California - Prop 8 - PASSED


Well-known member
I am shocked as well


Well-known member
I'm very sad & disappointed about this as well. This was something that was very important to me to & I am so disgusted that it passed.


Well-known member
I, too, am frustrated and saddened about this. And you know? It was SO MESSED UP the way they worded the proposition. That you had to vote "no" if you wanted to support gay marriage. I bet there were a few people (at least) who didn't realize that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sharkbytes
I, too, am frustrated and saddened about this. And you know? It was SO MESSED UP the way they worded the proposition. That you had to vote "no" if you wanted to support gay marriage. I bet there were a few people (at least) who didn't realize that.

Yes i agree. I dont think a lot of people were educated enough on prop 8 to know the "truth." Im not a CA resident, and only 2 weeks ago did i know what prop 8 was... The way they worded it sounded like voting yes would protect your marriage and equality rights for straight and gays. But its the complete opposite of that...


Well-known member
I am stunned by this result. Beyond disappointed. I'm still trying to grasp that this actually passed.


Well-known member
Very suprising. I cannot believe that it would pass. Any couple no matter what they are should be able to join in marriage.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xxManBeaterxx
Yes i agree. I dont think a lot of people were educated enough on prop 8 to know the "truth." Im not a CA resident, and only 2 weeks ago did i know what prop 8 was... The way they worded it sounded like voting yes would protect your marriage and equality rights for straight and gays. But its the complete opposite of that...

That's really sad but it also highlights the necessity of education prior to voting.


Well-known member
That passed in Tn a couple of years ago, but it was something like 70- 80% . The wording was weird . But people were talking so much about it beforehand. Churches and news that you knew that no would mean you were for rather than against.


New member
EDIT: refreshed my news page and it is now 92% reporting wil prop 8 yes leading by 52% BUT it is still too early to call!

actually at this moment (6:41 am wed nov 5 2008) the polls do show it looking likes its gonna pass, 53.1% on yes 46.9 on no BUT only 60% of precincts are reporting at this moment .. i hope our country justs lets this thing die! it is truly unfair!

Originally Posted by xxManBeaterxx
California Proposition 8 (2008 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Prop 8 bascially bans gay marriage, and will change the california state consitution to say marriage is exclusive to a man and woman only.

52.4 to 47.6 per cent, pro proposition 8

Wow, i am shocked... I never expected this to pass.....

What happened to equality?



Well-known member
Originally Posted by sharkbytes
I, too, am frustrated and saddened about this. And you know? It was SO MESSED UP the way they worded the proposition. That you had to vote "no" if you wanted to support gay marriage. I bet there were a few people (at least) who didn't realize that.


It's just so wrong.

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
I don't get the big deal about this. They're people like everyone else and deserve to be treated equally especially by a country that promises so many freedoms (even though there are limits I know), it wouldn't hurt anyone by allowing them to marry.


Well-known member
This is the only damper on my mood this morning. And what a damn damper it is.

WHEN will people in this country realize that the Constitution says ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL!?!?

I feel like the anti-gay sentiment in this country is similar to the Macro below....

Perhaps one day people will realize how silly this all is....

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Damn. That's a huge rain cloud. I don't understand CA, though. They're a "blue" state, yet Schwarzenegger is the governor and now they do this.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
Damn. That's a huge rain cloud. I don't understand CA, though. They're a "blue" state, yet Schwarzenegger is the governor and now they do this.

I'm sure someone is going to get up in arms over this, but I think it has a LOT to do with Hispanic immigrants. They make up a large number of Catholics, who were rallied by their churches to vote for this proposition. Conversely, I think they tended to vote more Obama than McCain for other reasons.