Boob Nazis, Bottle feeders, and discretionary tactics

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Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae

It's probably just not a common enough occurance to have any real documentation on the subject. I kinda lost credability with the milkmen website when they started talking about how with the power of his mind, he willed!!! himself to lactate, and then haveing no desire to breastfeed, willed himself to stop.

It could be willed, but that would have to be a really willing man along with nipple stimulation.
I know when I was learning to breast feed the nurse told me to concentrate on the milk flowing and it worked.
Also when I was out without my baby and another baby would cry, my milk would drop and leak through my shirt so I had to make sure to wear special bra pads for it! Don't underestimate the power of the mind!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pumpkincat210
Also when I was out without my baby and another baby would cry, my milk would drop and leak through my shirt so I had to make sure to wear special bra pads for it! Don't underestimate the power of the mind!

Thats all pretty natural though. There are a lot of external stimulants beyond just the physical that can stimulate our bodies to do different things. Starting to lactate at the sound of a baby crying would seem to be a pretty normal reflex for a nursing mother, since your body is conditioned by your baby crying.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
So what if she's 26 and still wants to feed?

Edit~ Not to mention the ticker in your sig only goes for 12 months

LOL, are you serious? Wow. I'm not even going to dignify that ignorance with an answer.

The ticker goes for however long. It's cut into 12 months but it will go farther. LOL.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tsukiyomi
LOL, are you serious? Wow. I'm not even going to dignify that ignorance with an answer.

The ticker goes for however long. It's cut into 12 months but it will go farther. LOL.

OK , well How about if your child is 10 and still wants to breast feed?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tsukiyomi
LOL, are you serious? Wow. I'm not even going to dignify that ignorance with an answer.

The ticker goes for however long. It's cut into 12 months but it will go farther. LOL.

Don't you think breastfeeding your child for a long time can cause deep dependancy issues?
Your breast is your breast, and no matter how far the ticker may go, and how much your child may still want it (child here= about 3 yrs and up), not only are you preventing him/her from reaching autonomy, you're also accepting that he/she reaches for your breast whenever hunger arises, at any given situation.


Well-known member
You know, for ladies who don't like other people judging you or others for their opinions, choices, sure are hypocrites.

If you don't like public breastfeeding, don't look. Don't like seeing a toddler breastfeeding? Don't look. Don't like seeing a 5 year old breastfeed? Don't look. You want a mother to put a blanket over her child's head while they eat? First, put one on your head while you eat, then tell her again. You want a mother to take her child into a filthy bathroom to eat? You take your plate in their first, sit on the toilet and eat and then tell her again.

Stop making mountains out of mole hills and stop judging people for what they do.


Emily, the Lactivist


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GreekChick
Don't you think breastfeeding your child for a long time can cause deep dependancy issues?
Your breast is your breast, and no matter how far the ticker may go, and how much your child may still want it (child here= about 3 yrs and up), not only are you preventing him/her from reaching autonomy, you're also accepting that he/she reaches for your breast whenever hunger arises, at any given situation.

No, I think forcefully weaning my child would cause more issues. I believe that my child will wean herself when she is good and ready.


Well-known member
I think though, children need to learn independence of self, and part of that IS the weaning process. Naturally speaking, all animals will forcibly wean the infant when the time is appropriate as far as physicality goes.
There's no NEED to suckle from the breast at 4 5 6 7 8 + years of age, there's no need. Pump it and put it in a cup if the kid likes the taste that much and the benefits are that important.
But the psychological dependence really does make a difference when it comes to a child being that old and feeding. Boundary issues arise that perhaps wouldn't be problems were the child not still feeding at the breast.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I think though, children need to learn independence of self, and part of that IS the weaning process. Naturally speaking, all animals will forcibly wean the infant when the time is appropriate as far as physicality goes.
There's no NEED to suckle from the breast at 4 5 6 7 8 + years of age, there's no need. Pump it and put it in a cup if the kid likes the taste that much and the benefits are that important.
But the psychological dependence really does make a difference when it comes to a child being that old and feeding. Boundary issues arise that perhaps wouldn't be problems were the child not still feeding at the breast.

I see what you are saying. I also think that my daughter will learn independence on her own schedule. Personally, I won't go past 4 years of age with breastfeeding. But I don't judge those that do and I completely support it.


Well-known member
I don't judge those who do either, but I do question the outcome, because it's pretty solid in life, seeing children who are allowed to depend on their parents for support and who never develop independence of self, because of breastfeeding, enabling, whatever, that those children become inefficient non functioning adults.
Too many kids are coddled along by mom and dad, cheered for every move, every milestone, large or small, and develop narcissistic complexes and codependency issues, which leads their functionality as an adult being compromised.


Well-known member
I don't think children learn independence on their own, I think they have to be taught how to be independent. Giving them what they want certainly isn't going to help them be independent , because thats all they know, they haven't been taught otherwise.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
I don't think children learn independence on their own, I think they have to be taught how to be independent. Giving them what they want certainly isn't going to help them be independent , because thats all they know, they haven't been taught otherwise.

I believe that they learn independence by growing out of the things they are attached to.


Well-known member
That's the thing though. People, children in particular, will do what they're allowed to do, regardless of age, etc.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Having seen many 20somethings practically be kicked out of their parents' homes (they had the money to live on their own, being home was just so convenient and free), I think some people need to be forced out of their comfort zones.

I know I fought like hell not to go to kindergarten, because I didn't want to be away from home/my mother.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tsukiyomi
I see what you are saying. I also think that my daughter will learn independence on her own schedule. Personally, I won't go past 4 years of age with breastfeeding. But I don't judge those that do and I completely support it.

So why didn't you just say this earlier? So you do believe there is a limit to the age when it's appropriate to breast feed. You may not speak out against others who do differently, but you personally believe there is a limit, with regards to your child. A lot of this thread could have been avoided if you didn't beat around the breast so much.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
That's the thing though. People, children in particular, will do what they're allowed to do, regardless of age, etc.

Exactly. Thats why children require their parents to set boundaries, and teach them right from wrong, and morals, and whats socially acceptable, and whats not.

Independance isn't doing whatever you want whenever you want. It's knowing whats acceptable to do when, and where. And as a infant, your not born with a set of rules telling you whats ok, and whats not ok to do. Your parents teach you those values.

I STILL remember my Mom telling me, "Thats nice... Let it stay there" when I would make requests as a child for things I felt I needed. And as a kid, i wanted, EVERYTHING. Doesn't mean I got any of it. It's not a childs decision to decide whats good or bad for it, thats the job of a parent. And as I got older, she still made decisions for me, but also started letting me make them on my own, but only with her approval.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
So why didn't you just say this earlier? So you do believe there is a limit to the age when it's appropriate to breast feed. You may not speak out against others who do differently, but you personally believe there is a limit, with regards to your child. A lot of this thread could have been avoided if you didn't beat around the breast so much.

I wasn't. I believe my child will wean herself before 4.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tsukiyomi
I wasn't. I believe my child will wean herself before 4.

What will you do if she doesn't?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
What will you do if she doesn't?

I will deal with that if or when it comes up.
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