Boob Nazis, Bottle feeders, and discretionary tactics

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Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
So why not just bring a bottle with you for when you know your going to be out? This way you can feed your baby whenever and wherever if there is no place avail to be discrete about it?

Some babies get serious nipple confusion.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous

If you aren't able to breastfeed, that's one thing, but not breastfeeding out of conveneince or soemthing I think is doing a disservice to the child. There have been so many studies done that show breastmilk contains a lot of important things in it to strengthen babies' immune systems for life. Children who weren't breast fed have a statistical inclination to be more ill in life, that's a proven fact. I guess it's just a question of how healthy and strong you want your child to be in later life.

And the above is a perfect example of why I refuse to discuss any future decisions I make about my baby with anyone (save for my OB). It's unnecessary and ridiculous for you to judge people which is exactly how your comment is/was read by others.


Well-known member
Raerae, usually moms who can't stay at home with their kids will use a breast pump. You pump for 10-15 min every 4 hours or so and then store the milk that is expressed. That milk can be saved for up to 6 mos in a deep freezer.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACHOMULA
Raerae, usually moms who can't stay at home with their kids will use a breast pump. You pump for 10-15 min every 4 hours or so and then store the milk that is expressed. That milk can be saved for up to 6 mos in a deep freezer.

Right I understand that. Which is why i didn't understand why it's so hard to just bring a insulated bottle with you when your our and about.

Another Janice!

Well-known member
^^ Babies are prone to nipple confusion. Lactation nurses will even tell new moms to not even use pacifiers. Also, packing bottles is just one more thing to do....and for what? Baby is with me. He eats from my body. To make *some* ppl feel more comfortable? Sorry Charlie, turn your head if you don't want to look.

I nursed my first son for 6 months, and my youngest for 8. I worked full time with my first son. I managed a restaurant. There was no way I could have pumped. By the time I got home, my boobs were so heavy and full, I was bursting. He had formula during the day (when I returned to work) and I nursed him when I was with him. It is easier for a baby to get milk from a bottle than the breast, so they get lazy and will actually reject the breast...which is exactly what happened with my first son.

Like someone said earlier, breastmilk is a business of supply and demand. With my youngest, I only worked part time, so I could pump and freeze for when I was at work. He had no issues going from breast to bottle and back and forth.

I was the mom walking around Target, with a blanket over my shoulder, nursing the two week old. The baby would kick, the blanket would fall off, and for a few seconds, someone might have gotten an eyeful. Wasn't like I wasn't trying to cover myself, things just happen.

Breastfeeding was the best OPTION for was cheaper and more convienent.


Well-known member
I guess what I don't understand is why it's such a big deal. It's a boob. There's a wee baby nursing from it. AND it's a boob doing it's job. Because they weren't slapped on us to be oogled. They were put there to feed babies. And as for feeding babies in washrooms - if they're so clean etc why aren't more folks going in there to eat their lunches? I won't eat in a bathroom at the mall, I wouldn't expect someone to feed their child in there.

I tried to nurse my son. I gave it a decent shot (2 weeks) before it became apparent that it just wasn't allowing us to bond. I have flat nipples (I know TMI :p) and he couldn't latch on. As a result I had open cuts like canyons on my nipples, and each time my very very hungry son would latch on it was like someone stabbed me with a thousand needles. Not conducive to a good experience for either of us. At that point I really really didn't need to hear from people that I was a quitter and giving up - but I did. Each woman is going to make her choice. Hopefully it's an educated one. But raising a baby is a hard hard task and we owe it to women to be supportive no matter what they choose. Sure, providing them with information to make those choices is good, but once they've made their decision, support them, don't berate them OR make it more difficult to do what they choose by telling them to "hide that breast for heavens sake, it's offensive."


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Originally Posted by Shimmer
'all natural' moms scare me, I won't lie.
Over protective moms annoy me.

I can't stand those communities you're talking about, those women are crazy.

I'm an All Natural Mom.


Do I scare you? haha, I'm kidding. I respect other people's choices but I hate when mien aren't respected. Know what I mean?


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Originally Posted by Ladybug10678
I call myself a lactivist. I don't use formula to feed my children. Ever. I couldn't care less what you feed your child as long as it is age appropriate and keeps them healthy. I think breast is best, absolutely, but in the end, as long as it isn't soy milk and apple juice...

I call myself a lactivist because I'm very passionate about my rights to breastfeed when and where I choose, not because I think everyone should do it.

I TOTALLY agree. <3


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Originally Posted by Raerae
lol... I think they just get off on it ;p Anyone who breastfeeds kids for several years like 3+ has issues lol.

That's a very ignorant statement and TOTALLY untrue and insulting. There are TONS of benefits to extended breastfeeding.


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Originally Posted by Raerae
I didn't say nursing was wierd. lol. I plan on breastfeeding. I said it should be private. And yes it is intimate. It's not intimate in a sexual way, but it is intimate, and it's not something I think should be shared in the public. I think it's just selfish for mothers to disregard everyone around them to breastfeed. When it's just as easy for them to get up, and do it discretely. There are a lot of "natural" things that are done privateley. Not to mention many stores, malls, and public places offer maternity space in the bathrooms.

What is was refering to as "wierd" is children who are obviously old enough to not need to be breastfed, still being fed that way by their parents, and in the public. When your 3-year old is grabbing for your boob in public, maybe it's time to put him on a different diet...

