Boob Nazis, Bottle feeders, and discretionary tactics

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Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Originally Posted by Raerae
As long as it's not in public (public bathroom being the exception), or if done in public, it's in a discrete manner where your covered I have no problem with that. The baby isn't going to starve in the few minutes it takes to get to a private spot, or a bathroom. Women who insist on breastfeeding in public while they are exposed are just being inconsiderate to everyone around them.

I think you do have the right to breastfeed when and where you choose. But I also have the right not to see your breasts, have my future children see your breasts. A breast is still a breast, just because your lactating doesn't suddenly make it appropriate to show them in public.

Then teach your kids that breastfeeding is a perfectly normal way for moms to feed their children, and that it's not dirty, gross, naughty, sexual, or anything else like that.

Granted, discretion is the better part of valor...and of course a nursing mother should remember that, but usually (and I say usually here) there's no more visible when a woman breast feeds than there is when a woman is on the beach. To say that breastfeeding is offensive should also encompass going to the beach and demanding that women in bikinis cover up with towels, as it's "just indecent".


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Originally Posted by Shimmer
Then teach your kids that breastfeeding is a perfectly normal way for moms to feed their children, and that it's not dirty, gross, naughty, sexual, or anything else like that.

Granted, discretion is the better part of valor...and of course a nursing mother should remember that, but usually (and I say usually here) there's no more visible when a woman breast feeds than there is when a woman is on the beach. To say that breastfeeding is offensive should also encompass going to the beach and demanding that women in bikinis cover up with towels, as it's "just indecent".

I think it's more the intimate act that I think should be done privately. Breasts in a bikini, aren't being suckled. And not to mention, it's not always just infants, that are being breastfed, sometimes it's toddlers, and sorry, thats just wierd to do in public.


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Feeding a child is not an 'intimate' act. It's a natural necessity that all mammals are given the tools to do.
It's weird to YOU.
Unfortunately, the other six billion people on the planet may not always share your position.


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I think some of the boob nazis (I think they even proudly call themselves that) believe that the milk must go directly from the breast to the child with no bottle in between. Something about bonding.

The bonding was a wonderful experience that I shared with my daughter which was why I was persistent about nursing. But again, if she was totally against it, I would've bottle fed my milk for as long as she needed.

About nursing in public...
I agree with Shimmer.

Then teach your kids that breastfeeding is a perfectly normal way for moms to feed their children, and that it's not dirty, gross, naughty, sexual, or anything else like that.

Personally, I would wear a Zoey Luna or something similar to cover myself up because I'd rather not expose myself to the public. I'm a little conscious about my boobs in public in the first place.


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Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Originally Posted by mzcelaneous
Personally, I would wear a Zoey Luna or something similar to cover myself up because I'd rather not expose myself to the public. I'm a little conscious about my boobs in public in the first place.

I understand, and please, no one think I am advocating just plopping the ol' tit out and not covering with a blanket or anything at all. That's NOT what I'm saying.
I'm simply saying it's not gross, or grody, dirty, naughty, disgusting, or any other negative adjective.


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Originally Posted by Shimmer
Feeding a child is not an 'intimate' act. It's a natural necessity that all mammals are given the tools to do.
It's weird to YOU.
Unfortunately, the other six billion people on the planet may not always share your position.

I didn't say nursing was wierd. lol. I plan on breastfeeding. I said it should be private. And yes it is intimate. It's not intimate in a sexual way, but it is intimate, and it's not something I think should be shared in the public. I think it's just selfish for mothers to disregard everyone around them to breastfeed. When it's just as easy for them to get up, and do it discretely. There are a lot of "natural" things that are done privateley. Not to mention many stores, malls, and public places offer maternity space in the bathrooms.

What is was refering to as "wierd" is children who are obviously old enough to not need to be breastfed, still being fed that way by their parents, and in the public. When your 3-year old is grabbing for your boob in public, maybe it's time to put him on a different diet...

Edit- As i said earlier, if your useing a blanket or smoething to cover, that fine. it's when I see women with their shirts unbuttoned sitting on the bench in the mall, exposed to everyone, thats what I'm not comfortable with.


