Originally Posted by jenii
That was kind of uncalled-for.
But, whatever, I get why some people might not believe it.
I think it's perfectly possible for a girl to have a platonic relationship with a man. But I truly do believe that deep down, every man given the chance, would hook up with his female friends. I mean c'mon, I know you've caught your guy friends (even your best ones) looking at your boobs =p I really just dont think they can just, "turn off" the attraction. What do you think he's thinking about when he does that?
I dont personally have any BFF's that are guys. I just dont see how we would have anything in common. It's not like I can talk to them about things like who's hot, embarassing moments with guys, things I done with men that I'm not proud of, etc. Secrets that only my best friends know, and that I really wouldn't want any of the guys I know, knowing. Not to mention talking about other really important things like BC/Pregnancy and the hopes, wishes, and fears that I have regarding that. Silly things like feeling bloated, or being bitchy because of my period. Or like how I'm excited about getting to help my Mom with the flower arrangements for her house, because I've always wanted her to teach me. Plus we get to spend the day going to all the really neat silk flower shops and interior design stores to pick out materials. I guess maybe if you were more into things that boys like to do you might have more in common, but there are still just things you don't about with men, no matter how close you are. Add in what I said in the first paragraph, and it's like mixing oil and water.