Originally Posted by ohnna-lee
The right to bear arms is next, correct? Or am I getting the wrong info...
yeah, I've heard this. I'm from Texas. I have no idea how that will go over here. I would say half the people I know here have guns.
Originally Posted by xxprettyinblkxx
I...Plus the advertising for "Yes on 8" was bogus! ugh! It's like people thought that by voting "yes" that all homosexuals would suddenly just disappear. Grrr...I better stop before I become even more angered.
That is kind of how I feel about this too. It's horrible that because some people harbor hate in their hearts, that a large number of people have to suffer. I personally believe that everyone has the right to the pursuit of happiness, and if that means a gay marriage, than that is what they should get. I'm not sure about Cali, but here in Lubbock, TX gay marriage IS and probably always will be illegal. Heck, here they don't even teach proper sex education. I didn't go to high school here, and I'm damn lucky for it. I wouldn't even know what a condom was, unless someone told me it was one of "Satan's tricks for immorality" because there was an article I read here, not so recently, but it was expressing the "immorality" of the use of tampons by Christian women. I was like SERIOUSLY?!?! WTF?!??! I was expecting them to try and ban the sale of tampons just like the ban the sale of any and ALL alcohol sale here too. I can't wait to leave Lubbock. Of course, because of all of the lack of sex education, we have one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the State. Maybe even the nation. I'm not sure because it's depressing to check.
But, I'm sorry that Cali passed Prop 8. I can totally sympathize. I have Gay and Lesbian friends here who suffer everyday because of their community. It makes me sick every time I think that a community would do that to it's citizens.