California - Prop 8 - PASSED


Well-known member
I'm quite surprised that this passed, and I'm living all the way on the other side of the country. I really do feel as though the wording may have thrown off a lot of people, and I agree that it's imperative to be educated about the issues before going to vote. I don't see what is so difficult about allowing anyone who wants to get married be able to do that, but I know that not everyone else sees things that way.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
I'm sure someone is going to get up in arms over this, but I think it has a LOT to do with Hispanic immigrants. They make up a large number of Catholics, who were rallied by their churches to vote for this proposition. Conversely, I think they tended to vote more Obama than McCain for other reasons.

Every endorsement over the radio was about this, they made sure to drill it into everyone's head! It got ridiculous really and I think it was all to do about the tax exempt status being taken away... They would rather nullify a beautiful union to save money then give a percentage more to the government. I'm sorry but I am sickened.

Immigrants few and far between come over and prosper to become the ones high on the tax bracket, but they make up the majority because that is what America is... a whole bunch of immigrants looking for change. Some have just been here longer, unless you are Native American.


Well-known member
i guess CA people doesn't grow up yet
. let's hope SOMEDAY we ALL will have the same thought that everyone is equal. it's hurt that people still can't accept gay/lesbian marriage/life. but for all gay/lesbian ... right now you married your partner in heart & mind is a matter
meanwhile let's keep the faith that gay/lesbian is also human.. human who has the same right to this world.


Well-known member
I don't know why people just don't mind their own business. Who decided, "hey, let's start bossing people around and dictate how other people should live their lives, when it has nothing to do with us at all"? Yeah great idea! Let's have our government decide what people are allowed to do with their own lives, even when they aren't hurting other people or even bothering other people.


Well-known member
I'm really not suprised that it passed. We also had a similar proposition here in AZ, and I bet that we will as well.

Anyhow... if someone voted "incorrectly" because they did not understand it, then that is their fault. That's why you gotta read each proposition carefully before you vote and be educated on what you are voting for or against.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lapis
This makes me so sad, taking away ppls rights

The right to bear arms is next, correct? Or am I getting the wrong info...


Well-known member
I'm very sad that this passed. I know that there were other props. about gay marriage, and allowing gays to adopt, but i had faith that California would do the right thing. That it would be a leader. I'm so happy that homosexual couples are allowed to marry in Canada.

So what does this mean for Californians that are already married? Is their marriage now void? Does this go into effect immediately?

I'm very happy the "Life at the moment of conception" prop. didn't pass in Colorado. That would have been messy.


Well-known member
this is awful.

this might be a dumb question, but could gay/lesbian couples from california be able to go to another state & get married??


Well-known member
Still trying to wrap my head around this one. As a native Californian, I am just so sad about this. In my opinion, we got this one wrong. I live in the SF bay area, and so many of us are just shaking our heads over this. Wow.


Well-known member
I'm interested too...How does this affect the couples that are already married? Or does it? I have to be honest I haven't really kept up with this particular prop...But I have always supported the right to choose.


Well-known member
I cried before I fell asleep last night...I am beyond disappointed! And everyone is right, they totally didn't even word the prop correctly. There wasn't even anything in there mentioned about gay marriage being taught in schools. I mean come on, who remembers learning about marriage in general while in elementary school? I don't! I think that if a kid has to learn about marriage in school, then that kids parent isn't doing their job. Plus the advertising for "Yes on 8" was bogus! ugh! It's like people thought that by voting "yes" that all homosexuals would suddenly just disappear. Grrr...I better stop before I become even more angered.


Well-known member
Didn't pass in Florida either. That sucks!!!! Everyone should be free to love and marry who they want!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
I'm interested too...How does this affect the couples that are already married? Or does it? I have to be honest I haven't really kept up with this particular prop...But I have always supported the right to choose.

hmm. good questions. typically, marriages are given 'full faith and credit' accross the states. i don't know how DOMA plays into this either, because hasn't it been rejected by certain states like cali, but affirmed in others?

i think i will mosey on over to lambda legal and try to find an answer.

could be another question like in loving v. virginia?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xxManBeaterxx
Yes i agree. I dont think a lot of people were educated enough on prop 8 to know the "truth." Im not a CA resident, and only 2 weeks ago did i know what prop 8 was... The way they worded it sounded like voting yes would protect your marriage and equality rights for straight and gays. But its the complete opposite of that...

I have to admit living in california with all of the adds on vote yes, vote no-made it very confusing as to which direction was allowing or banning the proposal. But on the ballet it was VERY clear.

I knew exactly what I was voting for when I voted


Well-known member
FLORIDA's Amendment 2 passed - Define Marriage as 1 man and 1 woman

Originally Posted by joey444
Didn't pass in Florida either. That sucks!!!! Everyone should be free to love and marry who they want!

I awoke to that realization this morning.

I was surprised it surpassed the 60% needed to pass. (Ours was called Amendment 2 - Define Marriage as one man and one woman.)

I've wondered, too, how people who were married in one state not have their marriage recognized in another state. Doesn't my driver's license give me the right to drive in any state of the union? So should anyone's marriage license be recognized by another state.

glassy girl

Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
I'm sure someone is going to get up in arms over this, but I think it has a LOT to do with Hispanic immigrants. They make up a large number of Catholics, who were rallied by their churches to vote for this proposition. Conversely, I think they tended to vote more Obama than McCain for other reasons.

Wow wow this is far from the truth at least 4 me and my family our church never rallied us into anything , i have a mind of my own so i chose what i felt was right,( so please DON't generalize) Also i live in a community inculding myself of hispanic Americans who actully did't vote for Obama,(so whatever u meant by that) But now that it's over and Obama won i'm behind him 100% and looking forward to a better tomorrow!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ohnna-lee
The right to bear arms is next, correct? Or am I getting the wrong info...

yeah, I've heard this. I'm from Texas. I have no idea how that will go over here. I would say half the people I know here have guns.

Originally Posted by xxprettyinblkxx
I...Plus the advertising for "Yes on 8" was bogus! ugh! It's like people thought that by voting "yes" that all homosexuals would suddenly just disappear. Grrr...I better stop before I become even more angered.

That is kind of how I feel about this too. It's horrible that because some people harbor hate in their hearts, that a large number of people have to suffer. I personally believe that everyone has the right to the pursuit of happiness, and if that means a gay marriage, than that is what they should get. I'm not sure about Cali, but here in Lubbock, TX gay marriage IS and probably always will be illegal. Heck, here they don't even teach proper sex education. I didn't go to high school here, and I'm damn lucky for it. I wouldn't even know what a condom was, unless someone told me it was one of "Satan's tricks for immorality" because there was an article I read here, not so recently, but it was expressing the "immorality" of the use of tampons by Christian women. I was like SERIOUSLY?!?! WTF?!??! I was expecting them to try and ban the sale of tampons just like the ban the sale of any and ALL alcohol sale here too. I can't wait to leave Lubbock. Of course, because of all of the lack of sex education, we have one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the State. Maybe even the nation. I'm not sure because it's depressing to check.

But, I'm sorry that Cali passed Prop 8. I can totally sympathize. I have Gay and Lesbian friends here who suffer everyday because of their community. It makes me sick every time I think that a community would do that to it's citizens.