Black Dogs Face Discrimination


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Dog Scouts of America has some really good information.

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I believe that may be why Lucifer is so mean, he was abandoned at the shelter and the shelter is in the process of prosecuting his previous owner for pet abandonment. I don't know the details though but told them they could contact for any additional they may need about Lucifer to help their case.

For now I just let Lucifer be, I'm slowly introducing him into getting petted. I will pet him on his head and even though he is biting me, I continue to pet him so he can see I'm not trying to hurt him. He has come a long way from how he behaved when I adopted, now he will sometimes lay on the bed with me and purr..... I still can't pet like I would love to but we are slowly getting there.

Stories like that break my heart & I can't understand how people can be so cruel. Just like the stories you hear of people being cruel to little babies, the man that cooked his baby in the microwave is in court right now. I saw the highlights of the trial last night on the news.


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cutewithchris covered this topic in a few podcasts.

My boyfriend has a black dog! He's very sweet.


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I'd heard about discrimination against black cats (and about people adopting them around Halloween so they could torture them) but never anything about black dogs. So ridiculous. The only reason I can see not to have a black dog is if you have white carpet and furniture.
Although---my black cat sheds on my white clothes and my mostly white calico sheds on dark clothes. Such smart kitties to be able to coordinate how they shed!

All four of our pets are rescue critters. The black cat was likely dumped in our neighborhood. We passed out flyers, put ads in the newspaper and such but after a week, we realized that she was going to be our cat. Took her to the vet and he sort of yelled at me, asking when the cat had gone into heat. Turns out that when he opened her to be spayed, she was about two weeks pregnant with eight kittens. She's a very noisy cat and I'm sure her heats were loud and annoying so that's probably why she got dumped.

The dogs are probably sisters---they were abandoned by a couple who got a divorce and lived around the small town my DH lived in at the time. They hung around the church and the parsonage and finally convinced him that they were HIS dogs. However, before he adopted them, they got pregnant---probably by the same dog---and had little black puppies. Sounds like an episode of the Jerry Springer show! (Ironically, my husband was married to his ex-wife at the time---they later divorced and the divorce was quite traumatic for the dogs.)

Our other cat is a dilute calico, though we often refer to her as a deluded calico. The folks at the shelter were SOOOO happy that she was adopted out---at first I thought it was because she needed a home but then found out that she had been quite the terror in her foster home. She also gave birth before she was adopted and the shelter people named her little black male kitten "Lucifer", probably expecting him to have the same boisterous attitude as his mother. Silly cat---she thinks she's a dog and the dogs sometimes act like cats. We have weird (but much loved!) critters!

BTW, when I lived on a farm, we had no cats until a neighbor gave us a pregnant black and white female. She gave birth to two black male kittens, one black female and one black and white female. Before we moved to that farm, none of the neighbors had black cats but after our two toms were old enough to roam around, quite a few farm families had black kittens! The one cat was stereotypical tomcat mean but the other was a sweet, goofy, gentle wuss. Having my black cat now reminds me so much of the farm cats, especially the big, goofy Fred.

Getting back to the topic at hand, maybe a reason people don't adopt black dogs is because so many black dogs are big: labs, Newfounlands, Chows, pit bulls. I'm not thinking that many all-black dogs are small---daschund and maybe Corgis, but any others? And there aren't that many all-black (or all-white dogs) anyway, are there? One of my puppy girls is cream and tan and the other is shades of brown, mixed with black. (I told her she has a nose like a Siamese and hope she understood that it was a great compliment!)

Anyhoo, interesting thread!


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Originally Posted by liv
I picked out my own very first pet (a farm kitten from a family friend's farm) and I specifically wanted (so my mom says) one was all black, so I have a soft spot for black animals. She was so pretty and mysterious looking, and had green eyes like me, so I had to take her home. Actually, all-black cats are still my favorites, I could never understand why people thought they were bad luck, especially around Halloween.

When I was living in England, I discovered that the British people (at least the people I knew
thought Black Cats were a sign of *good* luck


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Originally Posted by TamEva Le Fay

What most people don't know is that the color Black is actually a color of protection, it has always been so

I mostly wear Black for this very reason, & I have, since my early teens. Many people really don't understand that I wear alot of black because the Color seems to repel negativity...

...and that, traditionally, anyone who believed in such superstitions would have a black pet to ward off evil spirits and the like.

Our "familiars," of course
I did have a Black kitty once, but my Life changed, & little Black kitty remained with my ex.

Talk about GREAT Karma!
An Angels work is never done!

Yes, I think SparklingWaves is an angel, too! All these lucky fur
angels... xxCherylFaith


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i have a black dog. we used to have another black dog. and one before that, too. a couple of black kids when i was a kid.

i find this article kind of difficult to believe. i know alot of supersticious people don't like black cats, but black dogs? i don't know...i see black dogs at people's houses all the time. maybe things are different where this article was written though.


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I don't understand how someone would not adopt a cat or a dog becaue they have a black face. It's stupid in my opinion.
I think dogs and cats with black faces are just as adorable and loving as any other dog or cat.

Good on you for rescuing these munchkins


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I've actually noticed that in my family... I have a white and a black dog... everyone loves the white dog and my aunt who loves dogs wont touch the black one because she thinks it looks "evil". Seriously, she is a grown woman! WTF. I think it has to do with the fact that usually dogs eyes are pure black (or at least the part you see) and my dog has a really hairy face so you basically can't see his face (eyes/nose) unless he's right up in your face.

I just love dogs though- shape, size, color... if I had the space I would take them all.


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I am so glad that these articles about black dogs/cats are making people aware of this problem. About a year ago, we had to have our German Shorthaired Pointer, Willie, put down unexpectedly. He was our fur baby and we had him for 9 1/2 years.

We decided then to adopt a dog at the Humane Society. I didn't want a puppy because I knew a lot of people adopted puppies and that the bigger dogs didn't get adopted as quickly. After walking through the kennel area, I came across a black lab mix who was just sitting quietly in his kennel. He had been transferred to our Humane Society two days earlier from another county because he wasn't adopted and they would have destroyed him (our Humane Society takes the big black dogs from other counties who are not getting adopted so they aren't destroyed). After taking him out in the socializing area, I fell in love. He was so sweet! We adopted him that day.

That night he got very sick and I had to take him to the vet ER. He had a bad case of kennel cough along with a respiratory infection. After two rounds of antibiotics and breathing treatments at the vet's office twice a day for a week, he recovered. I can't imagine our life without him. He loves my kids and is a great dog. If I had a bigger house, I'd adopt more big black dogs. Jake is a beautiful dog and it makes me sick to think that he could have been destroyed had our Humane Society not taken him just because of his color. I applaud all of you who adopt black animals!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lizardprincesa
I mostly wear Black for this very reason, & I have, since my early teens. Many people really don't understand that I wear alot of black because the Color seems to repel negativity...

I agree. I'm more comfortable in black than any other colour.
Originally Posted by lizardprincesa
Our "familiars," of course

yes they are
i think of my pets (7 gerbils) as familiars.

On the subject of black animals, i lost my most recent black gerbil a couple of months ago, here's a pic of Bee, my lovely-sleepy-mardy baby

Sir Xaph and Amberlilith's Photos: 2006_0921gerbils0053.JPG