who buy animals without fully researching breeds, then abandon them when they've realised they've picked the wrong type. Pet's are not something you buy like groceries or make up. People like that make me so angry.

All you're pets are so cute


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Paramnesia
That's insane that people are so biased of animals. I really don't think I could leave a pound without taking home 20 dogs lol. I'm the biggest softy when it comes to animals and I hate seeing them in less than perfect conditions.
I have a beautiful 2year old black lab and she has the most beautiful personality (as most labs do). I have no idea how people wouldn't want a dog like her. (this is her )

I think the biggest problem is people who buy animals without fully researching breeds, then abandon them when they've realised they've picked the wrong type. Pet's are not something you buy like groceries or make up. People like that make me so angry.

All you're pets are so cute

Whoa! Your dog is beautiful! I think my black dog looks like I wax him. He is so gorgeous.

I can't wait till my latest rescue - Sunny (a full blooded starved Lab) fills out to look like your amazing fur angel.


Well-known member
I wanted to get my black dog in advanced dog training, because he is exceptionally smart. What happened? He has gotten babysitting jobs with little pint size pups that want to run around like crazy and chew on everything in view or helps nurture these out of control unloved stray dogs. He has been a life saver.


Well-known member
I picked out my own very first pet (a farm kitten from a family friend's farm) and I specifically wanted (so my mom says) one was all black, so I have a soft spot for black animals. She was so pretty and mysterious looking, and had green eyes like me, so I had to take her home. Actually, all-black cats are still my favorites, I could never understand why people thought they were bad luck, especially around Halloween.


Well-known member
Oh thanks, she's the most unphotogenic animal lol. She lives with my mother, she's actually my mum's bfs dog but I love her like I gave birth to her myself. I miss her heaps but I'll be seeing her this thurs yay.

Awww thats so fantastic, you're dogs seem to have such a beautiful nature and as caring as you. You're doing such a great job, the world would be a better place with more people like you


Well-known member
Originally Posted by frocher
I have heard about this before, I don't understand it. Growing up we had a black lab and he was the best pet. We all adored him.

I am just wondering. The world has more dark haired people than any other color hair, so...

Would it be possible that there are more dark haired dogs than any other color? Does that sound rational? I just find this information so unreal.

TamEva Le Fay

Well-known member

There are so many things in this world that I will never ever understand.
This phenomenon happens to be one of them.

Like Liv, I have a special fascination for black animals.

What most people don't know is that the color Black is actually a color of protection, it has always been so...and that, traditionally, anyone who believed in such superstitions would have a black pet to ward off evil spirits and the like.

Discrimination against black animals goes way back - way, way, way back.

In truth, and in today’s reality, it is the poor black cats that suffer a worse fate at the hands of those sinister groups and psychos who practice animal ritual sacrifice.
And sadly and bittersweet this occurs around the time of my favorite holiday...Halloween.

These disturbed individuals use the poor Kitties in pranks of cruel torture surrounding the holiday as well. I love Halloween, but I also know how vulnerable the Kitties are from the likes of these sub-humans.
It is to the extent now that most animal shelters are hip to this phenomenon and will not adopt out black cats or even white cats 1-2 weeks prior to Halloween, or even the whole Halloween season so as to try to prevent and discourage these atrocities from happening.
Ask your shelters for more info on this topic. Not all shelters are enforcing it, but most are…thank God! Even if it saves one life.

I commend you for having the heart and the where-with-all to be able to make such a difference in their lives. Sparkling Waves you are amazing!

That is quite an amazing story about your Persian Kitty. You kinda, just simply brought the furry creature home and asked questions later - very brave!

Talk about GREAT Karma!
An Angels work is never done!


Well-known member
If I could have 15 black dogs, I would. And they would all be Newfoundlands

I have one and she is the gentlest, sweetest dog ever. She may weigh 130 lbs, but she would never hurt a fly. She's probably drool on it and cuddle with it though!