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Originally Posted by Raerae
Edit- As i said earlier, if your useing a blanket or smoething to cover, that fine. it's when I see women with their shirts unbuttoned sitting on the bench in the mall, exposed to everyone, thats what I'm not comfortable with.

Why is your comfort level more important than hers or her child's?

The bathrooms may be occupied, smell bad, or simply disgusting. Do you wish to eat your dinner in a bathroom? Or seperated off from other people?


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

I nurse discreetly in public. I would never, under any circumstances, nurse my child in a restroom. That is just disgusting.

I'll be honest, if someone is grossed out by my discreet nursing, during which you generally can't see anything but an infant head and a teeny bit of the skin on my chest, that's their hang up, not mine. The only comfort I'm concerned with is that of my child. If it makes someone so uncomfortable, they should really just stop looking.


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Yep, I googled boob-nazis as well and fell upon on LJ. The woman got scolded from the staff because she posted a picture of her breastfeeding. What you see is basically her breast, along with her child sucking on her nipple.

"After the jump, a taste of the breastfeeder's response.

In what way do you classify a photograph of an infant nursing, the single most natural act between a mother and child, as graphically sexual or violent in nature -- or indeed, as sexual at all? Breastfeeding is not a sexual act. It is not a violent act. This icon in no way violates your state Terms of Service"

I'm not against nursing in public but you know, not everybody wants to see a boob hanging out while a baby gently sucks on it. As long as it remains discreet, it's completely fine. Some women just completely expose their breasts like that, as if it's ok and completely normal, because HEY! they're lactating, which makes it completely ok, right? Yes, it's a natural necessity, but just like peeing and sex, both natural necessities, it can wait until the appropriate place is found. What is one natural necessity that is done publicly, aside from eating and drinking? Anything involving body parts is usually hidden, because face it: we just haven't reached that moment in time yet where exposing oneself is completely normal and okay.

It's not about being grossed out. It's about knowing that some women don't have the respect to keep their "natural necessities" away from the public eye. The child is not sucking on a finger, it's sucking on a breast. And yes, to some that is shocking, not matter how urgent the situation is. It's not because it's considered "sexual". It's mostly the breast-in-public aspect of it.

I think that's where the boob nazis get it wrong: They should cover up, because frankly, I'm not interested in seeing their fully exposed breast feeding their baby, now matter how deep and caring, but above all, BETTER than all other mothers, Mother Nature intended for them to be.


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Originally Posted by GreekChick
Yes, it's a natural necessity, but just like peeing and sex, both natural necessities, it can wait until the appropriate place is found. What is one natural necessity that is done publicly, aside from eating and drinking?

Please, someone tell me that I'm not the only one who sees the irony in this statement.


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Originally Posted by Ladybug10678
Please, someone tell me that I'm not the only one who sees the irony in this statement.

*Falls of chair laughing*


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Originally Posted by GreekChick
Yep, I googled boob-nazis as well and fell upon on LJ. The woman got scolded from the staff because she posted a picture of her breastfeeding. What you see is basically her breast, along with her child sucking on her nipple.

"After the jump, a taste of the breastfeeder's response.

In what way do you classify a photograph of an infant nursing, the single most natural act between a mother and child, as graphically sexual or violent in nature -- or indeed, as sexual at all? Breastfeeding is not a sexual act. It is not a violent act. This icon in no way violates your state Terms of Service"

I'm not against nursing in public but you know, not everybody wants to see a boob hanging out while a baby gently sucks on it. As long as it remains discreet, it's completely fine. Some women just completely expose their breasts like that, as if it's ok and completely normal, because HEY! they're lactating, which makes it completely ok, right? Yes, it's a natural necessity, but just like peeing and sex, both natural necessities, it can wait until the appropriate place is found. What is one natural necessity that is done publicly, aside from eating and drinking? Anything involving body parts is usually hidden, because face it: we just haven't reached that moment in time yet where exposing oneself is completely normal and okay.

It's not about being grossed out. It's about knowing that some women don't have the respect to keep their "natural necessities" away from the public eye. The child is not sucking on a finger, it's sucking on a breast. And yes, to some that is shocking, not matter how urgent the situation is. It's not because it's considered "sexual". It's mostly the breast-in-public aspect of it.

