Black Dogs Face Discrimination


Well-known member
Thanks so much, Tam Eva Le Fay.

So many people are scared of my black fur angel cat. I ask them - "Why?" They say - "He has something very sinister about him." I reply - "You mean like how he grooms all the other cats and they don't groom him back, the fact he has no teeth, or how he has to greet all the guests that come into the house?"

Then, they will say - "He makes weird noises." I tell them - "That's, because he has nostrils that are a tad bit too small. He is a full blooded Persian."

"Get the old boy a nose job.", I am told. WHAT?!

I clip his hair during the summer. People will actually tell me to get his pooch fixed (tummy tuck). WHAT?! This is a geriatric cat!

I am not getting the fur angel a nose job or his pooch fixed. The vet doesn't have a clue how old this cat is, but he is doing great. He loves to get hand fed, brushed, and greets new visitors despite their opinions of his looks. He is not biased of their looks in anyway.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I've heard that with black cats a lot and have recently heard that with black dogs.

I don't have a preference among animals. When I adopted my cats, I went by whose personality went with mine and potential other cats, any discriminatory feature that might prevent them from being adopted (I have one black cat, one cat prominently blind in his left eye, and one cat who was paired to the blind one), and how long they were at the shelter.

I also echo the sentiment of vets. They all need adopted. When I went to the shelter, there were these males that were crazy (or else, I would have adopted them). They had been at the shelter since birth, so even kitten get passed up


Well-known member
Originally Posted by girlstar
If I could have 15 black dogs, I would. And they would all be Newfoundlands

I have one and she is the gentlest, sweetest dog ever. She may weigh 130 lbs, but she would never hurt a fly. She's probably drool on it and cuddle with it though!



What a beauty!


Well-known member
I am not getting the fur angel a nose job or his pooch fixed.

Omg nose job, tummy tuck for a cat?? People seriously suggest these think... actually no... vet's do these kind of operations?

My cat's black, not fully black but she is sinister lol, she's one of the bossiest, dictating cats out there lol.
This is her, she's actually really photogenic.


Well-known member
I knew that about black cats and dogs, and I never really understood why. I don't know much about black dogs, but black cats are usually the most even-tempered loving cats. The first kitty I ever had (I was only three) was black (and he was abused before we got him), but he was the sweetest kitty. The cat I have now (currently resting and purring by my feet) is also an absolute doll and he's a bear of a cat. He'll come up to and talk to anyone!

I really wish people would be more open minded because they'd probably end up with one of the best pets ever!!

Here is Domino...


And Domino with his buddy Chewy...


Well-known member
There was an article in People about this a while back. It is so sad.

I've never owned a black pet but only because I've never actively set out to get any of the pets that I've had. Except the kitty we just got and I saw her online and fell in love. My sister has a gorgeous black cat named Frank and I just love him to pieces.


Well-known member

I never knew people did this

I actually had 3 black cats in my life (still has one) and my parent's have a black labrador... I don't know why, but I love black cats

People are strange...


Well-known member
All of your pets are so beautiful and SparklingWaves you truly are an angel to do what you do for these poor abandoned animals!!

I'm sure I've posted my story about my black cat Spazz (my bf named her, I call her Princess) on here before. She's a little darling and just so beautiful!! My bf gave her to me as a present and he said they thanked him for taking a black cat at the humane society. I've been there too and most of the cats waiting for adoption are black, it's really sad, some even have been abused. I also know at Halloween there are some really stupid people that go around abusing black cats. I really hate seeing poor innocent animals being treated badly!! I wish I could adopt more pets but right now I really can't afford to, one day though when I own a house I will definitely rescue more.

Here's a couple of pics of my little girl. I love how her eyes look in the second one.


TamEva Le Fay

Well-known member
I'm so blown away by all of the incredibly cute pics of all the babies! OMG!

They're all so photogenic. It seems they're always ready for their paparazzi!

What a bunch of Hams! Hee hee hee!

Thank you for posting them, they've made me misty eyed, but they've really brightened my day and my world.

It's so encouraging that there are so wonderfully passionate people in the world with a heart of gold for the UnderDog...and UnderKitty!


Well-known member
this makes me so sad! my aunt adopted a full-grown mutt named "helen" from the shelter and they had her for five years, until my cousin went to college and they moved from a sprawling farm house in the woods to a cramped apartment in l.a. and so my parents inherited her...she's the sweetest thing ever and everyone loves her.

aw, now all i want to do is hug her!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Paramnesia
Omg nose job, tummy tuck for a cat?? People seriously suggest these think... actually no... vet's do these kind of operations?

My cat's black, not fully black but she is sinister lol, she's one of the bossiest, dictating cats out there lol.
This is her, she's actually really photogenic.