Edit- As i said earlier, if your useing a blanket or smoething to cover, that fine. it's when I see women with their shirts unbuttoned sitting on the bench in the mall, exposed to everyone, thats what I'm not comfortable with.

I will NEVER feed my child in the bathroom. Bathrooms are dirty, noisy, and not places where children should eat.


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Originally Posted by Raerae
Because when your in public, there are a lot of things that that you DON'T do, even if doing them would make you more comfortable. Public space belongs to the public, which means you make sacrifices while out and about in it, to make sure your being respectful to everyone around you.

Must be a Texas thing. Public bathrooms are generally very sanitary in SoCal. Not to mention many of them offer maternity sections, especially in the newer malls, and buildings, to give mothers privacy when changeing their kids, nursing, or watever. There not all just walk in to a sink, and a row of stalls. Many of them have lounge's before you even get into the bathroom area to make waiting more comfortable if there are people ahead of you.

So yeh... If you have smelly disgusting bathrooms regularly, perhaps a change of venue would provide better accomodations?

You may not like my public breastfeeding but THE LAW protects me and there is NOTHING you can do about it.


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Originally Posted by tsukiyomi
I'm an All Natural Mom.


Do I scare you? haha, I'm kidding. I respect other people's choices but I hate when mien aren't respected. Know what I mean?

LOL I wasn't trying to offend.
The whole respecting others' choices thing is a big deal to me, and quite a few times the 'natural' moms have kind of run rough shod over my own choices as a mom.
So, no, you don't.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pumpkincat210
No, you don't have to be a stay at home mom. You can pump your breasts and save the milk for up to a day
Longer if you freeze it.

That's what I do!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
So why not just bring a bottle with you for when you know your going to be out? This way you can feed your baby whenever and wherever if there is no place avail to be discrete about it?

Because it's more convenient to feed her from my breast.


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Originally Posted by Shimmer
LOL I wasn't trying to offend.
The whole respecting others' choices thing is a big deal to me, and quite a few times the 'natural' moms have kind of run rough shod over my own choices as a mom.
So, no, you don't.

I'm glad.
I am so sorry that mothers like I have insulted you. It puts a damper on my type of mothering.



Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Originally Posted by tsukiyomi
That's a very ignorant statement and TOTALLY untrue and insulting. There are TONS of benefits to extended breastfeeding.

I'd sure like to know them...

Please explain to me how my future three or four year old will benefit from me breastfeeding for 3+ years? And when should I make him/her stop? 5? 6? 7? 8? 9? 10?


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Originally Posted by tsukiyomi
You may not like my public breastfeeding but THE LAW protects me and there is NOTHING you can do about it.

Thats really the attutude that I think causes this type of polarization of the issue. There are LOTS of things are are LEGAL and protected by LAW that make others incomfortable. But as considerate people living in a community, we put aside some of our personal liberties when in public space.

It's also perfectly legal for me to take pictures of you in public, breastfeeding, and post them all over the internet. I'm sorry if that would make you uncomfortable. You might not like my amateur paparatzi photography, but THE LAW protects me and there is NOTHING you can do about it.

I mean seriously. Thats why this country is so f'd up and sue happy. People have stoped careing about the community, and only care about themselves as an individual. And when asked to bend a little because they are in public, they start crying that their personal liberties are being violated. And we wonder why this country is so divided on racial and cultural lines. But thats a completely different topic.


Well-known member
It's interesting to me how your attitude rather expects that the world cater to you.
Others aren't comfortable with a lot of skin showing? WHO CARES! You've got the body for it, flaunt it.
Others aren't comfortable with the idea of using your body/looks to get the things you want? Who cares! You've got the looks to make people fall for it.
Others aren't comfortable with the Hollywood clique et al running about hither and thither being party girls who are famous for being famous and little else? Who cares! They're having fun, who cares if they're driving while intoxicated, or doing a little smack on the side, or railing some coke before they go out? BIG DEAL! They're having fun.

Yet a mother breastfeeding their child in public makes you uncomfortable.

That, my dear, is the height of hypocrisy.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
That, my dear, is the height of hypocrisy.

Not really Shimmer. Mothers who breastfeed in non discrete ways in public are by FAR the minority. It's not as if you see overly exposed women breastfeeding on a daily basis. Which is the point all the pro public feeders seem to consistantly ignore, even though all of them who breastfeed have indicated that they have used a blanket or done it as privateley as possible. I've stated time and time again, discrete public feeding is FINE. It's the blatent disregard to even attempt to cover up that I'm protesting.

I'm sorry Shimmer, but breastfeeding or not, I don't want to see your engorged breasts/nipples in public. It has nothing to do with the baby eating and everything to do with showing yourself like that publicly is gross. Just because your lactating doesn't suddenly make it ok to put yourself all out there for everyone. I dont want to be eating in a restaruant as you flash everyone in sight because you have an urgent need to breastfeed at the dinner table. There is no reason that can't wait till after you leave the restaraunt, the baby isn't going to starve if you wait another 15 minutes to feed it.

I'm not saying don't breastfeed. I'm saying, when you do it, take into consideration everyone else around you. Because when you choose to do this, you need to understand that it's NOT a common sight, and it does make a lot of people uncomfortable. So if you are planning on doing it, be discrete, and use a little common sense on the locations you decide to do it in.
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