I think that's where the boob nazis get it wrong: They should cover up, because frankly, I'm not interested in seeing their fully exposed breast feeding their baby, now matter how deep and caring, but above all, BETTER than all other mothers, Mother Nature intended for them to be.

The attitude about breasts (and sex in general) in this part of the world never ceases to amaze me.


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Originally Posted by Ladybug10678
Please, someone tell me that I'm not the only one who sees the irony in this statement.

Ha. Just noticed that.
Feeding your child with the bottle in public, fine, I don't see the problem.
How can you not see that breast feeding is different from that? Seriously?


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Originally Posted by Shimmer
The attitude about breasts (and sex in general) in this part of the world never ceases to amaze me.

Like I said, society hasn't come to accept exposing breasts yet, which yes is a shame, but when you know that people aren't "into" that, why do some people chose to do it? It's just asking for criticism.
And my attitude towards sex isn't hostile. I do think it's a private act though. You seriously wouldn't get offended if you saw 2 ppl going at it in the park somewhere? It's like screaming "We couldn't respect you enough to find a room".


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Originally Posted by GreekChick
You seriously wouldn't get offended if you saw 2 ppl going at it in the park somewhere? It's like screaming "We couldn't respect you enough to find a room".

But making babies is totally different than feeding your baby. I don't get how those two go hand in hand :shrug:


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

I'm 11 weeks pregnant. All my life I've been a "nay" for kids. Then I stopped taking BC because, frankly, I was sick to death of it. I let nature take its course. If I got pregnant fine, and if I didn't that was fine too. Needless to say, 2 months after stopping BC, I was pregnant. The universe apparently thinks I need to reproduce for whatever reason. My husband was thrilled to say the least, but I digress.

On the topic of breastfeeding: My boobs are sooooper sensitive...even when I'm not pregnant. I don't like them touched by my husband, doctor, whatever. Because of this, I doubt that I'll be able to actually breastfeed (i.e. kid on boob), but I'm not above pumping to give my child breast milk.


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Originally Posted by mzcelaneous
But making babies is totally different than feeding your baby. I don't get how those two go hand in hand :shrug:

I see your point, and they don't. But what society sees as a whole is that, for both these acts, "sexual" body parts are exposed, which is interpreted as a lack of respect for the people around you.
Not a lot of people buy into the whole baby thing: exposing your breasts on the beach and exposing your breasts to feed your child don't differ for some.


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Originally Posted by GreekChick
Ha. Just noticed that.
Feeding your child with the bottle in public, fine, I don't see the problem.
How can you not see that breast feeding is different from that? Seriously?

Because the action is the same thing. End result is that my child is getting the nourishment they need to grow and survive. If someone else is uncomfortable with that, too bad for them. I don't go out of my way to expose myself when I'm nursing and if that isn't enough for someone with hang-ups about breasts, I flat out don't care.

On a side note, bottle feeding isn't always an option for every infant, either.


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Originally Posted by Shimmer
Why is your comfort level more important than hers or her child's?

Because when your in public, there are a lot of things that that you DON'T do, even if doing them would make you more comfortable. Public space belongs to the public, which means you make sacrifices while out and about in it, to make sure your being respectful to everyone around you.

The bathrooms may be occupied, smell bad, or simply disgusting. Do you wish to eat your dinner in a bathroom? Or seperated off from other people?

Must be a Texas thing. Public bathrooms are generally very sanitary in SoCal. Not to mention many of them offer maternity sections, especially in the newer malls, and buildings, to give mothers privacy when changeing their kids, nursing, or watever. There not all just walk in to a sink, and a row of stalls. Many of them have lounge's before you even get into the bathroom area to make waiting more comfortable if there are people ahead of you.

So yeh... If you have smelly disgusting bathrooms regularly, perhaps a change of venue would provide better accomodations?


Well-known member
Re: Children -- yay or nay?

Originally Posted by Shimmer
The attitude about breasts (and sex in general) in this part of the world never ceases to amaze me.

This part of the world?

Being insecure about sex, body, etc, is a tool of control, used globally. Thanks religion.
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