Fur angel looks always dressed for a formal event. Beautiful.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by purrtykitty
I knew that about black cats and dogs, and I never really understood why. I don't know much about black dogs, but black cats are usually the most even-tempered loving cats. The first kitty I ever had (I was only three) was black (and he was abused before we got him), but he was the sweetest kitty. The cat I have now (currently resting and purring by my feet) is also an absolute doll and he's a bear of a cat. He'll come up to and talk to anyone!

I really wish people would be more open minded because they'd probably end up with one of the best pets ever!!

Here is Domino...


And Domino with his buddy Chewy...

I love that name. Look at that fur baby. Domino has a cute side kick. Great pictures.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by RaynelleM
All of your pets are so beautiful and SparklingWaves you truly are an angel to do what you do for these poor abandoned animals!!

I'm sure I've posted my story about my black cat Spazz (my bf named her, I call her Princess) on here before. She's a little darling and just so beautiful!! My bf gave her to me as a present and he said they thanked him for taking a black cat at the humane society. I've been there too and most of the cats waiting for adoption are black, it's really sad, some even have been abused. I also know at Halloween there are some really stupid people that go around abusing black cats. I really hate seeing poor innocent animals being treated badly!! I wish I could adopt more pets but right now I really can't afford to, one day though when I own a house I will definitely rescue more.

Here's a couple of pics of my little girl. I love how her eyes look in the second one.

Oh, you can tell this is a sweet baby! She is a doll. She looks so gentle. My pets have two names. They answer to their names and an a loving nick name too. Ex: Honey - Sunny.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by frocher
This thread has me gotten me all sentimental for my long gone friend.
RIP Porter.

All your animals are beautiful ladies, gorgeous sleek little furbabies.

So sorry about the loss of your fur angel friend.


Well-known member
Fur angel looks always dressed for a formal event. Beautiful.

Ha yes definately.

Though there's some downsides of having black pets, when our dog moults it goes everywhere. There was a 1m² patch of concrete out the back of our place that was COVERED in black hair, it looked like a creepy black moss lol.


Well-known member
It really lifts my spirits to see so many animal lovers here!!!

I have heard the black cat/dog discrimination and I think it is absurd, it really makes me @$%%&^*
when I read things like this. Well below are my angels... My husband and I call them our children, we have a 3 bedroom house with no plans for kids so we spoil and treat them as so! They also know it and act like it too!!

Here is a little bit of info on them:

Lucifer: (From Cinderella) One of the meanest cats I have ever met (hence the name), shelter was anxious to get rid of him that they gave me a 70% discount off their standard adoption fee. He attacks you for no reason and when you try and pet him he attacks you and starts purring?? Shelter said I could exchange him for a nicer cat but they would put him to sleep since no one wanted him. So obviously I kept him, now I love him so much!! I also can't resist his black nose..

Dolce: (Like Dolce & Gabbana) She is my sweet & demanding siamese, also my little princess since she is the only girl, she only weighs about 5 lbs & still looks like a kitten.

Jack: (Jack from Will & Grace) He is my little boy who likes pink fluffy things, my mom named him. I also adopted him from the same shelter as Lucifer, he was really sick & they were also going to put him to sleep if no one adopted him soon, shortly after I adopted him he tested positive for feline asthma.

Dee Bo: (From the movie Friday) He is my wimpy pit bull, he is a big baby that is deathly afraid of Lucifer
but him and my siamese adore each other.

Sorry for the long post but I love my babies..


Well-known member
I feel particularly drawn to black animals. Though i have to say i have only once chosen a pet (gerbil) for it's colour -I was 12 and got my first gerbil, the three of us had one each in different colours and the black one was the only black one so he stood out and looked special. He was my best friend.
All my other gerbils (24 over the past 12 years) have been a variety of different colours and i didn't pick any specific colours.

But i am drawn to black animals for some reason, particularly cats. I'm not superstitious about them or anything.

Edit: SparklingWaves, I love that you call them fur angels -makes me smile. My babies are all angels


Well-known member
Pk85, I am so glad Lucifer has fur angel side kick that understands his heart. Thanks for sharing your beautiful animals and saving them.

Lucifer makes me think about a this mean kid that I knew.

These people bought a kitten for their boy as a Christmas gift. I saw how their child was treating the kitten once and told the parents that he was going to make it mean. They just blew me off. He was so rough with it. The next thing that I saw was scratch marks all over the boy. The kitten was becoming reclusive. The parents kept blaming the animal.

I told them that I had cats all my life and their boy was mistreating the kitten. The kitten got older and they declawed the cat, because they saw how he was scratching up their son. The cat started biting the boy. I knew that the cat was bitting out of self defense. The parents blamed the cat & dumped the declawed cat somewhere out in the woods. I was so outraged.

The boy wanted another cat to "play" with him.

I bet Lucifer's behavior could be explained by how he was treated originally. Thankfully, he does have a safe & loving home now. Thanks to you.